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Who Should Daniele And Dick Get Out?


Eviction - Week 9  

242 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should Daniele and Dick get out?

    • Jameka - Keep the four together another week.
    • Jessica - Get her out now while they have the chance.
    • Eric - Use the veto and try to get him out.

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Dick and Daniele are discussing what they should do with the veto. Obviously, both of them are safe, unless for some unknown reason Daniele uses the veto and Zach puts Dick up.

Now, Daniele has stated that if they get Jess out now, she might hold that against them in the jury, so maybe they should wait until next week. Waiting another week probably wouldn't make it any better. Jess would probably be mad at them regardless.

If they take her out now, D/D have a 2 out of 3 chance for HOH next week, with only them and Eric competing if the send Jessica home this week. They also stated that they want to keep Zach until final 3, meaning they'd both rather get rid of Eric and Jessica before Zach, instead of keeping the 4 until the final 4.

What do you think is their best option? I think, for their own safety, they should vote Jessica out now. Isn't that what Zach wants them to do now that the veto is over with?

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I hope you are voting strategic wise..

Even if you don't like them.. the people who are voting Jameka, are you kidding me?

Jessica will turn on them first if they dont get her out now..

Jameka isn't a threat.

She can't compete next HOH.

Jessica can and if she wins D&D are going up.

You can't be serious that is who they should get out

Regardless of your opinions of them..

Think about their game, seriously.

JEDD alliance never was going to last.

Neither will it help them.

Bye Bye.

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Evicting Jessica would break up a strong alliance. Now AP is playing for Jessica and is all consumed with her. Jessica is the strongest competitor besides Daniele. Jessica has the whole jury liking her. I think they really need to get Jess out now. Eric would be my second choice.

I am saying that because D&D have the POV and are the ones voting. They have all the power right now.

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The Donatos are frauds, and I can't wait for them to be exposed.

They have been helped all along by the AP votes.

They would both be gone if it weren't for the twist.

They begged and pleaded with Jess and Eric and kept reminding them that trust is so hard to come by, yet the second they can go back on their word they're ready to annoint themselves brilliant...puhleaze...

At least Jess and Eric didn't put them on the block or PoV them last week.

How short their memories are.

I really hope they shock me and stay true to their word and get the final 4 of D/D, Jess and Eric.

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Who cares if AP helped D&D more than him ?

Good for Daniele and Dick !

No matter what you say,

Daniele/Dick deserve the win.

Eric can just go cry some more if he'd like.

Because America likes D&D more.


It's a game.

Like it or not.

( Btw , I meant this vote ... )

You people are ridiculous voting for Jameka

that getting her out will benefit D&D more..

You're just haters.. what ev.

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They should have let be Eric gone before. America wanted him to leave but Dustin changed his vote. (some say convinced by the diary room)

Like I have said before. Anything could have happened on any given day. Jessica could have alligned with Dani and they could have stormed the house with comps. They could have taken Dick along for the ride.

Big Brother brought America in the game. America could have decided that they loved any certain HG more then another.

It is what it is.

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Well, personally I think that you all that are voting for Jessica are ridiculous... See it doesn't feel good, does it? Just because we don't agree isn't a reason to start calling fellow posters names...

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I agree it is what it is.

But does everyone forget last Tuesday when Dick and Dani were begging not to be put up, the whole TRUST speech?

If they do not put Jameka out they are the BIGGEST hypocrites ever.

And I know that's the game, but it just pisses me off!!!!!!


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The Donatos are frauds, and I can't wait for them to be exposed.

They have been helped all along by the AP votes.

They would both be gone if it weren't for the twist.

They begged and pleaded with Jess and Eric and kept reminding them that trust is so hard to come by, yet the second they can go back on their word they're ready to annoint themselves brilliant...puhleaze...

At least Jess and Eric didn't put them on the block or PoV them last week.

How short their memories are.

I really hope they shock me and stay true to their word and get the final 4 of D/D, Jess and Eric.

Danielle didn't nominate either of them when she won HOH for the second time. And Eric and Jess also have discussed turning on D/D a million times so don't act like D/D are the satan reincarnated and E/J are the helpless victims.

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Danielle didn't nominate either of them when she won HOH for the second time. And Eric and Jess also have discussed turning on D/D a million times so don't act like D/D are the satan reincarnated and E/J are the helpless victims.

they could have last week and did not.

'sall I'm sayin.

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By saying that D/D are hypocrites if they vote out Jessica... Jess wanted them out last week. If it wasn't for Eric being AP and knowing that he needed to keep Amber nominated and voted out to win two tasks, Jess would have gotten him to use the veto and nominated either Dick or Daniele. Both sides want the others gone. D/D are not the first ones to say the others need to go. They all say that. The only reason why Eric doesn't try to get them out is because of his AP tasks.

Dani kept them both safe two weeks ago when she was HOH. Jess kept them both safe last week when she was HOH. So it's not like one side kept their deal over the others. Now, with Zach as HOH, Jess wanted Dick or Daniele up and gone. Same with D/D wanting Jessica and Eric gone. At least they are considering their options instead of saying screw the whole deal, and vote Jessica out.

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You people are ridiculous voting for Jameka

that getting her out will benefit D&D more..

You're just haters.. what ev.

Because we want someone else out, because we care more for someone else to win, we are haters? I don't understand that logic. I respect your choice of favorite players or anyone elses. I don't hate D/D, just don't care to see them win. :animated_bouncy:

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There should have been another choice in the poll

Use veto to put Eric up and vote out Jessica.

I see Jessica going home and here is why.

Jessica has had the two alliances going at the same time



That is why she was so upset with Amber going before Zack and if it hadn't been for

the AP Eric vote plus his making money he would have voted Zack out.

That would have become the new final 4.

Jessica and Eric have discussed breaking

up the D/D alliance for awhile. Meanwhile, Jessica has discussed with

Jameka throwing Eric under the bus.

Zameka is no threat to the D/D's and a wasted eviction.

For GREAT Drama, have Dani use the Veto and put Eric up and then watch Jessica

spill the beans about the mustard and hinkey vote's to everyone.

Eric will weasel out of it and probably call her the C word and Liar

and when ALL is said and done....

Jessica is voted out because she is more of a threat in comps

Eric stays..America screws with him and his AP votes.


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I'm keeping my fingers crossed they get Jameka out. I would hate for Jameka to make it to final 2 and win because of dumbass Amber,Dustin,and Jen voting for her...

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