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Pov - Week 8, Part 2


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Oh she playing Memphis big time. She knows she's safe... she needs to pull something out of her arse to save Renny. So, she's doing what she's been planning on doing all season... wile ole Memphis into doing it her way. :lol:

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Well fortunately for us... Memphis has had only one thing on his mind this whole game... $500,000. And, he knows the biggest person standing in the way of that is Renny.

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i dont thing keesha is playing memphis

but its clear memphis is playing everyone

i think if she would won pov next week boot jerry

unless her and dan for a miracle compare notes

she like being apart of the cool gang


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Well fortunately for us... Memphis has had only one thing on his mind this whole game

I think Skreesha might think that is unfortunate.

Skreesha: "Just do me a favor and don't play games with me this week." She said earlier, "My life is in your hands, you little shit."

Now she's talking about Renny. "She's asking me all the time and I say 'they're not going to tell me, I don't know what to say'."

Skreesha is huffing and puffing and keeps saying how hard it is....sound familiar? Isn't is "sooooooo frustrating" Skreesha.

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Now Memphis is bad mouthing Jerry.

Dan to Skreesha: "I hope you trust me." She does know that if she doesn't win the next HOH she's on the block again. I guess they will ditch her then.

Renny again to Skreesha: "Did they say anything, did they tell you. Because if they did I want you to tell me." Skreesha's answer was just her high pitched hyena laugh.

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I think that Production must have been out to dinner tonight. There got to be the huge discussion amongst Keesha, Dan & Memphis about their Diary Room questions they get. I really had to laugh when I heard Keesha tell about the one time they asked her if she thought she was the prettiest girl in the house.

I also got a kick out of Dan & Mem trying to get Keesha to tell them what she'd answered when she told them the one of her Diary Room questions today was "what do you think is one of your best features"! As she continued to dodge the question, I about fell out of my seat when Dan asked her if it was North or South of her eyebrows! And then when Dan asked her if the reason she didn't come to the pool this afternoon was because she was still having her "thing". Memphis about freaked on that one. :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:

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I don't know why they are frecking right now. They still control the situation and they know its down to five so two people will always go up until there is three. So why all the freak outs. She trusted them this whole time does she really think they will take Jerry who is giving them a run for their money to the end if they get HOH. I don't think so.

I just hope Memphis uses it, but is only Dan a taste of his own medicine by making him sweat it out. I think Memphis would be an a-hole not to take him off because Dan is the most hated in the house by all, and the rocket scientist that they are will vote on emotional rather than game play and that is just sad IMO.

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I think Memphis really REALLY hates Jerry, and has for a long time

I think that might go all the way back to the Womanizer comment from Jerritol! I really thought Memphis over-reacted at the time of the comment, but I think it just might be indicative of what he REALLY does think of Jer!

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This is my third season of BB and usually when a character like Memphis makes the same promise to different HGs, the HGs figure it out and boot his butt. But maybe because everyone is desperate and dumb they are falling for Memphis' ploy. I still don't think Memphis will get the big money. Now you need to win everything or leave.

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But maybe because everyone is desperate and dumb

I think you answered your own question. The winner in this game is never really brilliant or overly strategic, it's just that everyone around them is either waiting for the game money to be handed to them or they are just plain stupid.

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