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Daniele - Week 6 - HoH


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If Dani didn't win HOH this week and J&J or B&R or even Shelly did, she would be going home anyways unless she could save her ass with a veto. I say good for her for winning HOH, she's been their enemy No. 1 for weeks. I can't stand Kalia, but have no issues with Dani. I would take her over Rachel any day.

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I told you dont count Dani out she is fierce!!!! Send Brendon home or Jeff! Brendon, he is better at the comps then Jeff! She needs to get Adam on her side! Shelly is a goner! She is permantly attach to J/J's but! :cookoo:

I was really down about last nights events that I didnt even read the feeds. But when I woke up this morning and saw Dani won! :party_smilie:

Now she has to play a smarter game this time! She has a second chance! I hope she DOES NOT LISTEN TO KALIA!!! Play her game! Last wk was a waste!

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I usually watch the After Dark think from Thursday night.

It is soooooooooo frustrating that we can't control the camera and we have an hour of Danielle whispering. (inaudible)

I don't mind her winning. It will get rid of Brendon or Rachael and make Shelly and Adam more comfortable. Keep the target in the house for the rest.

It just makes me sick that Dani has the HOH for 3 weeks in a row.

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Yea shes going up for sure next week.. there should be a double eviction week coming soon no? I can see that happening when J&J,rachel,brandon win hoh and then danni and kalia go home

Um Brendon is going back home! The next person she needs to be worried about is Rachel because J/J are not competitors! Everyone else is playing their game for them! Dani is the real deal! She is a fighter and not a crybabier! I want Brendon or Jeff to jump in Dani's face, like Jeff did Kalia last week! put both of their behinds up and tell them that if veto is used, Rachel or Jordan goes up!

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Dani made a deal with Rachel last week, let's see if she is going to keep it! I think that is why Rachel stayed up in HOH last night and wanted to talk. Dani should turn on Kalia and Porshe and get them out and then let the real players play the game!

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Dani should enjoy her week because I predict her survival has run its course...she'll be out next ...next weeks HOh will probably be geared to the guys..and with Rachel without much support to stay this week its looking like Brendon and Jeff will be competing...

Too bad had she played it smart she probably could have cleaned house with the vets at final 5 and have the votes to win..now...no chance..

Brendon is going home this week! Jeff is not a competitor and Rachel is the only person she has to worry about! Last week was a waste, but she can get back in the game! Kalia can win HOHs, but she plays stupid! Dani told her we have to play smarter this time and if Kalia wins HOH again, Dani will take the reigns! She has Porsche and she might have Adam!

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"4:22 am BBT: Up in the HoH room Daniele, Kalia and Porshe discuss who should go home this week. They decide it should be Brendon because he is too smart and is too skilled at the physical competitions. If he comes off the block then they will put up Jeff and send him home."

Smartest idea I've heard from Daniele all season... It would be stupid to target Rachel if they can't get Brendon out. Although, I don't think she can get the votes to get Jeff out against Rachel. She needs to put Brendon/Jeff up together and replace whoever comes down with Jordan.

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If I was Dani I'd put Brendon and Jeff on the block. If either of them win the POV and remove themselves from the block I'd replace them with their female counterpart. The newbies blew it a loooong time ago by not working on getting the vets out from the beginning. Now they're all starting to realize (too late) they've made a mistake.

At least Dani has been willing to work on getting them out because she knew if they didn't start leaving the house it was going to be harder to get rid of them and she's going to make the moves even if it costs her. Shelly and Adam should get a freakin' clue and detach themselves from Jeff's posterior and work along with the other newbies (and Dani, lol) to get them evicted. Otherwise they don't stand a chance. animated_bouncy.gif

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I think that Dani will have a Pandora's Box and it will bring back Dominic for a day. I don't think they want to waste the fact that he was #2 vote getter and a good twist for Dani's HOH.

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I think that Dani will have a Pandora's Box and it will bring back Dominic for a day. I don't think they want to waste the fact that he was #2 vote getter and a good twist for Dani's HOH.

If Dani gets a Pandora's Box she's getting a Coup d'etat or a Diamond POV, lol. Brendon will win the useless prize of getting Rachel back in the house for a day again. :P

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"4:22 am BBT: Up in the HoH room Daniele, Kalia and Porshe discuss who should go home this week. They decide it should be Brendon because he is too smart and is too skilled at the physical competitions. If he comes off the block then they will put up Jeff and send him home."

Smartest idea I've heard from Daniele all season... It would be stupid to target Rachel if they can't get Brendon out. Although, I don't think she can get the votes to get Jeff out against Rachel. She needs to put Brendon/Jeff up together and replace whoever comes down with Jordan.

They will still have a hard time getting Jeff out because Jordan will convince Shelly and Adam to vote her out and to keep working with Jeff. She has already told Adam this.

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I may be wrong, but seems to me this is the first group plotting up in the hoh to steal all the wine from the sr and keep it for themselves......how low can you go?.......they act like 5th graders :animated_shocking:

yes, hoh group, sorry

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Just popped in to give Dani her props. She sure does rock the comps. Social game needs a lot of work. She has a shot if she lures in one of the couples for a few weekes. Her best bet would be to get Brenchel and work on getting my faves out, J/J. I hope she does make it to the end, only because her Dad has been raggin' on her so bad. Waht a supportive guy he is--Prob better for her not to have contact.

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