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He really is the world's biggest pussy.

I think that if ED was on the show and got angry at Ronnie and went off on him, there's no way he'd be able to keep a straight face with his anger because he'd be hysterical with laughter. ^_^

It was funny when Jordan was laughing at him.

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If you notice Ronnie started calling what he did "game lies", and says he never said any real lies. I wonder why he didn't use this defense to start with? He might have been able to talk himself out of it.

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"Ronnie started calling what he did "game lies""

ummm.... are there any other kind of lies in the BB House ??

am I missing something here ???

The people in the house are morons, and think there is a difference. Chima was all aboard his "game lies" talk. If he could convince more people earlier he could have helped himself out.

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I would think that even his real life friends (if he has any besides his wife and cat) would have a hard time believing anything this kid says once he gets out of the house.

If it were someone I knew acting like this I could never trust a word they ever said to me again.

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Ronnie is a sad person and has made a total fool of himself on BB. Besides that, he has big hips.

Yep, he's got child-bearing hips. Could ronnie be first female to male transgender on BB????

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Yep, he's got child-bearing hips. Could ronnie be first female to male transgender on BB????

If he was a woman and transgendered to a man...it didn't take! I guess thats the kind of medicine available in West Va.

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you all hurt Ronnie's feelers


I saw it live last night or should I say this morning! Like a fool, I never got to bed because I watched the feeds all night!!

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I saw it live last night or should I say this morning! Like a fool, I never got to bed because I watched the feeds all night!!

No fair. I have to get up at 4:30 for work and don't get to stay up at night. They sleep all day and nothing is happening. I only get to see good stuff live early evening or weekends. ^_^

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Ronnie when you get BOOTED maybe you could ask Dr. Will where you went WRONG?

Oh yeah I forgot I don't even REMEMBER who Dr. Will was,you made me forget completely about him,with your OUTSTANDING game play!!!! :animated_rotfl:

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Ronnie makes me not want to have children. I think he actually has some form of social retardation (IDK if it is even pc to say that :animated_scratchchin: ). Seriously, WTF is wrong with him????? I hope a rat chews his balls off while he is sleeping.

Sorry if I offended anyone.

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his strategy in that pov was just wrong

he needed to be aggressive and go after points not sit back and be passive

the first fold he gave to jessie was just dumb

for someone on the block he was in no hurry to win that pov

for his sake i hope he never plays poker because they will have him for lunch

i am not familiar with world warcraft mechanics but i would think at some stages in that game you would need to be aggressive

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i am not familiar with world warcraft mechanics but i would think at some stages in that game you would need to be aggressive

Naw, for the type of gamer Ronnie is, he'd rather have a cheat-code to gain some wizard power enabling god-mode.

He's so lame, he was prolly power-levelled in the WoW game.

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On the CBS forums, Ratboy's wife has several user names and keeps taunting other forum memebers... This woman is more flippin' nuts than Ronnie! Hard to believe, I know! But seriously, she ia so far off center that I would not at all be suprised to see on the 10 o'clock news: "Former Reality Show Contestant's wife charged with (insert bodily harm here) to a fan of another BB House guest. " I would be willing to bet my bank account that she will not have a teaching job come September...

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