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Tuesday's Show 9/2


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If you read Dans bio he said America is not ready for female prez, if Hilary was elected he would move out of country, perhaps CBS was trying to play off that by having him say men are better than woman. Just sayin....

I wonder what he will do if McCain/Palin wins and then something happens to McCain and Palin has to take over. That is the one reason I don't like Dan, because he doesn't see woman as an equal to a man and never will.

Those were some UGLY babies...but I do agree with Renny that her and Jessie's baby was cute...probably because Jessie's head was the size of a baby's head LOL!!! I'm surprised they didn't make an Ollie/April baby....it probably would have freaked everyone out too much huh?

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I have seen Dan be rude many times this season, I suppose what some people think is rude others find entertaining. I do not think Dans antics are entertaining,and they (he and Renny) may have some sort of a relationship in the house, but I guarentee you that Dan drives Renny really crazy, and she is about over him at this point. Not to speak of Dans idiotic point of view on a female being in office, what an ass on that one.

I thought that the boys Dan and memphis catching that bug and throwing it to the spider is sick, I just do not go for stuff like that, let the damn spider catch it's own food, it is sooo immature the way they go on and on, I say Renny has acted the least immature of all of them at any given time, Jerry even tho he is a crotchety old man has really played this game well, and there is more to come I am sure. It ain't over yet,lol

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lol i found angie and brian baby the second ugliest after jerry and michelle

and that shocks me because neither are bad looking


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I thought the Libra/? who was Libra hooked up with?? that was not a good one,lololol

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idk why

they use brian he was only there one week


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Pinkie, I noticed that they didn't use Ollie either. Would of loved to see Ollie and April's love child Hey, maybe we will in about 9 months. :baby: One can only imagine what those 2 are doing in the sequester house. :animated_scratchchin:

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It's the twist.

BB will ask the question for the next HOH comp...who's face was not seen in the Morph comp and when they answer HOllie he jumps out from behind a hidden door and gets to play the rest of the game. Of course he wins the grand prize and he and April live happily ever after.

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Just saw last bit of BBAD...who are Memphis and Dan pissed at? Keesha or Renny? Could this mean the worm has turned and Renny could be safe????? Keesha dissed Brian...Jerry told Dan, "You ain't that big on religion"...Renny said, "Brian wasn't that big of a shit in the service." Dan almost lost his damn temper for the first time "He tells Memphis, Brian was my friend, man."

I swear to goodness I think Dan had some serious man crush on Brian. Don't matter whether he's gay, str8, closet whatever, why would Dan be so upset over this con artist (Brian) he (Dan) knew for like a week? I liked Brian too, just didn't dig his equipment, OK? No way is Dan nearly so close with Memphis!!! WTF? Lose it Danny Boy. If I was Jerry I'd bad mouth Brian to Dan before every comp!!! Hey, Jerry, tell Dan (right before HOH comp) "Brian offered to blow me right before I backdoored him!!! I had already noticed Brian and Steven had this thing going on..." Dan would break down on Live TV!!! Maybe if I ever got on that show and lasted, I hope I'd have sense enough to break every HG down...find their weak spot and attack it suddenly and right before all comps.

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Maybe if I ever got on that show and lasted, I hope I'd have sense enough to break every HG down...find their weak spot and attack it suddenly and right before all comps.

And would we ever have a good time dissing you for your cruel gameplay :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:

Would you beg for alcohol while you were in there? Oh LenRay, we'd all have such a great time bashing you . . . . well, not me of course :angel:

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I want to go on Big Brother, as Big Mother. I'd lie cheat and steal. Throw comps - only win for prizes. Then I'd sleep for the rest of the day. Wouldn't let anyone in the HOH room, and vote to evict based solely on looks (deep down I'm very shallow). Oh, and no kanoodeling on my watch. Sign me up, lol lol lol. First one voted out Shipp. :blow::ciao:

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