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Pov - Week 8, Part 2


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I figure now they get ready to gather in the BY for the veto revalation. Once they get to teh BY we will have fish again. When they come back on, whoever won will be wearing the POV. I still think they dont know yet. COME ON DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE

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^^^^what Marty said. They showed the wall on feeds CLEARLY last night and no where was there a POV. And we didn't see it in the possession of M,D,K or R. And the first time we saw Jerry was his wrinkly sleeping face.

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So why dont we know!!!!! Man BB is killing me. Who freakin won the POV. wont the POV be hanging in the POV slot on the memory wall rather than on the winners pic??

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I'd be so happy if Jerry won it. It's about time they get off their high horses and see what it's really like to feel in jeopardy with no avenues after they judged so many others for it. And I'm wondering if Jerry won and also got a trip out of the house along with it? Because I read that the POV was on the memory wall.

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