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Some Rules you May have Overlooked

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Hi everyone!

I'd just like to remind our members of two things that have been ignored by some.

First: The posting of images. The pictures you've been posting are great, and the fact that you stole them from another web site, is sweet of you too, but, you can't have the site you swiped the picture from host it. You have to host the picture on a service like Photobucket. Or, you can just upload it as an attachment to your post, then readers will see the thumbnail, and have to click to see the full size picture.

Second: You must provide us with a working email address. In order for us to send mail from tvfanforums.net, the site must have a human "postmaster." The postmaster gets all the bounced emails the system sends. So if you changed email accounts, or just gave a bogus address after you registered, the email notices you should be getting, are going to the postmaster, and he is I. I'm getting overloaded with undeliverable mail. Please check your profile. Make sure your address is correct. If you don't want others to have it, make sure you check the box "Do not display email address." If you don't want notifications about topic updates, or personal messages, you can choose not to receive them. I will delete accounts that do not have working addresses, so update your profile today.

If you need help with either of these rules, please post your questions here, and one of our knowledgeable members or mods will help you.

Speaking of profiles, very few of you have filled in any of the optional information, like sex and location. I can see no one wanting to answer the birthday question, I mean you've got to enter the year for it to work, and who wants to do that. But it would be nice to know where people are from, and if they're a boy or a girl. That way we'll know who we're flirting with and how much the plane ticket will cost if we want to get it on.

Regards, and Best Wishes for the New Year,


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But it would be nice to know where people are from, and if they're a boy or a girl. That way we'll know who we're flirting with and how much the plane ticket will cost if we want to get it on.


a new service at Mortys nobody told me about!!! ::::::::::runs check profile::::::::::

Happy New Year Morty! :animated_wave:

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Thanks, Morty, for the reminder. I've been using imageshack to post photos for quite some time- is that ok, or should I be using photobucket?

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Thanks, Morty, for the reminder. I've been using imageshack to post photos for quite some time- is that ok, or should I be using photobucket?

Hey Kayo,

I think what Morty meant (and he will correct me if I'm wrong, I am sure, and I surely hope), is that you should use somewhere else to host the pictures other than the original site where you found them... Examples of these sort of sites would be photobucket and imageshack, and many others... I hope that helped :)...

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On the subject of pictures:

The easiest way to post pictures without stealing bandwidth, is when you see a picture you want to post here, right click on the picture and save it to your hard drive.

Then, after you paste your text to our site, you leave the cursor where you want the picture to show up, then upload the picture (click browse, find the images, then click upload) after the picture uploads, use the drop-down menu "Manage Current Attachments" and click the little icon with the green + (plus sign) this pastes the code into your message for you, in the spot where you left your cursor.

It sounds harder than it is, but if you find it takes too much time to do it this way, just leave the pictures out. I need your posts more than the pictures.



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Here is a post that may help some people out if they don't know how to host/upload a picture.


  • First the image has to be saved on your computer.

Once you have it saved, you go to the Image Shack page. (I use Image Shack or Photo Bucket).

Please Note - When you name the picture to your computer, make sure it isn
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Thanks Jem and make Mr. Jem get on and let us know how things are with you and Jem Jr...

Can't wait to see his beautiful little face... I am sure big sister Jem is loving it bout now... Give her a big hug for me!!!

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i am been following these rules

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^^^ always follows rules ^^^



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