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WTF was he talking about Adam and Shelia floating? He's the biggest turd in the bowl.

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the big jock won hoh

i would never thought he win

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I don't really care right who goes home, but I know who I want to be at least one of the nominated hgs. JOSHUAH. That little king has ruled the roost too long. He thinks he's a god. It's time for him to be taken down a peg and see what it's like to sweat.

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I am pretty sure Adam threw the comp to Ryan.

Ryan is a big doofus. He'll probably hook up with Matt now, Even though James made sure he knew that Matt betrayed him.

I hope he gets a belt in his HOH basket. Maybe a wee bit of rope. And some clean drawers.

C'mon pa, Shooooot! -*spits a loogie like ED*-

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still dont and cant believe he won hoh

this is guy who buzzed in first last hoh

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Allison walked all over Ryan when they were partners...even when she was saying "Ryan's calling the shots"...she was the one calling them. Now that she's gone it'll be interesting to see if he does have any game/spine in him...but I doubt it. I think he's going to latch on to his bros and ride thier coat tails for a while...let them influence his decision. Even though he didn't trust Matty before...now that they're singles...Matty will probably have his back (as long as it's convenient for Matty ;))

With this being 1st week of singles...It'll be difficult for him to quickly make a power/strategic move...since he (and everyone else too) doesn't really have a revised strategy plan set up yet...it'll be safe noms this week...so not to p*ss off too many. I think Josh will be Ryan's target. Josh is defintely not one of the boys and Ryan can play it as revenge due to his treatment of Allsion as well as for putting R/A on block last week. Ryan will probably also pick one of the women to go up too...probably Sharon, but who knows for sure.

Josh is really sweating right now...and should be. :)

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I think Ryan's had to sit back and float because of the situations he's been put in. First with Jen being there and then being paired with that b*tch. I'm anxious to see how his game changes with him being solo!!

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ryan has an interesting choice this week to make. In fact, this probably wasn't a good hoh to win, but with him being on the block last week and being a target at the beginning I could see why he might want the safety of hoh even if he didn't need it to be safe.

I think Josh is probably a safe bet to go on the block (and I assume this is probably who he wants out). Everyone else in the house will probably understand why he would put up Josh and expect it out of him. The second choice is a little tougher. I don't think he will put up matt or adam because they are his "boys" and will help him down the road. Nat is not a threat so she doesn't need to go up. Sharon is a possibility, but I think she will probably float for a few weeks so she's not an immediate threat. That leaves James, Chelsia, and Sheila. I think if he puts up James or Chelsia that puts a big target on his back for the following weeks. If he puts up Chelsia then James will be gunning for him, and vice versa. Sheila is relatively harmless in the game, but doesn't really make him a target if he puts her on the block either. The downside to putting up Sheila is chances are slim that she could win pov so that puts Josh at better odds of getting himself off the block.

If I was him I would

Nominate Josh and Sheila.

If Josh wins pov and uses it, I would replace him with Sharon.

That would hopefully get out a threat with the least amount of damage to his gameplay.

The key to getting Josh/Sharon out will be talking James into it. If he can convince James it's a good move then I think Chelsia will follow. Otherwise at worst, I think it would end up a 3-3 tie. Matt, Adam, Nat voting to evict Josh/Sharon and James, Chelsia, and the Josh/Sharon voting to evict Sheila.

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I really think that is what he is going to do also.

Not good strategic moves to clear his way to the end but I think he will go with the safe way. They really should start splitting things up and form some new alliances.

I hate that they all suck up to each other and pretend to be friends. Makes for a boring game.

I miss the Sov and the Nerd Herd type of alliances.

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My 2cents...I think most of you are right on that he will go for Josh & Sharon and use the excuse of them putting him up and Josh's treatment of Allison. He does not want to make any enemies at this point. Wish Adam had won HOH now....Ryan is my game choice now with James as my second.

Trust too that Matty will be in his ear all day to get him to nominate Nat so that he can "kickback" without her hanging/chasing him all over the house.

The only ones I feel are safe..Matt (grrrrrr), Adam, James, and Chelsia. The rest are fair game for him without making waves.

If he could go after strong, it should be Matt and Chelsia!

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If Matt gets Ryan to nominate Nat, he will prove exactly hold "re-TAD-ed" he really is. Natalie is Matt's ONLY safe vote. Everyone else would jump at the chance to evict his lying ass.

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WOW! That is right on target ImIn! I agree that Ryan will not do anything to stir up the house, will make the safe choices, and will forgive and forget with Matty (which will end up biting him in the ass). Oh boy, poor Nat, she is gonna lose her MIND!! I am SOO happy to see fear in{big, bad} Joshy's eyes. He is gonna snap, but not yelling at people, he is gonna turn into a sniveling, quivering jellyfish.. His day is DONE! PLEASE don't bring parker back,, YUCK! HE contributed NOTHING to the house, nothing good at all, and very weak drama. The decent thing is Alex, the naughty fun thing is Amanda..

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Ryan's being stupid trying to get Sharon out.

He needs to use these nominations (and eviction) to make his new alliance stronger. That means he needs to get rid of one of the "partners" of his new "boyz". He should nominate either Chelsia, Natalie or Sheila and if one of them gets off the block... then one that didn't go immediately should be the replacement. Ryan is going to be the odd man out if he doesn't get rid of the people that will have his new alliances backs, imo!

Already we just saw Matt and Adam trying to protect Nat and Sheila from being up on the block. Should have been a huge red flag for Ryan but, he's so dense, he didn't see it.

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OK I am sorry that Ryan won HOH. I don't know why I was happy about that last night. He has no balls.

CeCi I was watching that. What a tool Ryan is being. I like him as a person but he sucks at this game.

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Why Ryan is so willing to believe Matty on anything is beyond me...after the promise he gave both couples to save them last eviction. Dense is right.

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