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* Jordan *


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one of the only three options michelle jordan casey as to who will go on block

due to clique and alliances form

but still too dumb to evict

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I'm hoping that Jordan is not the original one nominated and plays veto, wins it and takes Casey off the block (I'm dreaming big, I know).. I'm just curious who Jessie would put up after that.

Probably an expendable ally, like Kevin, Lydia, or Chima. They'll be the first ones to go once the outcast alliance is gone.

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Jessie and Casey know each other from outside the house and have a secret alliance. He won't put him up. Poor Jordan! I hope Jeff wins veto and takes her off the block. I'm full of Bonnie & Jessie hate right now. I can't wait until someone turns on them.

I'm going on vacation for a few days and won't be taking my laptop. Perfect timing.

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How are they going to balance the have/have not comp so that Jordan has some kind of chance to not be on slop? I would hate to see her have to suffer another week of exsiting on nasty food.

Could be like last week where a winner of another comp has to put a clique in the have nots

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Teams need to be reformulated and/or abolished.

exactly.........mostly everyone has already indicated if they have to pick, it'll be Jordan again because at least it's only 1 person mad at you.......how is THAT fair??

I like the idea I heard one HG say "pick 3 people from ANY team", since it's so unbalanced.

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Cute couple. They are just laying together and acting goofy.


That's such a cute picture Marty!!

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