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Zach Week 10


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Doesn't matter who he nominates it's all about the POV.

Didn't I mention that this guy has been dominating competitions lately? I'm absolutely convinced he was throwing them until he was nominated. I hope the jury will be able to respect and understand his gameplay if he makes the final two.

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seeing as how zack just won HoH the smartest thing strategically to do right now (and i hate myself for saying this) is get rid of daniele.

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I'm happy for Zack....he's finally playing the game....whats wrong with

him keeping his word? And not going after D/D?.....When D/D voted out

Eric and Jess it was strategic....if Zack keeps D/D he's stupid.

Not trying to bait or flame......JMHO :pixiedust: and I value yours.

I haven't had a favorite for weeks and I still don't! :cookie:

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his nominations dont matter either way, considering the POV winner determins who goes home.

Lets say:

He nominate Dick and Daniele

- as long as one of those 2 wins they BOTH stay, cause the person comming off the block is the only vote this week

He nominates Jameka and dick

- If zach wins, he would keep it the same

- if danni wins, she will save dick, making Jam go home

- if Dick wins, he wont use it, and danni will vote out Jam. Or even if he does us it, he will then vote out Jam

I see him putting up Jam and one of the others (it doesnt matter who)

-in this senario as long as Jam doesnt win, both donatos stay.

Good Luck with POV daniele!

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Let's see how this plays out.

I see it two ways.

Both Donatos go up. ( I see this happening more ).

Jameka/Donato goes up.

Donato gets POV, Donato goes down, Jameka goes up.

Donato votes, Jameka goes home.

Jameka/Zach win POV, Noms stay the same.

Donato goes home.

I'm really gonna start praying that a donato gets the POV..

You think Dick would use it on his daughter?..

I don't know if he would, regardless they would be the one vote, lol.

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Nah, he has to grow a pair first in order to do that. I never saw a house full of ballless men in all my life. One of the questions the producers must have asked is "Are you a pussy?"

I think he will grow them real quick and put up D&D . Jameka and Zack will become friendly quick amazing how money does that to you. ;):D

Zack talked at the beginning of the game that D&D are the same and have to be pulled apart . He will do it now . Go Zack !

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