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Zach Week 10


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I have been consistently ambivalent about Zach this season...UP UNTIL TODAY. Somehow Zach morphed into every detestable HG this season. He's delusional like Amber, he's claiming he "never said anything bad about you" to jameka (like Amber), he's talking to himself like Dick, he's trashing everyone to whoever he;'s talking to like Eric, he thinks he's the best player ever like Danielle, and he's suddenly all about the Bible like Jameka. WTF!?! I really think he's lost his damn mind.

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Zach is the only one not delusional in my opinon.

He doesnt curse out other hgs constantly. He doesnt whine its so not fair anytime something does not go his way. He doesnt claim he deserves the money over others. He doesnt claim he is one of the "good people" over others. He doesnt think he is entitled to anything. He realizes these are people that all want to win just like he does. They are not better or worse than him that it is a game and nobody is more deserving than he is.

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I have been consistently ambivalent about Zach this season...UP UNTIL TODAY. Somehow Zach morphed into every detestable HG this season. He's delusional like Amber, he's claiming he "never said anything bad about you" to jameka (like Amber), he's talking to himself like Dick, he's trashing everyone to whoever he;'s talking to like Eric, he thinks he's the best player ever like Danielle, and he's suddenly all about the Bible like Jameka. WTF!?! I really think he's lost his damn mind.

I so much agree with you, Zach could never figure why Jam disliked him and Jam DID dislike him, never talked to him, etc. Now, Zach wants to pray with Jam before the POV today.


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What is up with Zach's new spiritual connection with Jameka?

He is using a "god bond" with her, WHAT ? From what I read on Jokers, he also said he would like to pray today. Since when has Zach been this spiritual.. What is wrong with him, LOL. I even heard his nomination speech was spriritual. This guy is a looney! I'd understand if he's been like this all along but now that he is with Jameka and he wants F2 he brings all of this up. He has always brought God into his conversations with her. Hmm, Zach is rather strange.

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I think that he is behaving like an arse. What a doofus. I like Zach and I have liked him this whole season, but you know, don't you think Jamezus sees this as fake? He has NOTHING in common with her but wanting to win so he is going to find something that he KNOWS she is passionate about and go with that. Can you tell I am annoyed?

Good vs Evil? LOL. Evel was the only one who gave Zach any time of day for MOST of the whole season. Peckerhead.

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I wonder if Zach and Jameka are going to kneel down and pray before the veto comp. ???

It is funny that Zach never mentioned religion until yesterday and now it is all about God, Jameka and Zack.

He said it is now Good vs Evil. (so these are the final "good" people)

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