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Amanda - Week 9 - POV winner


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I think besides just not liking Aaryn, Elissa told her that Amanda has ran all of her hoh's and she should think for herself and what would be best for "her" game. If she's in jury and f2 was MANda and Aaryn she would vote for MANda because Aaryn only did what she was told to do by MANda and didn't think for herself.

I'm still thinking she's going to back door MANda, that's why she wants people on the block that can win POV. Also if left the same others would really want Mcnasty out because they would tire of MANda bullying. I don't think that getting Aaryn out is bad either, she is good do to go with meds on comp with questions or memory and Elisa knows that

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I really hope she goes up a the replacement nom. She was a wreck when she was on the block knowing she was safe. If she is actually on the block with the threat of going home, she's going to have a breakdown... and I'd absolutely love it! I bet she would dig her own grave faster than any other HG in the history of BB.

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Amanda seems to really believe that no one has the right to put her or McVile on the block. Ever since the comp she has had a dead eyed look on her face. One night soon the cameras will pick up a weird shape crawling up onto Elissa bed. It will be Amanda with a plastic knife held in her teeth.

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I really hope she goes up a the replacement nom. She was a wreck when she was on the block knowing she was safe. If she is actually on the block with the threat of going home, she's going to have a breakdown... and I'd absolutely love it! I bet she would dig her own grave faster than any other HG in the history of BB.

I bet she would throw a pretty entertaining meltdown.

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Didn't Elissa make sort of a deal with Ginamarie? I don't think she'd renege on that.

I wouldn't. Ginamarie seems pretty loyal to people who don't put her up. I wouldn't want to mess with that. She could win HOH next week and then you would be safe!

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As I was sewing and thinking" how great would it be if Aaryn did win POV and she replaced MANda with her, I would love to see how they throw each other under the bus. Arryn and Andy would have to decide which one to keep. Bet both would chose Mcnasty. But if Mcnasty wins and she puts up MANda with Aaryn would MANda still be safe? And they lie to her all week swearing she is safe and then boot her butt out! This hopefully will be a great week. One of the 3 am out the door!

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Amanda seems to really believe that no one has the right to put her or McVile on the block. Ever since the comp she has had a dead eyed look on her face. One night soon the cameras will pick up a weird shape crawling up onto Elissa bed. It will be Amanda with a plastic knife held in her teeth.

I did see a bit of fear when Julie announced someone was coming back into the game.

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Have always disliked her and nothing has changed! Really hope she goes out instead of Mcnasty. :sleep1:

But if McNasty goes Amanda will be so horrible to live with and I think they all need to suffer the torture of Amanda stomping around the house.

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Remember the other day when Amanda jumped all over Elissa and Helen for "bullying" Andy when they told him if he didn't vote for Helen, he would have targets he never had before? I just read where Amanda pretty much did the same thing to Elissa earlier today.

Oh how the tables can turn.

That's one thing that I can never understand about the players in this game. You have to be aware of how you act when you are on top because it always comes back on you when you're on the bottom.

It will be interesting because Mcnasty knows Amanda will prob be the replacement.

This would be the best moment of the season. The time between the veto meeting, replacement meeting, and the days before eviction would make this season for me if those 2 were on the block at the same time.

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I admire elissa for exactly how she handled amanda in the kitchen and then up in HOH. She laughed at her. Then, when mccrae wisped onto the scene in HOH, tried unsuccessfully to incriminate aaryn, yawned and plopped down (so tired; always with the tired), she listened for a bit and then told them she needed to go to bed. I loved it.

No matter the outcome; I like you right now, elissa.

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