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I don't know why no one understands Ryan's game plan, it's easy: "yeah, bro.....uh huh....I'm down wit that..got a smoke" Seems pretty SIMPLE (minded) to me. :huh:

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why are Josh and James NOT talking to Ryan? They know Ryan will go along with whatever is said to him last. I'm hoping they get into his ear soon and remind him that Matthole is a LIAR and Nat is a tattletale. Any secret alliance they (Matt & Nat) make to Ryan, A: isn't an alliance that benefits Ryan and B: isn't a secret.

Why is James suddenly playing a very stupid game.

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I think James/Josh are just so positive that Matt is going up. (fools)

I think Ryan is pretty locked in to putting James up. I don't think he would ever put his new best best bro Matt up.

POV ceremony is going to be pretty wild if the plan doesn't leak. James/Josh/Chelsia/Sharon will be pissed. They are the only ones that don't know that James is going up and not Matt.

I think the lines will be drawn in the sand.

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lines been drawn awhile back imho

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Well Josh/Sharon/Chelsia and James don't have a clue that Ryan/Matt/Adam/Natalie/Sheila are an alliance.

Next week it will be 3 to 5 and with Alex coming back I am sure he will hop to the biggest alliance. Then I think the main sub alliance with be the BRO ALLIANCE.


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Maybe Ryan is making a relatively smart move. Last night when I heard James ask Josh and Chelsia if they would mind if they evict Ryan next week even though they said two weeks and they said no and started laughing makes me think it might not be such a bad plan for ryan at this point. I can't stand Matt but he is easy to play. Just let him think everyone thinks he is God's gift to women!

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i knew their two week plan was bs and i said it

with matt gone ryan became strongest male in comps

and with all bb the hg usually go after strongest males

thank good for sheila being upset at pov results because ryan doofus was definately going for bd of matt

and his dumbass would have follow suit next week

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I wonder how all this will change (his little buddy-buddiness with Matt) when he sees that Alex has been voted back in? There's no way in hell Matt would pick Ryan over Alex. He's in a very good position with Natalie and then Alex in his corner. Ryan's screwed. He's a good looking guy, but he's dumber than a bag of rocks. Still...I'm hoping that part of him is just playing along and he'll really put up Matt.

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easy money

alex too likeable to keep around

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The boy's got a head the size of a Fall Pumpkin. (that's normal for how Ohio guys look no sh*t). You'd think there'd be something in there. But considering he was in love with that Jen.... I'm convinced he needs booted back to his corn and grits.
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After Josh and James went OUTSIDE then came BACK in Josh hugged up onto Ryan's shoulder from behind and made a comment referring to Nat and their throwing stuff on her. And then James said "you know it's funny" and ryan WAS LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I corrected it was Chelsia not James that said you can't not laugh. Also it was later on that Matt kept telling Ryan at the sink that it was not cool and not alright. Regardless at least Matt confronted Josh when Ryan kept his head low.
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