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McCrae Olson (Pre-season)

Guest 6Borders

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Guest 6Borders



Name: McCrae Olson
Age: 23
Hometown: Oak Grove, Minn.
Occupation: Pizza Delivery Boy
Marital Status: Single
Three adjectives that describe you: Funny, observant and calculating.
Favorite Activities: I love playing ice-hockey out on the ponds. I also love reading comics and playing video games. Typical boy stuff.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the “Big Brother” house? Just having my own privacy. It’s going to be tough having cameras on you 24/7 and trying to find a little peace in there.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother:” My strategy is to play like James from Big Brother 6. Play smart when you need to, play physical when you need to and lay low.
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least? My favorite player is of course Will Kirby. The way that man played the game is like watching the most beautiful ballet ever. It just seems like his mind was built for this game. There is something so beautiful about it.
What are you afraid of? Mice and ventriloquist dummies.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Right now I am working on this cartoon that I created and wrote. I am so proud of it.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is…Don’t take life too seriously…have a little fun with it.
What would you take into the house and why? A book, pen and paper. A book because I love reading and it’s going to be tough not reading anything in the house, and pen/paper because then I could write scripts, skits and draw to entertain myself.
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous? I would use that fame to tell better stories through the video medium.

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He seems nice enough, but how "calculating" can you be if you're 23 and still delivering pizzas. I mean pizza delivery is OK at any age if you're using the cash to get to a better place, but I think he'll be living with mom and dad a long time. I'm keeping an open mind, I mean we don't really know any of these people yet.

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super fans so i am prepared to hear "all" of his vast bb knowledge throughout the season

wished he had a longer video

probably will be a sentimental fan favorite

if he can manage to fit in i can see him going far

fitting in will be his issue

i hope he isnt so calculating and observant that he comes off down right weird

this is the type of hg's folks tend to underestimate and they are able to take advantage of it

they see them as harmless puppy

ronnie could have made it far he wasnt so far up jessie and crew behind :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

Ice Hockey...love that!!!

He's going to be entertaining if nothing else...the Mike Boogie of Season 2 (before Boogie became such a jerk)..

Love his cliche's!!

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I saw the picture of him and Janelle together. I guess she did a greet and meet in MN and he went to it.

I'm still not sure about this guy. He seems genuine but I'm still not sure about him. Guess I'll wait until I see him in the house to decide how I feel about him.

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i hope ian success hasnt blown his chance to be successful at bb

you know the "kid" hg's who everyone see as naive and not much of a threat to a degree

if he doesnt go in there sprouting off bb knowledge he may have a shot

plus way "bigger targets"

kinda wonder who he will fit in with

i dont see him connecting with the alpha males

i hope he doesnt turn into the house snitch

the hg's who reports back everything they hear :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

Just re-read his bio on what he would take into the house and way. "Pen and paper to write scripts, skits..."

and if BB made him famous he'd "...tell better stories through the video medium".

My guess is he is in there looking for a career in film or television.

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He's a likable guy. I think other hgs will like him, gravitate to him, and that he'll be around for awhile. Not sure if he is calculating enough to win tho...and being likable means you have a target on your back when you get near the end.

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Guest 6Borders

He seems nice enough, but how "calculating" can you be if you're 23 and still delivering pizzas. I mean pizza delivery is OK at any age if you're using the cash to get to a better place, but I think he'll be living with mom and dad a long time. I'm keeping an open mind, I mean we don't really know any of these people yet.

Morty, I am getting the definitely vibe that he is NOT a pizza delivery boy, that's just the cover he wants to present in the house. I think he's got his own company in audio/video! I can't wait to see his DR sessions!

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if there is any brigade alliance this year he maybe by default the brains out of all the guys


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Guest 6Borders

Nice... no ambition

Wicked, I think you are wrong on that! If he actually turns out to be a pizza delivery boy I will say one nice thing about Rachel on the forum...lol!

Pretty sure this guy works for Woodbridge (an audio company) in Minneapolis!

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maybe he can star in the next home alone film :animated_bouncy:

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What's up with the girly headband? It looks like something Lucy (I love Lucy) would wear!

probably trying to come off gangster for street cred :animated_bouncy:

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poor guy no one believes he is a pizza delivery boy

i wouldnt either if i was there

seems to have a devious side thou :animated_bouncy:

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When McCrae gets to choosing his two for on the block.... wonder if he'll keep in mind how awkward it was when

he walked into the room where those 3 HGs were talking - and they acted weird?

He probably thought they were talking about him - or - were talking alliance.

We'll see

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