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Amanda - Week 6 - 3rd Nominee


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she is beyond confident

being so over confident is never a good thing :animated_bouncy:

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Was really hoping all this racial crap would die down but noooooooo.

until so and so and so and so and so is out of the house....... :animated_bouncy:

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This bit is so nasty she is already laying claim to the HOH room, and I think she thought she was going to get it for a week.. LMAO this girl no boundaries.

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Can someone clue me into the reason why everyone dislikes Amanda so much now? I haven't been doing anything more than watching the broadcast shows for the past few weeks (because anything more would be too painful as far as I am concerned) and she gets a great edit. The last time I was on here and up to date on the feeds people liked her!

Edited by Shrinra
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Can someone clue me into the reason why everyone dislikes Amanda so much now? I haven't been doing anything more than watching the broadcast shows for the past few weeks (because anything more would be too painful as far as I am concerned). The last time I was on here and up to date on the feeds people liked her!

Most people here dislike her now because she has been two faced. Calling out Aaryn for racial remarks but making similar remarks herself. That and being somewhat of a bully. Her and Helen seem to be running the house with their alpha female personalities. Personally I admire her game play.

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I'm not trying to smear Howard's name, but the incident with Amanda keeps coming up, and the fishes haven't been fast enough. She said that they put her in the DR immediately after, reviewed the tapes to see if she was in a threatening environment. Andy insisting to Candice that he saw their body language, and something was definitely not right between them. Candice still in denial over the situation.

Amanda brings it up again and this time we get fishes for a couple minutes.

Aha! Its on youtube! Right at the beginning, bottom right is Howard whispering in her ear.


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OMG Amanda is going after Jessie HARD! 1:57 BBT no video only audio

Amanda yelling at Jessie, calling her a f*cking bitch, screaming that shes a slut, and that she wants McCrae, she's sitting with her legs open, this is crazy! Amanda yelling that Jessie's going home this week and that she's a baby for crying because she didn't get invited to the BBQ that Helen won.

This is who Amanda REALLY is. A big Sasquatch bully. She is acting worse than Jeremy ever did.

This is BS, CBS is covering the whole fight with fishes. Really sucks :(. Fishes up forever. Sigh. Some people (like me) stayed up all night for this drama and they are censoring it all. What a waste.

Feeds come back, and Aaryn says they're screaming outside, but they wont show the BY only the HOH. Aaryn and Spencer open the BY door you hear Amanda yelling, but no video.

It is 3:00 am BBT, and Amanda and Jessie are still arguing. Jessie wants to leave. Andy saying that although Amanda is making valid points in her arguments, she is being a bully.

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is the incident with Howard true, did he say that to her?

Nobody knows but my answer is no because the feeds keep switching everytime she mentions it! She tells everyone but tell them not to tell Howard or Candace! She tells Candace the day howie leaves so he can't defend himself! Now if it was true bb would have shown it! Instead they switch feeds when she mentions it so they can't be sued!
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My dislike includes all of the above and also includes rather violent talk where she says stuff about cutting a girl in the houses throat so she would be limp and could be passed around so guys could anally f*** her. Among other high caliber statements.

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BBT 3:10 feeds back

Amanda is arguing with McCrae now, she said "You never have my back". She's telling him he is playing a great game, he's nobody's target.

I think the Adderall, Xanax and wine combination is catching up with her. :)

Elissa walks in and says, Tell Matt when you see him, and fishes are back. This is ridiculous.

Who's Matt? See Jessie thread, post #8.

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Can someone clue me into the reason why everyone dislikes Amanda so much now? I haven't been doing anything more than watching the broadcast shows for the past few weeks (because anything more would be too painful as far as I am concerned) and she gets a great edit. The last time I was on here and up to date on the feeds people liked her!

I like her game playing and see her racist remarks as being something she thinks it ok to say because she knows she has had intimacy with people of those races she speaks of and including saying things against Jews since she is a Jew. She thinks she is off the hook for being thought a racist. She will be surprised to find that a lot of people are certain that she is racist due to the remarks. She does need that wake up call but I do not think she is really a racist. I think she is crude and willing to make gross violent remarks at people who cross her. I think her real estate selling will suffer due to how she is seen on BB. I do not like her but I think she can change and develop a good character.
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I think that amanda is still that chubby, insecure, loud, mean little girl left off the invitation list because nobody liked her - with good reason. None of them would be around her now if they didn't have to. Excepting freakos andy and mccrae. They take what they can get.

Amanda is awful.

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And these people watch her nasty backstabbing game play and they still have her back. She disgusts me.

I am also disgusted with CBS production for protecting her and putting a halo over her head.

Off to go watch flashbacks.

Amanda and her fiance up in HOH bed she is still harping on him. Very hard to hear and fish keep popping up.

Oh and now sex time - off to go watch flashbacks of last night.

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Wow I have lost all faith in production.

I am watching the flashbacks last night. The HG talking about Amanda and Jessie screaming in the backyard. The have all 4 cameras in the HOH so we can't hear. They slip the camera to the kitchen and hear crazy screaming so all cameras flip back up the HOH where we can't hear the screaming.

Why is CBS trying so hard to protect Amanda????

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I wonder if Queen Amanda's blowup(s) will be put on Sunday's show? My guess is no. :kwasny:

I doubt it too!

Wow I have lost all faith in production.

I am watching the flashbacks last night. The HG talking about Amanda and Jessie screaming in the backyard. The have all 4 cameras in the HOH so we can't hear. They slip the camera to the kitchen and hear crazy screaming so all cameras flip back up the HOH where we can't hear the screaming.

Why is CBS trying so hard to protect Amanda????

So she can win BB! They have to protect her image!!!

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