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Tuesday's Show 9/2


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Dan's been playing a great game...technically, he shouldn't have lasted as long as he has. He has every reason to be cocky, and I actually find it sexy as Hell when he is.

That being said, i don't think his "tangents" are done with malicious intent at all. He's cocky, not cruel, and I really think he's just trying to be funny. He's been pretty close to Renny...whether she likes him or not, he likes her and has seen her as a "mom" figure from the get go. He's probably teasing her as he does his mom at home, or as I do mine, or others theirs.

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Thanks Misha,

I thought that and remembered seeing a portion, well the apology and makeup part on BBAD. I remembered it not being a big deal and didn't think to much about it again. I really does seem that production and editing BB really whats fans to think the way they want us to. I see BBAD and I have no delusions on any of them. I basically think the Jerry is pondscum and the other four are good people playing a game. They seem to like each other, but know that eventually people are going to be eliminated.

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I watched the feeds that day. Renny was being snippy to Dan because she was afraid of getting backdoored... she wasn't even on the block. Dan didn't even start his "antics" until way later. No offense, but Renny was freaking out that day. It wouldn't have mattered what Dan did. Jerry surely didn't make it any better with his comments to Renny about "nobody is safe". Dan and Keesha were both saying to Renny to chill out, she wasn't even on the block. Honestly... Renny was so concerned about her POSSIBLY getting on the block that she wasn't thinking about the two people who actually WERE on the block. Then later on that night before POV, she came up to Dan and she demanded an apology. He said to her, What about you? You owe me an apology too. They both apologized to each other and hugged (she gave him a kiss on the cheek) and she said she still loved him.

Sometimes you have to remember that they "edit" things so it appears the way they want it to look. Mostly though, Dan and Renny do love each other, even if they both push each others buttons. Truth be told... Renny is the ONLY one in the house who CAN push Dan's buttons.

Thanks for posting this Misha. I was reading the other posters comments about the whole Renny/Dan antics that day and I was think ... "but... but... but..." And, finally your words put the facts in print. TY TY TY :D

Editing is a huge portion of production. Which makes me appreciate all of you that watch the feeds and the LFU for posting about them... so that we have all the information we need to form our opinions.

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If you read Dans bio he said America is not ready for female prez, if Hilary was elected he would move out of country, perhaps CBS was trying to play off that by having him say men are better than woman. Just sayin....

First time poster, long time reader and watcher of BB. Love the fact that you guys take the time to type all the info to us that don't have the live feeds, I do have BBAD but I work and am getting up at 4:30 am so can only watch on weekends.

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IMO, your statment hits the nail on the head. Even when Dan is talking into the camera it sounds like he's mocking us too for listening to his BS.

He's pompous and snooty, but he hasn't been mean to anyone in the house.

I agree I think the way Dan has acted and how he is in the DR is a lot of how he is in life. He seems to get really rude with the women at times. Unless these are actors and the show is scripted I don't think people do a complete turn around of who they are.

IMO Dan is an ass and there's something really strange about him I'm not sure what it is with the way he acts sometimes. I'm surprised he is a Catholic school teacher he is very immature.

At this point I feel Jerry is out unless he wins the pov, I don't like anyone in the house but Renny and she goes this week so I hope Memphis and Jerry are final 2. I'd like to see Keesha get evicted for keeping these 2 boys in the house and Dan thinking he's so cool be out to, someone needs to tell him to shave his arms it's pretty gross how long the hair is.

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I agree I think the way Dan has acted and how he is in the DR is a lot of how he is in life. He seems to get really rude with the women at times.

I have never seen Dan act rude.

Don't get the Dan hate at all. He is such a nice guy and I love his humor. It might be people that don't have the feeds that don't like him as much. :animated_scratchchin:

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It is so obvious from watching the feeds that they all (the four at least) love each other. Renny is the mother who is fun to be around, but cross her and she'll smack yer butt... Memphis is the older (slightly more mature, but arrogant) brother. Keesha is the only girl. Dan is the youngest brother who is a pest at times, but you can't help but smile at his antics even as you get frustrated by them. Jerry is the crotchety old great great uncle that nobody likes, but they are stuck with him so they put up with him. They know that when he dies, even his legal will is going to be grumpy as he gives everything away to strangers and tells the family to go to hell.

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