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Zach Week 10


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Zack and Jameka talking religion. Zack saying he has teachings in theology. From the first week of the season Zach and Jameka did not like each other. The whole game Zack said his worst nightmare is having Jameka winning the game because she has not played the game. I think if he does go against her in the final 2 he could lose.

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Zach had to do something because he has had no alliance in the game since Mike. We have been on the outside knowing a lot of the game moves. We knew that he should have put one of the Donato's up. But they were the only ones who offered him any kind of alliance. Jessica or Eric didn't try to persuade Zach to jump on the band wagon with them when he was HOH while Dani spent countless hours in the HOH BR pretending to like him without offering any kind of deal other than not nominating him if one of them got the next HOH. I don't know when us 3 to the final 3 was said, but they would have changed their minds if they thought that it was in their best interest. Dick and Dani did not have a clue how he could step up his game play when he was backed into a corner.

There's always a silent player (floater or clinger) in the game that doesn't do anything until the end in these reality shows who comes up and wins the whole thing because he or she didn't make any enemies. This happened in BB3. The one who I wanted to win was in alliance with Jason, can't think of her name, and they got rid of Marcellas and kept the girl who ended up winning because the jurors got to hear the diary room sessions. She never really played a physical game until the end. I was a lone cheerer for her. The majority of ppl on Morty's was cheering her win just like now with cheering for D/D to win.

He has probably played one of the hardest games to stay in the house without winning any HOH's or POV's until now. No one has wanted him on their side. Now, he believes that he can win the game. He has thought this move out since he won HOH. He knows that he has at least a 50/50 chance of winning by alligning with Jameka. If he stays with D/D, his odds are greatly reduced. As Dick would say, "this is just a game!" I hope Zach or Jameka wins the POV because this is just a game, and I want to see one of the Donato's walk out the door and visit all the other HG's who they put out the door while saying, "this is just a game!!"

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Thanks Odinsraven, you summed it up perfectly. I find both of the Donatos reprehensible and cannot understand why people cheer for them. It seems that no matter how rude and vulgar they BOTH act - not just Dick - people will make excuses for their behavior. Go Zach and Jameka - stick to your gameplan and don't let these two bottom feeders get to you.

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Zach is going to win and I do not think he has been close to being a floater. Nor is there anything wrong with being a "floater". He was a target for weeks as well as an outcast. He is a decent guy and it would be great to see him win over people that have had every break in the book thrown their way especially the fact that they are father and daughter. Why dont they throw Zachs brother in the final 4 just for fun to even things up? LOL :)

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It matters because if Dani wins POV she might still sell her dad out. You never know how far she would go. Ofcourse the POV matters more but always expect the unexpected. She would assume she had his vote on the Jury and could make Jameka promise to take her to final 2 if she wins hoh.

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The POV is all that matters. If Dick or Danielle get it, Jameka goes home. If Jameka or Zach get it, they better think hard about which Danato they keep.

Yada, that ship sailed when Zach put both her and her dad out. She will not turn on Dick during the game now because she knows she can beat him, and he's all she's got.

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i just don't want him to win. him or jameka either...sorry to their fans. which means, with my track record, that they probably will! but i do think zach has played a better game than jameka, i guess. i do think they are all equally WORTHY to win. no good people/bad people for me! it's just a matter of i'll be happy if a favorite of mine wins...but they never do.

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How can anyone say Zach is a floater?? He kept his word and voted what he said he was going to do. And he has tried to make friends and alliances. The ones that he made alliances with were opposite the LNC. They were all against Zach including Jameka because he had a sorry, lopsided alliance with Kail. Dick would have gone out the door if Eric had not talked everyone into voting for Dustin.

I really don't think that Zach threw any competions. But that's just my opinion. Most of the competitions have been mental. But I have to give Dick a hand shake for his game. But if I was a juror, he would not get my vote because he took his game play to a different level that was uncalled for.

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Zach was a floater because he floated to whoever was HOH and kissed butt for a week. He didn't do anything in the game until he was put on the block. He had no friends, made no moves, and threw all the competitions until now. He was a very good floater.

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I'm rooting for Zack to win. I believe everyone has played the game in their own way and he made the best of the situation after his alliance broke down. I'm glad that he was just working the Donatos and didn't really believe their BS.

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I am too. I had put my money behind Jameka after Thursday's show but, I've had a day to think about it and really Zach has played an awesome game. It was boring as hell and he is a bit dorky but, he grew on me a bit lately. (However, he still made the boob head decision of the year by not using the POV last Thurs.)

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