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Memphis - Week 6


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good hoh throw

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i dont know with keesha she is selfish

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Memphis is playing the best game of the house. He has jumped ship to the other side with nary a notice from his new friends. He runs for cover when the house explodes but is there to pick up the pieces for his new alliance, I see him winning it all.

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Memphis and Dan are going to screw up yet another opportunity if they don't get Keesha to join them in the HoH with Renny and solidfy a F4 alliance.

Renny is very paranoid that Keesha isn't loyal to her... and that the boys are moving in on her "territory"... they better let Renny know REAL soon that they want it to them four in the finals. K/R vs D/M showdown. ;)

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I just saw BB CBS so far and I noticed after HOH who gloomy April, Ollie and Jerry were...Hmmmm.

Who sent April out of the comp? And Memphis sent Jer out? Got to crash...be consious again in a few!!! See ya!

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The only good move I've seen him make at all was last night telling Keesha that they shouldn't make a deal with Dan because he doesn't trust him when in reality, he doesn't want Dan knowing he has a deal with both he & Keesha.

He was really annoying me with how angry he was over April getting the clothes and not appreciating it. She was in trouble no matter what she did. If she seemed overly happy, they would have talked junk. If she seemed pleased but quiet (which she did), she didn't appreciate it. I'm sorry that he is just the biggest fashion diva in there!

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He was really annoying me with how angry he was over April getting the clothes and not appreciating it.

I could not believe how he acted to April winning the outfits he tried to win the prize over the POV and came in first place and got first choice to pick a prize. He thought only one hg would win but BB gave out 2 prizes so that's what he gets. He has the most expensive prize won so far in the house. Aprils outfits will wear out or go out of style his car will be around for a long time and increase in value, I'd take the car over any of the other prizes won so far.

Memphis is just greedy and wants all the prizes and be the first place winner. Just because someone doesn't spend a small fortune on clothes doesn't mean they don't appreciate designer clothes and BB gave them to her last night to get shit started and they all knew it. I thought Memphis was going to cry in the sauna.

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Yeah, he was a real snot about the clothes. I'd be POed too, but I would hope to show a bit more class. The whole "I appreciate high fashion" speech to Keesha was sickening. Oh, and don't forget his girlfriend dresses in clothes like April won all the time. :rolleyes: Give me a break!

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My point exactly. Of course a person is going to feel, that price could have been mine but the guy won a car already so give it a rest.

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lol @ memphis, "I can't have a net in my balls"..... Keesha, Dan, and Mem were talking about their bathing suits. Dan mentioned how he hadn't washed his shorts since he's been in the house, adding that he's not that gross in real life. He went on to say how in RL he has more than two shirts and shorts... so then Memphis brought up the bathing suits BB gave him (like wtf...BB gave him a bathing suit???) and he said he couldn't wear them because there was netting in them. It was cute!

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I heard it..I thought it was wierd when he called it "a bathing suit"..must be a southern thing..we usually say a pair of trunks..

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