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Pov - Week 8, Part 2


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I guess it also can't be possible that none of them know the results, because then we'd see them behaving anxiously... sigh...

Well that is possible. They might have and idea who might have done welll in the comp but do not know final results.

But why would BB do that? This is all so confusing

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IF it was the morph and they don't know the results, why would Renny say to Keesha you did really good? When they do the morph they are seperated in the house and no one knows what anyone did. I have a feeling it is Jerry. But then again I don't know for the morph you also have to be fast, he isn't fast. I don't know but it is driving me CRAZY!!!

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Several thought's on not knowing who is POV. Maybe the game was protested. Maybe the game broke. Maybe someone disqualified. Maybe someone got hurt. Maybe I'm loosing my marbles :wacko: , wanting to know who won POV.

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Interesting reading the feeds that Keesha and Renny were drinking so much wine before the comp. That does not seem very smart to me at all. Not a good thing for morf comp. tee hee

I read that Dan said this to Memphis and it worries me.

Dan told Mem that if it comes down to them in veto comp he'll let Mem have it (so that Mem can't be put up after taking Dan off)....

I hope that if Memphis won he could be trusted to use it on Dan. I wonder if Memphis won that is why he was so sad looking having to make that decision.

Still hoping that Dan went all out and tried to win. If it was morf comp then I am sure he did because he could not throw it to Memphis.

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IF it was the morph and they don't know the results, why would Renny say to Keesha you did really good?

Maybe they do know the results and she either won or had a good "time" - close to the winner.

I really can't see them NOT filming the result part while filming the play part of the comp. You know, continuity and all that.

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i really hate these night comps

i get up expecting to know winner but no ones knows


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LOL, Oldguy.

It doesn't make any sense to me how we didn't find out after the POV comp. Couldn't really tell by their faces.

I pray Jerry didn't win!! Hoping Dan did.

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Hi guys!! IU am new here, but not to BB. Been watching since season 2. I had been going on another site for chata nd updates, but those people are sooo angry. They argue all the time. You guys seem more relaxed and realize it is a game. Anyway-I love Dan!!!! I hope he has the veto!!! Reallly I hope Memphis has it and uses it to save Dan. So It is sure that Keesha or renny goes. Probably Renny. I also think the HG's DO NOT know which one has teh veto. Each one was probably out for the same amount of time even if they were finished. So it is hard to tell who won. They cant talk about it to each other or they are DQ'd maybe????

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Hi Marty!!! I love your AVI!!!! Dan is amazing. :wub: If he leaves- he is my new vote for best player to never win. Currently position held by Janelle. :angel:

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Can any of you remember what time BB wakes up the HG's when they were up in a comp like this one? I was thinking noon BB time. I need to go to the grocery store and I dont want to miss teh announcement!!! :nerd:

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