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Amanda - Week 6 - 3rd Nominee


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I would love to be a fly on the wall when Amanda finds out America put her up TWICE (so far) But being the narcissist she is I'm sure she'll play it off. At this point BB is so corrupt with their "live" not live eviction Thursday night, we wont be able to enjoy Aaryn's eviction and the LFU's are exposing Amanda for the awful person she is. Every week that goes by her inner ugliness is more and more evident. I say WE keep putting her up so even if she doesnt go home, we can enjoy her misery

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Amanda future husband is there now and she is shouting at the love of her life. She said Aaryn is being a f'ing selfish player. She is questioning McNasty's loyalty.

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Guest 6Borders

Sadly, Judd, Andy and McCrae have expressed to Amanda that if she were to go home their game would be screwed. I don't think she's going anywhere anytime soon.

Hawk, I don't think so either but she is in trouble right now. McCrae and Judd have been trying to diffuse the situation but she is going to go off on the entire house unless she wins the MVP, and if she does win it she will be lording it over everyone and being a nasty winner. Either way there is BIG DRAMA coming down the pipe.

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You think maybe Grodner realizes that she can't save Amanda anymore with all the articles exposing the truth about how horrible Amanda is... We might see Amanda finally NOT getting the good edit on the show?

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From the updates page today: "Amanda is upset McCrae went up and talked to Aaryn. McCrae says he was trying to calm her down. Amanda says McCrae knows how to say the wrong things, it makes her feel like finding a harpoon and shooting him in the eye with it."

She has very deep-rooted anger issues. I think they should all be fearful of her.

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I said it before, McCrea will hopefully see her for who what she is and stay away. She is going to mess up his game. So hope Spencer wins POV and takes down Jessie. I don't think he will use it on Candance since she went all crazy on him.

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I guess Elissa isn't too far off base when she talks about Adderall being used to give people advantages since obviously Amanda felt the need to take it right before the POV competition.

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Guest 6Borders

You think maybe Grodner realizes that she can't save Amanda anymore with all the articles exposing the truth about how horrible Amanda is... We might see Amanda finally NOT getting the good edit on the show?

Personally, I don't think so. Grodner doesn't really give a flying HOH about anything but money and the whole deal with Aaryn allegedly brought in something like a million new viewers (don't quote me on the numbers) and now the Amanda publicity is keeping the ratings at the top. Hollywood does not run on being liked it runs on keeping your name in the news. CBS has their disclaimer at the beginning of every show, feeds and even commercials, so that pretty much takes them off the hook.

Echo gave a very good analysis of how the selection of reality show contestants is broken down which seems to be pretty spot-in if you think about it. As for Amanda being pre-selected, I would absolutely say it could be true. I don't put a lot of trust in someone who was "until recently" a CBS employee because it sounds like sour grapes, either fired or disgruntled and if she really had knowledge of what was going to happen as far as safety nets she should tell what she knows and exactly how it will go down. Otherwise, it's just a prediction any of us could make and be just as correct.

Every comp and consideration and safety net that could be put in place to keep a player in the game would be very easy to do. Careful timing of a special power when a Grodner favorite is in danger would also be easy to implement because there is so much wiggle room on a show like this (and has been done time and again).

I suspect Amanda is in no danger this week. She will either win POV or one of the other two will be voted out. I'm sure BB wants her on the jury for drama if no other reason, if they can't keep her in the house without being overly blatant about it.. America can keep voting her as the 3rd nom until such time as the house wants Amanda (or any player) gone and then the MVP vote will be someone else.

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She is in the Havenot room reading the Bible all by herself now with a few sniffs now and then.

Now a big crowd in the havenot room comforting Amanda -

She seemed to have caused a little scene during the POV ceremony asking for the POV medal.

Then after Amanda and Candice got in a fight.

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I guess Amanda told Candice that Howard would rather have his c*ck in her then Candice. I guess there was a huge fight.

That is so gross it sounds like something Amanda would say - I hope we get to see it Wednesday

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We should see on the show of the POV comp where Amanda was trying to make a deal and have the the guys give her the POV.

Amanda got 48 hours of 50 shades of Orange. She has to get up every hour or something. That should put her over the edge.

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We should see on the show of the POV comp where Amanda was trying to make a deal and have the the guys give her the POV.

Amanda got 48 hours of 50 shades of Orange. She has to get up every hour or something. That should put her over the edge.

I agree. Much whining until she (and us) can't take it, anymore.

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We should see on the show of the POV comp where Amanda was trying to make a deal and have the the guys give her the POV.

Amanda got 48 hours of 50 shades of Orange. She has to get up every hour or something. That should put her over the edge.

OK, I give. What's 50 shades of orange? :stupid:

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Anybody else think its funny the two Adderall bullies feel victimized? Their self perception is so damn twisted. Aaryn blaming Candice for her crap. Amanda blaming the MVP. Aaryn thinks its poetic justice that Candice is going home in a clown suit inspired by HER clown.21tkXUu.jpgflYgLFg.jpg

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