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Religion And The Bb Game


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NO NO NO It makes a HUGE difference when someone pretends to be a Christian and do it and someone that doesn't. When you tell everyone that you are a Christian and that you would never lie in the game and then you do, you get penalized alot harsher from others. I could care less if Dick or anyone else lie because they aren't pretending to be anything they are not. Once you say you are a Christian it changes everything because people will hold you to that standard. She did that on her own.

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I agree Wynn. You do hold people to the standards in which they portray themselves. I expected nothing less from Amber considering this was NOT her first lie. But I am still trying to figure out if Jameka really thought that Eric said that. I just don't see her doing that to Jess. But I could be completely wrong....

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NO NO NO It makes a HUGE difference when someone pretends to be a Christian and do it and someone that doesn't. When you tell everyone that you are a Christian and that you would never lie in the game and then you do, you get penalized alot harsher from others. I could care less if Dick or anyone else lie because they aren't pretending to be anything they are not. Once you say you are a Christian it changes everything because people will hold you to that standard. She did that on her own.

Well then you don't understand anything about Christianity. Christians are no better than anyone else. Period. They aren't supposed to be perfect. Religion doesn't mean you go to church every day and are nice to everyone. You're supposed to STRIVE to be a good person, but then again EVERYONE should do that, not just religious people.

According to Christianity Christ died for our sins and the sins we will commit in the future. We are imperfect people and that is expected.

Note I am not a Christian. I'm spiritual but I wouldn't say I'm very religious. Still, it annoys me when people seem to think just because you're a Christian you suddenly must be perfect.

Now, if you want to say Amber is a hypocrite for saying she never lies in the house and then goes ahead and lies, go right ahead. However, leave the religion out of it.

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If you are trying to live life being a Christian you are supposed to try to live life as close to perfect as is possible... They aren't... We didn't bring religion into it, they did... People have every right to say what they want about the way Amber and Jameka are portraying themselves...

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If you are trying to live life being a Christian you are supposed to try to live life as close to perfect as is possible... They aren't... We didn't bring religion into it, they did... People have every right to say what they want about the way Amber and Jameka are portraying themselves...

Umm, religion is a part of their lives so of course it's going to come up. I just think it's pretty rotten, yes ROTTEN, to constantly bring it up and I hope none of you who do bring it up all the time are religious. After all, that would be a MAJOR no no using someone's religion against them.

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I don't bring up the religion thing much... I could care less what they do or say concerning God... I have my opinions of them and it has nothing to do with their religion...

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hmmm.... the other night when jameka was up in the hoh room praying and crying... and jess walked in on her and gave her a hug.. jameka apologized for it...

jess told her not to be she understood, and she let it out that she (jess) is pretty religious and goes to church and prays.. but she just chose not to bring that side of her into the game.

so you see, there are plenty of people out there that dont feel the need to constantly announce where they stand on this issue... they just silently do their own thing.

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Is it just me or does EVERY thread I see Xal in turn into an arguement over someones OPINION? I know this is totally off topic for this thread, but it's becoming irritating. If you want to DEBATE people's OPINIONS make a thread devoted to JUST THAT and have at it. I'm tired of trying to sift through all of the posts that have little to do with BB.

Thanks! and :rockon:

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I am a Christian, and Christians are by no stretch of the imagination perfect. However, if a Christian deliberately sins, there will be consequences, one way or another.

I'd say Jameka and Amber just hammered the nails in their perpetual, pre-determined coffins.

And I agree, J/A brought religion into their games, making it a part of their games. All's fair.

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I just can't understand why a hard core Christian would be on a game like Big Brother. It is a game of lying and cheating. It goes against everything in the Bible. If one was to live by the Bible as I think Jameka does then I think they should not be in a game like BB.

I just don't get it. :animated_scratchchin:

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People aren't getting what I'm saying so I'm going to try to spell it out as best I can.

Is there a single, solitary soul here who thinks that being religious or a Christian suddenly makes you a better person than the rest of us?

OK, now that you have that answer, why then attack people like Amber for their religion when we know that is not the truth, that religious people are no different than everyone else? We're all people, none of us perfect. It's not even up for discussion because if anyone thinks anyone else is perfect, they need a short trip to a psychiatric ward.

Thus, with all that being said, it's Amber's ATTITUDE that she thinks she's better than other people, that she doesn't lie and whatnot, that should be being attacked, not her religion. Religion has nothing to do with it. Religion is not an entity. When people bring religion into it and start chastising Amber more because she's a Christian, it paints other Christians in a bad light by default.

How about attacking the PERSON, not the religion. Being a Christian has absolutely nothing to do with why Amber is so messed up.

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Being a Christian has absolutely nothing to do with why Amber is so messed up.

But it could be. There are some whacko uber Christians out there...... as there are in any religion. Her beliefs about her faith completley influence her actions. So yes, being a Christian does somewhat relate.

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here here

But it could be. There are some whacko uber Christians out there...... as there are in any religion. Her beliefs about her faith completley influence her actions. So yes, being a Christian does somewhat relate.

i couldn't agree more!

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Is it just me or does EVERY post I see Xal in turn into an arguement over someones OPINION? I know this is totally off topic for this thread, but it's becoming irritating. If you want to DEBATE people's OPINIONS make a thread devoted to JUST THAT and have at it. I'm tired of trying to sift through all of the posts that have little to do with BB.

Gee I thought this was a message board and a forum where you go to discuss the houseguests and people's opinions about the houseguests. At what point in time did discussing people's opinions become taboo? Please answer me that.

If you think I'm violating forum rules tell the moderators and if I am they will warn me, suspend me, ban me, whatever. That's what the moderators are there for, to help enforce the forum rules. It's not up to you to do that. There is also a handy, dandy ignore feature.

So there you have it. Since I truly am a nice person to people who are nice to me, I have given you two options to deal with me. It's up to you now what you choose to do.

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Oh jeez... Most Christians don't go around preaching how perfect they are... Amber does... Most Christians don't go around asking God to let them win money, Amber does... Most Christians do things like we have seen Jameka do, which is pray for other people, especially their enemies, not themselves... The only one we have heard Amber pray for is Jameka to get her perm... This is why people bring the religion into it IMO... You know, going around and telling people that their opinions are wrong is only going to make them resent you, not agree with you...

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Xal.....I don't remember this Thread being about RELIGION and CHRISTIANITY..yes you manage to throw in Jameka and Ambers names along the way...but for the most part all I see is a debate over personal beliefs

Yana...last part of your statement is what I'm TRYING to put into words. THANKS! Well said!

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uhh.. i thought i WAS going after the person and not the religion. it just so happens that a lot of crazy people decide to hide behind religion. a lot of seriously crazy people think they can get away with doing a lot of stuff if they just claim they are christians and "god" is on their side.

there are crazy parents out there that raise their children in a house full of crazy hoopla ideas but its ok.. cause the church is on their side. and when their kids grow up and end up all screwed up... well.. hey.. i wonder why?

i dont think amber ever went to bible school.. or do i think she was ever a steady church goer.. but since meeting jameka her world has changed and she will find a cult out there as soon as her bb days are over.

Dear god,

please have mercy on her soul

and gold bless you too while i am here.

thank you and have a nice day.

yours truly,

fizzle the ferret.

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In my opinion, a true Christian wouldn't even come on a show where they know they have to lie and hurt people to win money... Look at Chip and Kim (I think that was their names) from TAR... They were Christians and didn't do anything while on the show to make themselves look bad, or make other Christians look bad...

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Most Christians don't go around asking God to let them win money...

Oh oh my, if we could only hear all those Christians vacationing in Vegas! :animated_bouncy:

Or the wons at the corner deli buying $25 worth of scratch-offs every payday. :animated_bouncy:

And don't forget that senior gang down there at the bingo hall - even if it is only "so Fred don't win and I do." :animated_rotfl:

How can such a prayer ever be a bad one?

It is no different than asking a favor.

The devil (so to speak) is in the bargaining of what you'll do for it.

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edt - This was moved from another thread

If there was an African American on the show who practiced Islam, and he was as crazy as Amber, would you start bringing up that he's black and practices Islam when discussing his nuttiness? When you put a label on someone with their religion, race or even sexual preference, you run the risk of going down a very slippery road.

Instead of saying how crazy that religious nut Amber is, why not just discuss how crazy Amber is? Her religion should have nothing to do with her craziness, that's all I'm saying. When people combine her religion with her sanity, it paints that religion in a bad light, whether intended or not.

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See that's the thing... I was raised around people that are Christians that feel any type of gambling is evil... They would never go to Vegas, they would never buy a lotto ticket, they would never play bingo for money... I am from the Bible belt and our Christians are very staunch... That's why I really never comment on someone using religion in the game... I only have here to defend people that do... Like I stated before, I think someone that is really trying to live life as a Christian wouldn't be on the show in the first place... That's just my opinion... If they can win like Kim and Chip did on TAR, then that is the way to represent... Again this is just my opinion...

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