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Fight! (Eric and Michael)


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So now they will all be on the I can't stand Jenny bandwagon. Maybe April and Jenny will switch the game up before Thursday and switch alliances. Did Jenny actually say he punched the wall I thought that was Eric. I don't remember her say he did that. April is good at getting stuff going.

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Eric and James in the kitchen talking about Jenny lying about how Micheal punched a wall. Eric now feels bad about what happened...says Jenny is next to go.

That was just posted in the live feed forum Wonder where that leaves April????

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The women were also saying that Jenny is now going around saying she never told anyone Mike upset her and how that is a lie... HHMM So I wonder if the Mike haters are seeing this too... That part came before the talk about her lying about Mike hitting the door... See Mike really isn't as bad as they are making him out to be... I have to admit though Jenny has now begun to lie... She said that she was tired of hearing everyone bash Mike and even got up and walked away... She was the one that started it all...

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Guest somepeople

Ivette. April, Maggie were talking about it first. Ivette said Jen said she never said he hit the wall. Ivette also said Eric is the one who told her something? and that he heard it from James. Maggie went to Eric to tell him in the kitchen and James came in so Maggie left.

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If I have to listen to Yvette's mouth much longer, Eric's cliche motivational speeches, April's lies, and James rhetoric coming from that narrow enclosed room he calls a mind, I'm gonna need therapy!!!

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In the rainbow room this afternoon, Jenny, April, Rachel and Kaysar were all talking (they were joined later by beau) about relationships, and how you know a guy is the one, etc ..

And Jenny told April and co that she was crying about her bf when she was in the gold room -- that no one asked her why she was upset they just assumed .. she told April this because April was saying she was crying in the HOH BR about her husband when listening to James Taylor ..

April told Ivette .. who told Cappy.

When eric said, maybe we were wrong about Michael? James said no .. because of the Sarah thing.

But many on this board have disputed whether the Sarah thing actually happened .. let Sarah confess to James that maybe she's not sure it happened .. that she was just hyper aware of the situation because of all the paranoia the girls were spreading based on Jenny's lie..

Come on HG's!! Figure out this was all BS and ralley the troops to keep Michael!!!

Come on!! Use that VETO!! Put Jenny up. Vote Jenny out!!

Please. Oh. Please. Oh. Please.!!!!!!!!!!!

I think they can't not show it .. but as with the sexual harrasment thing, they will deffinately put their own spin on what happened ..

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I didn't watch the other seasons of BB when the other people got thrown out.. how did the HG handle it then? If Mike told them he didn't consider Eric a threat that's probably the main reason they let Eric stay. My guess is they will show it and then gloss over it as no big deal.

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Beau and April are now sitting around talking about who they would put up and guess what it's Kaysar and Janelle... :roll:

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Guest MickeysMom

The cult will have about 2 more weeks free. Then they will have to turn on themselves.

My first pick would be April and Ivette. Those two (along with Maggie) are the biggest troublemakers. They make Allison look like an angel.

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actually when the guy from first season was thrown out for holding

knife to one of the girls necks and asking her what would happen

if he used it, (they were both the only two up and both drunk)

BB called him to diary room and took him out of the house that

minute, then on live show, Julie came on very serious they showed

the footage said how they had to at all times think of safety of all

guests and that kind of behaviour had zero tollerance, the

houseguests didn't even know he was gone tell morning.

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I don't know why this bugs me so much, but it drives me crazy that the facts about Scott Weintraub are always misstated.

After throwing the chairs around the room BB called him to the DR and he refused the first couple of demands. They asked him what he thought he was doing and he said he was "just blowing off some steam." Shapiro was called in and said something to effect, "You seem to be having trouble adapting to the environment. If we put you back in the house do you think you'll be able to stand the pressure and function in the game?" Scott said "No." He left by his own choice. He was never "thrown out."

I don't know enough about about the Eric / Michael matter to comment, however, if Eric was called to the DR, and if Shapiro was called in, it's very possible the matter was handled the same way, and Eric promised he could deal with the pressure.

But for the last time: Scott Weintraub was never thrown out of the BB house.

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First, nice to see you back, but I have to disagree, only becuase I know someone with Endemol who works on BB's in other countries. According to them, Scott was called in and said he COULD handle the situation and Shapiro and folks after a long debate, where Scott was left sitting in the DR, was told he would need to leave due to legal and safety issues. It was then spun in the press to protect Shapiro and Company and Endemol etc, that he chose to leave on his own. This is why he was not allowed to comment and had to in fact sign a confidentiality agreemant stating that he would not come back for the finale and that he would be paid for the time he was in the house, plus a bonus for not speaking publicly about the incedent.

I would never try to correct you, but I have no idea where your facts are coming from and I have someone who is an Endemol employee who is telling me this. According to my source, The Shapiro/ Endemol group are pretty intense when it comes to covering up this stuff. It is about ratings and not bad publicity and they would gladly pay a small sum, to shut someone up, then risk a ratings decline.

My source calls them the BB Mafia. And they don;t laugh when they state that.

No hard feelings, just wanted to make sure people got both sides.


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My source was a public statement made by Shapiro after the event. I suspect your facts are correct, and that we were given the happy CBS spin version. I think you'll agree, Shapiro isn't always the best source for the facts.

BTW, Welcome back to you too. It's just like old times with you posting again.

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