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Kara Monaco, Pre-Season


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Name: Kara Monaco

Age: 29

Hometown: Orlando, Fla. (living in Los Angeles, Calif.)

Occupation: Model

Three adjectives that describe you: Smart, funny and loyal

Favorite Activities: Running, hiking and yoga

Most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Not being able to at least speak to my mom and best friends

Strategy for winning “Big Brother:” I don't know if you can really have a strategy when it comes to Big Brother, but you have to be great competitively and socially.

Have you had any interesting occupations in your past: I worked at Disney for 4 years as a dancer/performer playing Cinderella, Snow White, and Alice in Wonderland.

What are you afraid of: Heights and bugs!

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… Live life to the fullest!

What would you take into the house and why: Only my nook so I can read.

What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: I would use it to help people and try to make a positive difference in the world.

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model chicks havent done so well on bb

laura, monet, cassie all voted out week 2 :animated_bouncy:

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But it seems that BB loves to cast them anyway! Wonder if there are any high dollar hostesses cast this year (along the Rachel R and Janelle line of work).

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This sounds mean (and I am seldom mean) but if she truly is a model, she isn't a very pretty one. Argo, I could see her going far in the game. The females in the house typically only get mean and jealous of the "pretty" models. I'm not saying she's not a good model, I've seen America's next top model with totally normal girls get transformed into like zomg amazingly beautiful .. and she could have that kind of chameleon like quality to her. Am hoping she's not another Porsche like girl who thinks she's hotter than she is.


Just realized that she wasn't the type of "model" I was thinking of.


Kara Monaco (born February 26, 1983 in Lakeland, Florida)[1] is an American model. She was chosen as Playmate of the Month by Playboy magazine in June, 2005. She appeared on the cover of the June 2006 issue of Playboy as the 2006Playmate of the Year.

Monaco has appeared in episodes of E! reality TV series, The Girls Next Door. She also appeared in a blue bikini in the 2006 Playmates at Play Playmate swimsuit calendar, shot in Las Vegas. Monaco appeared in an episode of the reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

She appeared as the Playmate of the Year on the December 20, 2006 episode of Identity.

So yeah .. girls in the house will totally hate on her, if she is single and casts her eyes towards one of the guys they want to showmance with. I see her and that Jojo girl going at it.

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Guest 6Borders

I think she's pretty but her resume is "ho hum, here we go again...another actress/model/wanna-bee". It will be interesting to see what she tells the other HG's she does for a living...or if anyone will know who she is!

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Nope, will not root for her, no matter how "sweet" she seems in her interview. I refuse to root for anyone other than a normal, regular person who could be my neighbor next door. Someone who is a sister of someone who is already famous, and who has been a playmate-of-the-year does not fit that category. I resent Big Brother devolving into this over the years.

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My first impression of her is positive. She doesn't appear to me to be the type of model who's totally into herself. She's been a fan of BB since season 7 so she's familiar with the game. That can play to her advantage. I get the sense she's very grounded, sweet and gets along with others well.

I think she'll not tell the HG she posed for Playboy because she won't want that label stuck on her in the house and I wouldn't blame her. I hate the way people will automatically stick you into a category they feel is a negative thing. Just because you posed for Playboy doesn't mean you can't be down to earth and not so hung up on your looks. It's the people who react by saying, "oh, you posed for Playboy huh? Well, that tells me a lot." Um, no it doesn't. Get to know someone first before you pass a negative judgment.

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Here is a video of her, some of you will really enjoy and I would watch at work!!!! THe ladies in the house won't be liking her and I have a feeling she won't wear much for clothing!

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strengths: maybe underestimated as ditzy, claims to have good memory, claims to be competitive, if she makes jury stage probably a shoe in for america's choice favorite hg (america and bb fans loves a pretty blonde)

weakness: being a have not , potential winning lots of comp whore, others girl may see her as competition, dirty house may drive her crazy , possible showmance candidate, may butt head with others for camera time :animated_bouncy:

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It's so hard to know with just a bio/profile but, I really like her... my favorite female.

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First impression: DO NOT LIKE.

Want to watch her and Jojo go at each other to see which hot girl wins though.

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Here is a video of her, some of you will really enjoy and I would watch at work!!!! THe ladies in the house won't be liking her and I have a feeling she won't wear much for clothing!


not too bad...but if she reveals model/PB model the other girls will target her..women are jealous ppl..I can say that because I am one!

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