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Helen - Week 6


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helen takes fake to new heights.

with friends like helen who need friends :animated_bouncy:

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I think Helen is trying to figure out how to fall and not look fake.

you called it :animated_bouncy:

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Helen talking to GM and she is so proud of her and her loyalty voting for Howard. Helen won the BBQ and can invite 3 HG and Helen asked if GM would go and GM declined and said give it to someone that really wants it.

Helen taking Aaryn to the BBQ because Helen said she did such a good job for her last week.

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with friends like helen who need friends :animated_bouncy:

She probably doesn't have many in real life.

She's crying that she deserves the win because she gave up being around her children? I've wondered how any mother could leave young children for months with no contact. It's not even like the money is a sure thing.

I suspect that she's a crappy mother. Maybe her kids are better off with a break from her.

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Helen talking to Judd on the feeds. She is bashing Jesse and saying the has never lied to her or yelled at her and she has been nothing but nice to her. She doesn't know why Jesse was scheming against them.

In Helen's mind she is the only one allowed to lie and form alliances and if you cross her you deserve to be evicted.

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I don't think attempting to earn money for your family makes you a bad parent. I have kids and if BB offered me a spot I'd take it. As long as you have a support system in place for your kiddos I do not think it will do them any damage.

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She and her husband probably talked it through and did it for the money. 500K minus about 30% is a good nest egg for a summer's work. Kids are resilient and it would not surprise me to learn that she has significant familial back-up on the kid front.

I wish that I liked helen because she is one helluva BB gameplayer. Unfortunately, I can barely stand to watch/listen to her frenetic ramblings. In her goodby message to howard she told him that she hoped he understood once he saw how things came down.

I'm thinking howard wishes your head in a toilet, helen.

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