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These Producers Are Sick


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I used to be very, very good friends with someone just like Amber. At first, you have no idea what a complete nutjob they are, until you start hearing stories from other friends and the pieces fall into place. The thing is, she's NOT going to need therapy when she gets out. She's NOT going to change her ways. Amber is one of the special few people who can convince themselves of ANYTHING. Unlike the rest of us, it doesn't matter WHAT you say, or WHAT you do, she will eventually convince herself that she's ok, God's on her side, and that she's a model. It's as simple as that. She'll be able to continue bumbling through life because everyone around her is going to continue propping her up and soothing her conscience, just like Jameka does. Don't worry about that girl. She'll find a bunch of Jesus freaks when she gets out of the house who tell her how much God loves her, and she'll be on her way again. I just feel sorry for her kid.

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I've pitted Amber from day one.... she's a little flabby...needs

to tone-up some, but far from being fat. JMHO :pixiedust:

I wondered why she was on a modeling kick...looks like Jameka

has encouraged her quite a bit, and sounds like Nick did too.

I think alot of the editing stinks this year, but this is the first

year I've seen and read the feeds here at Morty's so I know

alot more about whats going on. I think the viewers who only

watches BB on CBS don't have a clue! JMHO :pixiedust:

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I'm actully going to defend Amber on this one. Can she be a model, A high fasion model? Never! but I could see her in a dept store layout with kids around trying to sell back to school items and such It is possible, not likely but possible. I think her expectations however are probably way off the mark.

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Amber brought that on herself with all her delusional comments..It's one thing to be confident and happy with yourself but Amber makes no sense with the things she says and sets herself up for ridicule......Maybe it was some cold shots by the producers but it was funny[to me] and deserved at the same time....I hope she gets evicted on Thursday...and if she does make it to Next Top Model I'm cool with that since I don't watch that show...

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"1.) They were just mocking poor Amber about the modeling thing. Every year, they have made fun of houseguests for this or that, but it was never in a meanspirited way. This was more like, look at the poor pathetic basketcase."

I know, I haven't laughed that hard all day, and I really needed that laugh :animated_rotfl: !

No to be serious, Amber is delusional. She is really convinced she could be a model. I don't even think Dani could be a model. Then she goes on and on about what a great person she is and what a great personality she has................... I am sick of hearing myself type right now, not to mention hearing the words out of Ambers mouth!

And the thing with Eric, Jess is going to be pissed at Eric no matter what when she finds out he has had such a huge secret all along. They have both said they are the only ones each other can trust and they can tell each other anything. When Jess finds out he has been making thousands off of her trust it will be over. So I wouldn't even worry about the kiss thing.

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It seems as though BB has turned much more toward putting together vignettes on the houseguests rather than showing a lot of their diary room entries. This started with season six, with Janelle, when the camera loved her and they would put together tapes of her with Kaysar, and doing Jedi training, and stuff like that. Same thing with All-Stars. I thought the Amber thing was funny, but my guess is that BB only feels comfortable doing things like that with an unpopular houseguest. They'd never do one put together of clips of Daniele whining, for instance. At least, I don't think they would. I think Amber is in for a (deserved) rude awakening when she leaves the house.

It's true that the women on America's Top Model are often unconventional, but they are usually really tall and thin, and they are very photogenic from nearly every angle. Not Amber.

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Amber is totally delusional! I'm not sure why Jameka tells her how she can see on the cover of magazines.....although obviously not mentioning runway, etc. Maybe she means the cover of "Psychology Today"?? :) I notice on the feeds Dani has been talikg about how Amber speaks so highly of herself, complaining that Amber should wait to be complimented before always complimenting herself. Amber had the nerve to be hurt that Nick didn't mention her in Daniele's letter. Amber always has "visions" that 9/10 times do not come true. I love her always saying she is the most rtuthful and doesn't lie in the game. What an enormous putz!!!

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Pandemic Soul, I think you hit the nail on the head with your assessment of Amber. I have seen other people like her as well, and as pathetic as she is, there will always be someone out there to feed into her delusional views of herself.

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Amber brings it on herself, I have to say. You just can't spend so much time talking about how you're model material and not get called out on the fact that you're really "last girl hit on at the bar" material. I hate to be mean and, hey, I'm nothing to look at either. I also never recall going on national TV and saying I should be a model.

As for the kiss challenge, have no fear that Jessica will be the one voted for. Sure, there is a small minority of BB fans who will vote for Zach or Dick to mess with Eric, but all Eric and Jessica fans will vote for Jessica. Probably even most Dick & Dani fans will vote Jessica since, so far, Eric has been loyal.

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I thought it was interesting that according to the show, it was Jameka who first told Amber she could be a model. Although I think it's a stretch, I do appreciate a woman comfortable in her own skin. Call me crazy, but with teens wacked out with eating disorders and 20 year-olds having thousands of dollars of plastic surgery, I really don't mind Amber's comments about her looks.

I guess in this game your damned if you do, damned if you don't. HG's like Danielle and Jen who spend countless hours on their makeu before they go to bed, get called conceited. But girls like amber get called wackos because they have a healthy sense of self worth. If Amber was telling the truth about her math addiction, I give her even more props for a high self-esteem.

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The thing about the show was, it was taken out of the timeline and yes it was mean spirited about Amber. BUT I just read on the update feeds that Amber told Jameka to tell Jess that Eric called her a f-ing whore, which was a COMPLETE LIE AND JAMEKA DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I hope they BOTH ROT IN HELL bunch of lieing HIPPO-crites!!!!!!!

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I am in no way an Ambe fan, but I think it is sad that BB has shown Amber in this way--clearly, she has low self-esteem issues and I am embarrassed for her over this. She has someone (Jameka) pumping her up all the while and apparently Nick said something to her about having model looks, etc. So, you know the saying ifyou hear something long enough you start believing it. Just my opinion.

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Talk about Amber eating, the producers didn't show what showtime after dark showed Jameke shoveling food l ike it was her last meal. This was after she had 3 hambergers. Eric spag. down to his chin all the time talking, just maybe they are showing the worst of Amber on national TV, what do you think.

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Some people keep saying it's the same as it always was but it's not. This is Alison Grodner's doing. The sooner she leaves this show the better. I'd say what I truly think about her but once I get started I probably wouldn't be able to stop.

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you know, these people ask for the ridicule and whatnot when they sign up for the show. this is 8 seasons now, they know what's coming. i don't feel bad for them in the least. if you're willing to have your life on the internet and tv for months for the chance to win some money, you deserve what you get. no one forced you to sign up for the show.........

and if you say....well, some people are getting it worse than others..........as well they should. if they're gonna act like morons and drama queens and say stupid stuff, i say show them in all their glory!!

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Could it be that the piece about Amber was the producers way of getting even with her for all of the sh*t they are taking over her anti-Jewish comments. By showing her for the moron that she is, maybe they think no one will blame them. I have to say that Amber does make herself a pretty easy target.

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I am not a Whamber fan and she definately is not dealing with a full deck........but she is lead very easily and think back on how this all started..............Good Ole Holy Roller Jam (who can rip a person to shreds with her words/ behind their backs of course) ........

Whamber is a repelica of Jam's prayers and visions....now the model and magazine thing......OMG............someone slap the both of them back into the real world...PLEASE!............

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Very good observation JeepGirl, why on earth would CBS and by proxy the producers want to go out of their way to make Amber look good when they've had to take heat for her anti-semitic comments? Nevermind that every show needs a villain, you don't make the villain look good, and Amber is as close as they have left. They know the fans hate Amber (she was voted for Eric to get nominated and presuming she is still on the block Thursday, America will vote for Eric to vote her out). Why would they go out of their way to show a player in a positive light who has given them headaches and that their audience hates?

She creates the target. She keeps making ludicrous predictions that are wrong again and again. She keeps making a mockery of her faith by stating that she thinks god will intervene in the game. As if god would be anywhere near a game based on deceiving your way to fortune. She keeps making a fool of herself by not knowing the meaning of common words. She keeps making jokes on herself by insinuating she could be a model. If she would just keep her mouth shut and act like a normal human being, nobody would be laughing at her.

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