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Pov Discussion


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who wins it?

will they use it?

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and I read in live feeds that Casey was picked as host...so he must not be playing either.

Chima and Lydia are nom'd

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I wonder which one of the players will be best speller. If it's Lydia she may save herself this week. I don't care for Chima at this point. If she stays, I think she will become extremely annoying. Lydia could also. But so far Lydia is my guilty pleasure.

Jeff may be smarter. The geek who thinks he's smartest in house may have been good.

Will all HG's vote the way they are told by HOH at this point? Think they did last time...getting rid of my bud, Brian.

I think Jeff will use veto on Lydia. I don't really care for Natalie at this point either.

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getting fish looks like pov time

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Yeah, I don't care who goes now either. I did initially like Lydia, not so much after watching BBAD. Now I'm really only supporting Casey and Braden. Braden doesn't fit in the "popular" group, he seems like a genuinely nice guy and more suited for the off-beat group. Not just him, but Chima is another in the wrong group. She should have been in Popular, since she's a sorority chick. I think maybe Big Brother had some drop-outs and had to fill in some slots, hence the odd group placements for a couple people. Everyone else seems adequately placed.

Only one I think I'm going to be against is Jessie and Natalie. The martial arts dude seems cool though, like the polar opposite of Jessie, I think he'll develop solid bonds with other groups to save his own skin down the road.

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I liked Lydia at first but after watching the feeds I've changed my mind. She seems super slutty and all too eager to do anything to stay in the house. Now I don't care who goes this week as long as Jesse goes next week, or Natalie for that matter. I find them both equally annoying.

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