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Religion And The Bb Game


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Of course it's okay for a Christian to gamble. Look, plain and simple, the Bible, Torah, etc are full of contradictions. It's your interpretation of the books that sets religions/ spirituality apart from others. Just because some people choose to take parts of the Bible literally and others figuratively (depending on what point they are trying to make), IMO, doesn't give them the right to dictate what makes a "good" Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindi, etc.

So you can point to pieces of the text that say to not use foul language. Well, I can point to pages and pages of text that states women should not speak, should do the bidding of men, are dirty upon menstration, and so on. I have not seen or read anyone upset that Amber and Jameka don't cover their heads.

If a "good" Christian/ Jewish man were to play Big Brother, how hot would these boards be if he stated those passages? People would go frickin' nuts!

I just don't get the anger from some boards regarding religious views.

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I never said I had any problem with gambling... I said I am from the Bible belt and that a lot of Christians I know think it's a sin... Why can't people read what I am saying and know that I am not always stating something I believe personally, but sometimes just making a general comment... For me personally having sex with a women who is on her period is a sin... That's what the Bible is talking about according to what I have been taught... That's my personal opinion and I don't try and force it on anyone else... I also believe that if you have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, then you have been forgiven for all of your sins... ALL OF THEM... AGAIN EVERYTHING I HAVE STATED HERE IS MY PERSONAL OPINION...

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For me personally having sex with a women who is on her period is a sin... That's what the Bible is talking about according to what I have been taught

Jeeze, they really covered everything didn't they?

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So maybe Jameka and now Amber believe that once you've accepted Jebus as your Savior, you kind of get a pass other the minor sins (lie, backstab, the F word). Who's to say they're wrong?

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I am really sick of having to defend my opinions... If you don't like them stop reading them, but this will be the last time I defend them... They are my opinion's and I am entitled to them... I never said one thing about Amber and Jameka being wrong... I defended some people that were, because like me they were getting bashed for their opinions... I could care less what Jameka and Amber do in regards to their religion... All I have said is that Amber does come off looking fake, because she wasn't like this when she first came in the house... I have never said anything at all about Jameka and her religion... As a matter of fact, I like Jameka... So please stop putting words in my mouth...

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I wasn't the one that brought up the women being dirty during their periods... I just love the way people are calling me out and leaving the other post alone... That's fine, go right ahead... I just hope that no warnings go out over it...

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am i missing something here? who is messing with Yana?

edit: ok.. i see now... but i dont think they are calling you out personally Yana.. i think they are just calling out the whole "messy period" thing.... i dont think it was meant to be against you... ya know.

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I was not directing it at Yana . I saw it in a post where it said well I guess they covered everything .A post that was highlighted in black not a quote .Tell them to delete the post about the crude joke if you want I do not have that ability .

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My point is that I wasn't the one that brought women's periods into the converstation, but I am the one that is being quoted... I wouldn't have ever posted that if not for the post I was responding to having been posted... It's ok guys... I am sorry I am so touchy... I really need to stay away from the boards while I am sick and heavily medicated...

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Yana, sorry if you took heat from something I posted. I was by no means directing it at you, your posts or your opinions. I was pointing out that some people are happy to write off Jameka and Amber as bad Christians or fake Christians because they do not adhere to a strict code of conduct. Someone actually posted scripture as proof good Christians shall not use foul language. I merely pointed out that I can point out tones of passages that justify odd, vile, horrific actions and attitudes. If someone was on Big Brother and voiced those passages and tried to uphold those words, the boards would go crazy.

I'm tired of people crapping on Jameka and Amber's faith because there may be moment of hypocricy. Hell, Moses was a murder and a monster to some people. Does that make him any less of a Biblical tragic hero? You got me.

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The point is that Amber's "faith" has nothing to do with religion at all.

Her little chats with god, her visions, etc...all part of her delusional nature. Not different from her thinking how popular she is, how "upbeat" (her word!!)...

She's just totally out of touch with reality...at least, the reality of others. Her own little reality is warped, to say the least.

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Francis I am sorry I took things the wrong way... I'm by no means perfect, and I do make mistakes and all I can say is I really am sorry... I have been having to defend my opinion this year and it's the first time I can remember ever having to defend them, debate them I have done, but never had to defend them...

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Christians do come in "all flavors," even in the Bible belt. I live in Indiana, and I'm a Christian, but I don't go preaching my beliefs to anyone else. I don't feel I am supposed to live my life as perfect as possible. I know I can't be perfect. I do the best I can, and I ask for forgiveness when I can't.

I don't like all of the generalization in this thread at all. I would love to have had a chance to be on Big Brother, because it's a game. I would play it like a game of poker. I'm not sinning if I bluff in a game of poker. I also, however, would try not to make things personal, as much as possible. That's where actual morals come into it. If I trash a person in a personal way, and try to make them less of a human being to make myself feel good or to release pent-up anger, then I would feel I'm not being a Christian.

And I would take comfort from Christianity and pray. Silently, to myself. And I would answer the question truthfully if someone asked me in the house if I was a Christian, as Dick did at the beginning. Of course, he was probably asking just to be able to use it against everyone later. And I don't think that's fair, as long as the person doesn't go around preaching they are "good" and others are "bad." Jess has said she is Catholic, and she has said she is religious several times, but she doesn't shove it down everyone's throat, and she usually never bashes people personally. I like that about her.

I also don't think holy books of any kind should be allowed in the house. If people have a religious objection to that, then don't enter the house. It's not fair for people to have a security blanket like the Bible when others don't have their own forms of security blankets, like letters from their Mom that she wrote to them in college, or something like that, which gives them strength.

See, even Christians from Indiana can be openminded. :)

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I bolded it because there was a post saying not to quote.

I had no idea the bible said anything about periods and it makes no difference to me if it does or doesn't. It was a joke, nothing more. I hope you feel better soon, being sick stinks. :)

Still waiting on that sammich............

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I don't like all of the generalization in this thread at all.

Cat I can't speak for anyone else, but I will say that all I have stated in this thread is my opinion... I am of the opinion that if you are trying to live as a christian you wouldn't go into something knowing that you were going to have to, at some point, lie... Like I said, Kim and Chip went on TAR and even won the game without lying, so what I was trying to say is that you can win BB without lying, but it wouldn't be easy... I also don't think you have to lie in poker, it's just more fun haha... :)

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Anything 'out there' or 'extreme' is what the producers want to show to gain ratings. We have seen various examples of this, Dick and his rude behavior....... farting, belching and intimidation tactis, showmances/romances, masterbation/and or sex, arguments the list goes on. I guess if someone professes their belief system that will be portrayed also........ especially if it will cause controversy.

What does it mean to be a Christian........... to be a follower or believer of Jesus Christ. Therefore we should be "Christ" like. What enables us to know Christ....... to read & study the Bible. Does that make us perfect, no, but it teaches us right from wrong.

With that being said...... it is unfortunate that in society today we have many people who want to form their own version of Christianity/Religion/Spirituality because they either don't like what the Bible says and/or have very little understanding of the Bible.

Jameka and Amber really don't appear to be setting a good example. Are they Christians? I am not going to judge that and my opinion doesn't matter, God's does. They both seem immature in their Christian beliefs.

Yana, I agree with you when you say why would a Christian want to be on Big Brother. Truthfully, you would have to be a very mature Christian to come across to America in a positive light. Whoever you are, your faults will be shown. What you do when that happens is what people will judge you on.

I am offended by people who make generalized statements, that have a negative connotation, in regards to Bible believing Born Again Christians such as a Bible Thumpers. :smiley:

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