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Pov - Week 8, Part 2


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OKAY! Well, now things are making sense. Yes, cheri, if Memphis keeps Dan on the block he has a greater chance at more jury votes his way but.... does he really?

I dont know anymore. My head hurts. I thought maybe if he helped get Dan out, that would sway votes his way. A veto speech saying You were wrong in what you did to Ollie and Michelle. They deserved better. You dont deserve to even ein 50k so I am making sure that doesnt happen. I chosoe not to use the veto. Jury gets to see video, so maybe. I dont want any of this to happen. I want Memphis to use the veto on Dan!!!!!!!!

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Jerry asked Memphis what he was going to do. Memphis said he wants to talk to him about it. I think Jerry knows that he is keeping Dan but both Jerry and Memphis vow to go to the F2 together.

Jerry said next week is the time to take care of Renny. So they are not agreeing on what Memphis is going to do.

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Memphis is selling Jerry on the fact that they can't win against Renny in the end. He says the rest of them have an equal chance. I hope Memphis keeps his word to Dan. And I hope Jerry's dentures fall out when he realizes he CAN'T play HOH next week.

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I wonder if Memphis knows that Jerry cant play in the next HOH? That could make a big difference also. Keesha will want to get rid of Jerry I am sure. Jerry winning pov next week would be terrible. I am sure he will fight like hell. Hopefully POV will be endurance. Has POV ever been endurance??

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Do we know that for sure, about Jerry not being allowed to play in HOH?

I have read a lot of speculation that he will be allowed, but IMO, I don't think so; I wasnt sure if someone heard or seen where BB is changing up the rules. Which would be just total BS.

BB already let Ollie slide with the damage he did; that should of been an automatic block setter

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I agree with Memphis not being able to stand Jerry; he does not like that man.

Him making a deal with him to take to F2, seems like a BIG Joke.

Jerry don't deserve Shit! All he did was talk about the 4 when he was with Ollie, April and Michelle.

WANT HIM GONEEEEEEEEEEEE after Renny of course

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Since Jerry cannot play HoH next week, Jerry will be on the block and will go home, unless he wins POV. So the question of the day is, do they put him up or not?

NVM, I just remembered it doesnt really matter, whoever (except HOH) decides who goes home.

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I think because Jerry is a kiss ass. Under an Keesha HOH, there is an tiny chance of her turning on the boys. Since Renny might go home. Keesha is too smart for that though.

Jerry better leave. Kessha, Dan and Memphis Final 3!

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I was wondering why Keesha wasn't as depressed last night as everyone else. Because she knows that if the boys save each other, they are voting Renny out. She knows she's safe and has good odds on getting to the F3. She is right. The boys are back and its the only alliance I believe is loyal to one another.

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