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Daniele - Week 6 - HoH


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Probably so...BTW, Shipp...in the morning, be sure and pick up a gallon of Starbuck's Ice Cream...it will wake you up REAL GOOD....I had some after working all day and am rarin' to go...sleep well, babe...take those toothpick outta your eyes...

Be good. Later

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I agree she will go after Bren again. One of the vets will be going home for sure but hey.....Dani can't play for HoH next week.

I see her nominating Bren/Rach again. If Bren wins veto and removes Rach, I can see Dani putting Jeff up this time around.

but she can play veto....and that's her strong suit! :party_smilie:

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I could tell she won as soon as I heard her actually talking. She is the biggest sore loser/winner i've ever seen in this game. If she lost she would be face down in her pillow right now not talking to anyone.

Both of those descriptions sound like Rachel....lol

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Dani needs to buy a couple of weeks and put up newbies...You are correct Ivpal....

I'm glad she won. Everyone else is playing for the Vet's alliance. I love how Jeff and Adam are kissing up already. If she decides to go after newbies (which I don't think she will do) it should be Shelly and Adam.

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If she goes after newbies, Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, and Brendon are still going after her the next week. Daniele would have to survive longer than final 7 or 6 for Rachel/Brendon and Jeff/Jordan to turn on each other if she goes that route with nominating her own. I think the better strategy is to stick with an alliance, Kalia and Porsche and possibly bring Adam into the mix. My personal opinion is that nominating Jeff and Jordan is the best strategy this week. Shelly and Adam are definitely closer to Jeff and Jordan than Brendon and Rachel. If you get rid of the glue holding an alliance together, it falls apart. I believe that was the mistake made in season six when Maggie was allowed to stay in the house (and win the game) and keep that alliance together. If Maggie left, there would've been a chance of April/Jennifer and Beau/Ivette turning on each other especially with James in the mix siding with Beau/Ivette (hypothetical of course). I think it's the same situation. You have an alliance of six right now. Brendon and Rachel trust Jeff and Jordan but not Shelly and Adam as much. Shelly is definitely with Jeff and Jordan. Adam seems to like Jeff and Jordan more than Brendon and Rachel. If you get rid of that glue (Jeff/Jordan), there's a higher chance of Adam/Shelly and Brendon/Rachel going after each other later down the road. Of course, Daniele would have to make it down that road first by winning vetos and HOH's.

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dani was telling Kalia BEFORE the HOH about how she might might a deal with the vets.....after all the craziness, if she choses to put her eggs in Kalia/Porche basket, rather than make some short term vet deals, her days are numbered.

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I could tell she won as soon as I heard her actually talking. She is the biggest sore loser/winner i've ever seen in this game. If she lost she would be face down in her pillow right now not talking to anyone.

Just for calification what has Daniel lost that she's played in? To show being a sore loser. Don;t be a hater. :party_smilie:

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