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Helen - Week 8 - Evicted (Aug. 22) Juror #3


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Helen and McCrae were talking in the lounge - talking about how Elissa was giving Aaryn some flack before the HOH comp tonight. Helen was saying that she's pretty sure that Aaryn will put up her and Elissa and McCrae was BS'ing her saying she will probably put up Amanda and Elissa. Then the signal goes down and when it comes back Andy and Elisa are there also.

Helen also saying if she won, she was going to put up Aaryn and Spencer (I doubt that).


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It will be so sweet to watch the look on Helen's face when she realize that she voted out all the people that really wanted to play with her. Although I despise Aaryn, I think it will be poetic if Helen is sent home by her since Helen was the one that decided to keep Aaryn because she couldn't win any HOH's and Kaitlyn could.

ITA! Helen got rid of everyone who was working with/for her... It would be awesome if she goes next week! Karma at its best! :hurray:

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At the same time, McCrae and Aaryn are talking in the kitchen, and McCrae is peeved at Elissa saying "if she don't want to be here she should just fucking walk". McCrae saying - "that's someone who doesn't care about anyone but herself". Back in the HOH room Amanda is comforting Helen and GM is talking angrily towards Elissa the way she did toward Candice. Elissa is public enemy #1 - good job Helen.


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Amanda and Spencer said they enjoy watching Helen cry.

Amanda says "no matter what Helen is gone this week. She threw Jessie under the bus and Jessie was telling the truth. And now she is throwing Elissa under the bus. But little does she know, she's the one that needs saving... Mwhahahaaaa"

I know that was funny!!! I don't like Amanda and them but I do want to see Helen backdoored. Even if she may return to knock her off her high horse! Hopefully she realized that all the people she personally sent out the house had her back except for Judd! And she too know that she is clueless about this game!
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OMG if I have to hear Helen tell Aaryn that she is Janelle one more time I am going to puke into my keyboard

:notworthy::laugh4: ..i'm getting so sick of Helen's cheerleading ..she is so full of it, can't any of these robots see through her act? when she is evicted ..i hope it comes back to haunt her that she should never have trusted mcCranda..and Andy saying it's not time yet to get them out should have given her a freakin clue that he is only loyal to the amazon witch and her brain dead boy toy

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I do hate Helen but my hate for Amanda is deeper. Was hoping Helen would win HOH only to see Amanda/McCrae on block.

i'm holding my breath and hoping that SOMEONE, ANYONE will grow a pair and put Amazon and useless on the block!!!! that would be a great week..it would be so fun watching them against each other.. :kiss1::lookaround:

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It's funny Julie ask Helen, "when y'all will makes some big moves?" Hellen told her they did makes some big moves(what a joke). She help get rid of the wrong people(Howard and Candice). She could have use them to get rid of the main threat McCranda. Then try to get Howard because they don't need him anymore. But she's too blind not to trust to Andy and McCranda.

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Guest 6Borders

I am so sick of Helen and her phoney cheerleading crap. Telling Aaryn "you are Janelle" (I'm not a Janelle fan but I am terribly insulted on behalf of Janelle over that remark); over and over with "you are amazing...awesome..." and "turn that frown upside down"! I kept waiting for "go team" and a couple of cartwheels!

The icing on the cake was telling Jessie "I have no recollection of that" (I'll reserve comment on the arena she probably learned that in and just say that makes her sound both incredibly stupid and a flat out LIAR!).

I hope she is evicted, does not win POV and since the jury-return comp will probably be fair if Amanda is not participating, the other 3 have a good shot against Helen, and will probably be treated better in the house than she would be as a returning player.

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I am so sick of Helen and her phoney cheerleading crap. Telling Aaryn "you are Janelle" (I'm not a Janelle fan but I am terribly insulted on behalf of Janelle over that remark); over and over with "you are amazing...awesome..." and "turn that frown upside down"! I kept waiting for "go team" and a couple of cartwheels!

The icing on the cake was telling Jessie "I have no recollection of that" (I'll reserve comment on the arena she probably learned that in and just say that makes her sound both incredibly stupid and a flat out LIAR!).

Well you are much nicer than me I want to vomit when I have to watch her anymore. I love the I don't recall comment all the while showing the clip of her doing just want she was accused of. LOL. I really thought after Julie read that tweet that she would obsess all night about how dare people think they are making big moves she after all is in charge and all she does is make big moves. I went back to watching the first 48 on Thursday nights because of her.

I hope she is evicted, does not win POV and since the jury-return comp will probably be fair if Amanda is not participating, the other 3 have a good shot against Helen, and will probably be treated better in the house than she would be as a returning player.

well I screwed something up because of where my comment went oh well.

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Helen asked Andy to have a minute alone with Aaryn, and Helen figures that Elissa is going up, and she is pushing for Spencer to be the second nominee. I have included several other images to illustrate Aaryn's attempt at being totally emotionally blank - it is as transparent to me as Helen's "I am everyone's best friend" routine. Almost as if she is attempting to prevent her thoughts from reaching her eyes...... :)


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Helen asked Andy to have a minute alone with Aaryn, and Helen figures that Elissa is going up, and she is pushing for Spencer to be the second nominee. I have included several other images to illustrate Aaryn's attempt at being totally emotionally blank - it is as transparent to me as Helen's "I am everyone's best friend" routine. Almost as if she is attempting to prevent her thoughts from reaching her eyes...... :)


This one looks like she threw up in her mouth a little bit.

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Now she's crying because Elissa said she will walk out of jury and Helen sees an opportunity to shift the target away from her. She is upset because if Elissa leaves she won't have any votes in jury. It's all about Helen.


How funny when she sobbed that if she (Elissa) refuses jury, then I'm losing a vote - to a room full of people who are ALL sending her to Jury, where she won't need any votes. The camera panned the faces of the silence to this remark - PRICELESS. I laughed out loud.

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