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Helen - Week 2 (Nominated)


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Helen right now is my #1. I hear she has a plan to get Jeremy on the block and evicted. Sounds interesting. I hope it doesn't backfire on her and hope she can get the votes. Not sure if the moving company still thinks they need him.

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Helen right now is my #1. I here she has a plan to get Jeremy on the block and evicted. Sounds interesting. I hope it doesn't backfire on her and hope she can get the votes. Not sure if the moving company still thinks they need him.

Helen and Candice for figuring out the alliance

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I just hope she doesn't trust the wrong person which I think she is (Spencer) because I could see the MC easily turning this around if they get wind of Helen's masterplan and/or they decide she's too smart to keep her in the game.

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she makes me a little nervous in that she declares to Aaryn and the mean girls how she tries to distance herself from Elissa but then she seems to be bff's with Elissa to her face. I want to like her but afraid she is going to waffle between power groups.

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I just hope she doesn't trust the wrong person which I think she is (Spencer) because I could see the MC easily turning this around if they get wind of Helen's masterplan and/or they decide she's too smart to keep her in the game.

Agree. Helen has a tough road ahead.

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I just hope she doesn't trust the wrong person which I think she is (Spencer) because I could see the MC easily turning this around if they get wind of Helen's masterplan and/or they decide she's too smart to keep her in the game.

Spencer and McRae (I think) will definitely vote to keep Jeremy. At that point whoever is left of Helen and Elissa, Amanda and Candice will all know where Spencer and McRae are at in this game. Helen and/or Candice will figure it out.

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Helen is very smart. She knows America is in "love" with Elissa and will keep voting her MVP. Now if Elissa leaves who will America vote for?? Yep the one that aligned with her.

I don't usually vote but Helen is my favorite. She will get votes from people who think she is playing a good game and also votes from the Elissa fans for MVP.

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Guest 6Borders

Helen's playing it just like a politician (or a BB Producer)..smile and make promises you have no intention of keeping to ppl who will vote for you, and kick them to the curb once you have their money and their vote!

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Helen and Andy talking strategy. IDK what is going on because I was away for a while, but I can tell you this - Spencer's name is flying around like crazy, as well as Kaitlin's and Nick's. Elissa may still have some life left in this game, but it is a looong way until evictions.

Oh I forgot to mention Helen is crying again.

Helen Cry Count = 7 8 9?

One other thing: Helen brings up "How can you vote out the person that America wants?"

She is referring to this: How can we, the HG's purposely vote out the person that America has voted the MVP?

This MVP crap is ruining the whole season. All the HG's are factoring the "MVP factor" into their decisions, and it is just stupid. They are isolated in the house, America should have no input. Once again I call "Bullshit" CBS.

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Helen is going heavy on Andy. She is adamant that America will be pissed if they vote out Elissa. She keeps saying that over and over.


Helen said she will tell Elissa to put up Nick in Jeremy's place. Helen is hammering that they can't make America mad.

Helen told Elissa she has to put up Nick and Elissa agreed.

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Helen is going heavy on Andy. She is adamant that America will be pissed if they vote out Elissa. She keeps saying that over and over.


Helen said she will tell Elissa to put up Nick in Jeremy's place. Helen is hammering that they can't make America mad.

Helen told Elissa she has to put up Nick and Elissa agreed.

not shock helen would turn out to be miss afraid to get rid of america's favorite for fear of being dislike

honestly i wonder why those type of folks even try out for bb to begin with

helen is one of those votes if she was on the jury would go to whoever she felt was america's favorite at the time :animated_bouncy:

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Quite a few lumps in the game this season and Helen is one of them. It's all "blah, blah, blah." I think she likes to hear herself talk. They need to stop worrying about what America thinks and just play the game.

Guess you could not call Helen a firecracker. :D
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