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Pov - Week 8, Part 2


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Maybe Dan is not sure if Memphis will take him off?? When Dan was telling Mem the plan that Dan would throw it to Memephis so he could take Dan off and Mem be safe, Memphis did not say OK, or respond much, at least that is what I read. So maybe Dan is nervous.

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Jerry instructed Memphis not to take Dan off the block if he won the POV. Memphis is with Jerry now for final 2.

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Memphis takes Dan off, not only does he make Jerry mad, also Renny, cause she would leave, he makes jury members mad. They want Dan out and may get mad at him for saving him. He has to think about jury yvotes now, and not Dan. I want Dan to stay, and Memphis too.

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memphis won pov officially


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He just told Dan he would use it to take him off but he has to be sure Dan won't pull any crap next week and do anything crazy. Dan says he knows M has a tough decision. WOO HOO there is HOPE.

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