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Tuesday, July 28th


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4:30 am Jessie is making breakfast for Natalie. Natalie is telling Jessie to stay away from Lydia.

Lydia is outside on the hammock looks like her eyes are full of tears crying holding her little stuffed animal.

I read that Michele went up to HOH and told Jessie about the Lydia/Kevin and Jeff/Jordon alliance. Now what good does that do for her? If she is in the Jessie alliance she is at the very bottom. I really don't think this girl is very smart.

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Michelle in my mind is a real dim bulb, there is no bonus for telling Jessie that info. It will just let Jessie know that he can manipulate her as much as he wants. I am havin a hard time with this seasons housguests, I long for last season, at least those ppl had some git up and go, they were hilarious in comparison to this group.

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Michelle wants to make sure, she is safe next week. She is so insecure. Saw them in HOH room on the feeds. I've never really trusted Michelle.

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well if Jeff or Jordan win she will go up with Ronnie, even tho I would like to see Jessie and Ronnie up,lol. I just notice how she is sooo uncomfortable, in the beginning she was alot more outgoing. And ppl are right she has no "Horse Sense", that is what my mother used to call common sense.

Well I would love to see Natalie and Jessie go up, that would be great, and no back dooring, so one of them would have to go!!!!

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I read that Michele went up to HOH and told Jessie about the Lydia/Kevin and Jeff/Jordon alliance. Now what good does that do for her? If she is in the Jessie alliance she is at the very bottom. I really don't think this girl is very smart.

This did happen. Jesse/Nat/Ronnie/Chima/Michelle were all in the hoh br before 3 am discussing the Lydia/Kevin/Jeff/Jordan alliance. Michele spilled the beans to Ronnie and Ronnie ran straight up to the hoh room to tell all. Nothing was posted here on LU about it but I went to jokers lu and confirmed what had happened.

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ok, I know this is prolly simple but what the heck is LU??? In all the years I've been comin here, I have never heard that, just sayin,lol

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I'm getting more and more sick of this season.. I've never had a season where I miss shows.. and this yr I've missed several, and I think I wont be watching much at all. I also usually am glued to the feeds.. But not this year..It just don't seem like the BB I'm used too.. I'm having a hard time finding anyone to root for.. they all seem so dumb as to how to play the game.

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Pretty sad, I kept looking for the Wednesday thread, but we're still only Tuesday..wow.. it's weird not needing to know the date, though it messes with my head.

Okay, so the HGs have been awoken from their nap to be told that they needed to go outside for a lock down. I wonder what's going on?

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Michelle wants to make sure, she is safe next week. She is so insecure. Saw them in HOH room on the feeds. I've never really trusted Michelle.

I have not trusted her for a long time too.

I didn't like the way she was slobbering all over herself trying to explain her vote aginst Chima the first time they voted.

Even Gnat was being upfront: there was a line drawn in the sand, people tried to be brave and stop the athlete steamroll, and someone betrayed them so it failed.

But it was obvious why everyone voted the way they did. She tried to twist it arounded and I felt came across as a liar.

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I must say it is getting much harder to watch/follow TOOL TIME!

CBS should under televisions fair practices and standards,have to at least list this show in their schedule and line-up as the "JESSIE SHOW" rather than Big Brother 11! just sayin

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I read the the board, do a little work, read the board, do a little work and read the boards, etc. Everytime I come back to the boards, I expect (hope) to read that something miraculous has happened but atlas, don't think this is a possibility. :disappointed:

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these people are stupid. i hate them :cookoo:

sorry, jeff and jordan...but you need to at least try. michelle, please jump into the hot tub head first. oh, wait your dumb ass did that last night. i hope ronnie's ass tasted yummy!

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I'm getting more and more sick of this season.. I've never had a season where I miss shows.. and this yr I've missed several, and I think I wont be watching much at all. I also usually am glued to the feeds.. But not this year..It just don't seem like the BB I'm used too.. I'm having a hard time finding anyone to root for.. they all seem so dumb as to how to play the game.

I agree...I have been diehard since BB1...but this season reminds me of season 6 with the house totally divided and predictable from the first week...which lends itself to boring tv, live feeds and BBAD.. but I have to differ and say that I am rooting for Jeff and Jordan...but unless production skews HOH comp in Jordans favor...or in the "offbeats" favor...we will continue to have more of the same predictable and boring noms...hate a divided house...divided small factions within the house make for compelling viewing..right now..it sux...AG...mix it up producer...you are losing your faithful audience!

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Hey Season 6 was my favorite. I loved the factions.

The season will be redeemed for me if Jeff or Jordon win HOH or anyone that has the guts to put up Jessie gang.

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