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Religion And The Bb Game


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Religion is one thing, but fanatacism or a complete warping of someone's belief system are completely different.

I can overlook, and maybe even respect, the way Jameka handles her religion. She mostly keeps it to herself and does her own thing. Most of the HGs don't get to see all the prayer sessions that we're seeing in the live feeds.

Amber, on the other hand, is the perfect candidate to be recruited into a cult. She follows blindly without thinking anything through for herself. She takes everyone's word as law. She tries to follow the bible literally, without understanding any of the meanings (or definitions for words).

I'm not a religious person, and really have a distaste for most organized religions, but everyone is entitled to their faith as long as they don't try to push it down people's throats.

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You are right, Yana, I forgot about that Bible Belt. Maybe we need words other than 'Christian" if they come in all flavors.

Where does that end? Imagine a life of no dancing. Kill me now.


Amber, on the other hand, is the perfect candidate to be recruited into a cult.

Low self esteem is prime and fertile ground for inducing the cult mentatality of being saved in the name of ____ (fill in the blank) since you can't possibly be capable of doing it yourself.

And look what we're doing to help Amber along!

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If there was an African American on the show who practiced Islam, and he was as crazy as Amber, would you start bringing up that he's black and practices Islam when discussing his nuttiness? When you put a label on someone with their religion, race or even sexual preference, you run the risk of going down a very slippery road.


why would the color of his skin have anything to do with his religion?

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Where does that end? Imagine a life of no dancing. Kill me now.

OK See I was raised in a home that I wasn't allowed to dance, wear make up, cut my hair, wear pants or shorts, all my skirts had to be below my knees, there was not TV, and the only radio station we were allowed to listen to was the Christian station... I changed to another religion when I got out on my own... I don't judge people on what religion they are... I just think that every Christian that is trying to live life as a Christian wouldn't want to come on a show where they have to lie and hurt others to win...

why would the color of his skin have anything to do with his religion?

I agree Fizzle... I mean I haven't heard one person here say that white girl Amber is a Christian...

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Fizzle.... /sigh

I don't understand why people don't get what I'm trying to say.

I'd say maybe as much as half the time when it's negative discussion about Amber her religion comes into the discussion. This is often very offensive because it's as if people are blaming religion for some of what she does. I brought up race because it's the same thing with race. Race and religion are the two most touchy subjects in America. Since it is brought up so much (religion that is) in discussions with Amber's psyche, can't you see how that could be very offensive for some people? There have been NUMEROUS times where people even in the other thread have brought up, and I quote "religious whackos". Do you not understand how that would be offensive to some people?

Religion has nothing to do with why some people are crazy. A sane person doesn't start practicing religion and then become insane. You must have a screw loose to begin with. For all we know Amber's religion is one of the only reasons she hasn't gone totally off the deep end yet.

It is becoming more and more "accepted" in our massively secular society to trash religion and that scares me because it won't stop there. You can quote me on that.

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I understand what you're saying Xal but, here's where I think you're missing one ingredient.

The reason posters bring up Amber and Christianity together is because she herself makes broad statements about being a "good person" an "honest person." She says she's these things because she feels GOD is on her side.

In other words her and Jameka are better than the other houseguests because of their religion and how "God" is playing for them... giving Amber "visions" ... keeping them in the game, etc.

I do completely agree that Christians are not perfect. If you believe in Christ... we are here to atone for our sins. To have the "free will" to make the right choices in our lives and to live "christ like."

Now, since we all know that Amber is constantly talking to God and believes that she is in his grace as she plays the game. We poster will try to point out how she in fact is far from Christian like. (Does that make sense? lol) That God is not playing this game and if he did... it wouldn't be with Amber.

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I don't understand why people don't get what I'm trying to say

And you don't understand what we are trying to say. Religion can be a huge impact one one's life, on their mentality in the world. Not just Christianity, but ALL religions. Sometimes religions can twist people's perceptions on reality.... that's JMHO.

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Instead of saying how crazy that religious nut Amber is, why not just discuss how crazy Amber is? Her religion should have nothing to do with her craziness, that's all I'm saying. When people combine her religion with her sanity, it paints that religion in a bad light, whether intended or not.

Dont know if any of you ever watched 30 Days, the tv series by Morgan Spurlock of Super Size Me. He had a devote Christian (Southern Baptist, i think) go live for 30 days with an Muslim family in Dearborn MI (highest population of Muslim in America). They got into a pretty heated discussion about the 9/11 terrorists and how this Christian guy thought all Muslims were like that. The Muslims were trying to explain that regardless of their religion the people who flew planes into the towers were first and foremost extremeist people and that those types of people exist in every religion/race/sex/etc. (Hello? KKK, David Koresh??? The list goes on.)

IMO, Amber is one of these extremeist people. No, Im not calling her a terrorist. But she grabs on to something and turns it into the be all end all of her existance. Not healthy, no matter what it is.

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If there was an African American on the show who practiced Islam, and he was as crazy as Amber, would you start bringing up that he's black and practices Islam when discussing his nuttiness?

He wasn't crazy or nutty but I recall Kaysar and his prayer rug getting this hammer from folks.

What's important is our approach to life and our fellow man, no matter the religion:


What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God?


Wherever you go, wherever you rest, may the peace of Good Allah keep you blest.


Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love. This is an old rule.


To be in one's own heart in kindly sympathy with all things; this is the nature of righteousness.


As one may ascend to the housetop by ladder, rope, or bamboo, so there are many ways to reach God.


All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them.

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Instead of saying how crazy that religious nut Amber is, why not just discuss how crazy Amber is? Her religion should have nothing to do with her craziness, that's all I'm saying. When people combine her religion with her sanity, it paints that religion in a bad light, whether intended or not.

I respectfully disagree. Amber's religion is very much a part of her craziness. If it were a case of Amber just having mentioned at one point in the game that she was a Christian and people chose to call her a crazy Christian that would be one thing. But the way that Amber is religious, the way she frequently talks about her visions, the way the game is preordained are all a significant part of her craziness.

Jameka also gets there at times. The way that she was carrying on while praying the other night, I thought a child had passed away or something.

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This is often very offensive because it's as if people are blaming religion for some of what she does.

no no no... i dont think people are blaming religion at all!!! people are putting the blame on the right person.. AMBER!

its amber who is making a mockery out of things. its amber who everyone is making fun of. its not religion or god that people are going after here.. its the people that hold the bible up as a shield against all others and act as if they are better than the rest that get people upset.

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Instead of saying how crazy that religious nut Amber is, why not just discuss how crazy Amber is?

Exactly. Seems to me that she only started praying so much after having seen Jameka and Kail do it. She was never like this when she first entered the house. I think she's easily influenced.

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Seems to me that she only started praying so much after having seen Jameka and Kail do it.

See to me that's the whole point... She looks like a fake Christian... I'm not saying that she couldn't have found religion while in the house, I am just saying it looks fake is all... This is just my opinion...

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I find it interesting, however, that they speak of God and religion and yet don't hold to the same values that they expect others to have in order to show their devotion. Amber lied when she said that she didn't have plans to put up Eric or Jessica when the week that Dustin was there and they were planning on sending Dick home her main intention was to put both of them up to break them up. Jameka had agreed with her. Yet they insist that Eric and Jessica were never targets. They have no difficulty in using swear words or gossiping about other people. I just don't believe that their belief in God has much to do with what would reflect as what I have heard to be Christian values.

As far as the game is concerned, just like everyone else in the house they are trying to do what is best for them to win. No one can fault them for that. But for Amber to insist that she and Jameka and Eric and Jessica are the only "good" people in the house is laughable.

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I don't see why you can't be a Christian and play Big Brother. It's just a game. By that token, NOBODY should go on Big Brother because NOBODY should condone lying, backstabbing, deceit, etc. regardless of their religious beliefs. But... IT'S A GAME. If someone lies then it's in the context of a game and is not that big a deal. Also, what's with this whole JAMEKA GOT ANGRY ONCE SO SHE'S A PHONY CHRISTIAN. I must have missed when Christians started walking around claiming to be perfect. As for Amber, well she's very immature in her faith. She doesn't understand completely what it means to be a Christian yet, I wouldn't call her a phony.

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I always equate Big Brother with Monopoly or any other board game I tend to get a little... crazy... over. I am the worst person to play with. When I'm in my competitor mode, I will do whatever I need to do in order to win the game. It's like I'm a different person. It's so bad to where my bf at one point stopped playing games with me altogether because I would take it a little bit too far... throwing the chess board..ya, not uncommon... Anyhow, how I am when I'm playing a game and how I am in regular every day life, is two very separate ppl, like he or my friends can't even believe it's me being so vile. Just because I'll call you names, lie and manipulate..cheat if I have to, doesn't make me a bad person.. but maybe it does, a bad player??? That's the thing, and really is subjective depending on who you ask. If you ask me, if you don't do those things, you're not playing hard enough. But ya, that's just me.

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I have stated that they are my opinions... You don't have to agree with them... I feel the way I do... I didn't say anything about Jameka at all... And all I have said about Amber was that she LOOKS fake, because she was so very different when she first came in the house... AGAIN THESE ARE MY OPINIONS...

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a lot of good points have been made in this thread, the reason Amber bothers me, well one of the issues IS the way she spouts her so called religion. I do not go to church, although I was christened episcopalian, my grandparents went to the christian church, I grew up on bible stories and being in the choir at a lot of different churches. Religion was never FORCED on me as a kid. I feel like Amber is shoveling a lot of her so called religion down my throat, her style of her religion does not resemble anything I was ever subjected to. I am a really spiritual person, but all these superficial visions she has (not) and her crying and praying borders on hysteria, not pretty and I find it an annoying part of her personality in the BB house. I also think she is a follower, and because she wanted to belong she started talking more and more about it because Jameka and Kail talked some about their religion, so now Amber is playing to the camera praying to the camera and kissing her necklace, so that is what I compalin about when I talk about Amber, what she does on the outside is not anything to me, but I sure bet she will not be cryin and prayin at home, nor do I get the idea that she ever did, it is all sooo phoney.

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I don't see why you can't be a Christian and play Big Brother. It's just a game. By that token, NOBODY should go on Big Brother because NOBODY should condone lying, backstabbing, deceit, etc. regardless of their religious beliefs. But... IT'S A GAME. If someone lies then it's in the context of a game and is not that big a deal. Also, what's with this whole JAMEKA GOT ANGRY ONCE SO SHE'S A PHONY CHRISTIAN. I must have missed when Christians started walking around claiming to be perfect. As for Amber, well she's very immature in her faith. She doesn't understand completely what it means to be a Christian yet, I wouldn't call her a phony.

Isn't that the same as saying it's okay for a Christian to gamble--if they're in a casino; or if they're in a strip club, it's okay to look/lust ?? Most Christians I know wouldn't put themself in that position. Same for the BB house.

I agree with you on Amber, if she is indeed a Christian, she's a baby one. It seems to me she simply latched on to Jameka's faith and ran with it. Seems sorta staged for the cameras, if ya ask me. Hope I'm wrong though. As for Jameka, she's somewhat immature in her beliefs too, imho. Anger is not a sin, btw, for whoever thinks it is. Jesus got angry. Sometimes what we say in anger is sinful though. :lipsrsealed2:

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Here's a quote that sums it all up for you, from the movie "Nuns on the Run", in which the character Charlie McManus (played by Robbie Coltrane) says:
"No. No, it's the doctrine of original sin. You see, we're all born sinful, except for Jesus who was perfect of course. And he was sent to save us. But how could he save us unless we're sinning? So we have to go on sinning in order to be saved and go to Heaven. That's how Christianity works. That's why it suits so many people.
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I don't knock on Christianity at all. To each thier own. Whatever floats your boat. But Amber and her crap is a freaking joke. I don't believe any self respecting Christian would behave in the fashion Amber has. If she truly has faith...great. But to me, she and her religion come across FAKE as hell and that's why it's a joke to me. JMO :-)

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