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Sunday, August 19th


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I say we screw the little guy this week and vote for him to evict Jamber.

I want to see him weasel out of the return of the phantom vote even if Jen is evicted. That should throw a speed bump on the new alliance's race to final four.

I would like Jen to stay if for no other reason than to stick it to Dani.

As much as I personally like Jameka, she's been too much of a follower and didn't work hard for her individual choices to be accepted by the group. And there should be a harsh consequence for giving up 5 HoHs.

Amber would be much happier in sequester with Dustin and maybe they can adjust her meds to take care of those delusions.

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Americas task is only to tell Eric who to put up, he has done that , now the question will be asked tonight who to vote out, well, that is going to be Jen, because Dani wants her out and even tho America hates Amber we want to do what Dani wants, for now, to see that they Eric Jess ED, and Dani get to final 4 then slug it out, we do not want amber , jameka or any other scenario for final 4 or 2, I would shoot myself. I doubt amber is going any where just yet,lol

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You guys are mean. When Eric decided to play for us again I decided I will help him so while I want Amber gone more than Jen I will vote to have Jen evicted so Eric doesn't have to explain the phantom vote yet again. If we keep screwing with him then he might say F U America I am on my own. Let's show him that he did the right thing last week and we will work for his benefit once again.

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And now that Eric is embracing us we need not to jack with him, we now have a little control let us leave it that way.

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I agree Fatcat and when D&D, Eric and Jess are the final 4 then we can screw with him by having his vote to Evict Jess. Until then let's force him to keep his deal with D&D since Dick has said he is keeping his word on the deal.

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I am trying to play the game with Eric now that he is playing with US. I am going to vote for Jen to be evicted. It really does not make that much difference to me. Amber and Jameka can go later.

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That's why when the time comes I will vote like I did last week and whatever tonight's task is I will certainly not pick the person it will hurt Eric the most. We made our point when we had him give Jess the silent treatment and it appears he knows we can help him or screw him depending on if we feel he is playing as AP the correct way or just faking it.

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How many of you that now want Jen evicted voted to have Eric get Amber nominated on Thursday (be honest...and don't tell me you were planning on backdooring Jen at the time!)....any of you that did that are sending him mixed signals! Everyone was on the get Amber nominated bandwagon on Thursday...now you want to keep her???? Crazy! :rolleyes:

btw...I voted for him to get ED nominated....waste of a vote I know...but that's what I wanted.

Now I want Amber evicted since ED's not a choice.

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no one wants to keep amber. d&d wants jen out and so she'll leave nothing we can do about it. eric has really no incentive to keep jen

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We know before we voted who they wanted the noms to be. The plan was to put up Amber and probably Jameka so it was an easy one for Eric.

So now we will get to chose who we want Eric to try to send home. Jen is a good pick for me. It sealed the deal when I was watching her with his little kids bathing suit on last night prancing around. I got to thinking she really is NOT playing a good game. Her followers are the people that admired her for taking Dick's crap. That is just not enough for me to keep her.

Besides Amber and Jameka on the hammock are still giving me a little entertainment.

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I voted for Eric to get Amber nom'd, however, who was to know at that time whether or not the pov would be used? I will vote to evict Jen so as to protect Eric, now that he's playing for America again. I don't want to screw up his gameplay so long as he carries out our directives. I don't like him personally but he's all we've got.

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I agree Yana it shows we watch the feeds and know the plan is to backdoor Jen and while we may want Amber out more we will follow the plan that is supposed to go down. If I was Dani I would use the Veto on Amber so Jen gets evicted. If you have someone like Jen going against someone who can't compete for 3 more HOH's the chances of Jen being evcited is better than being evcited over Amber.

I for one am hoping for a Dick, Jess and Eric final 3 and Eric winning the Veto so when we vote who we want evcited I will certainly vote to evict Jess. Until that happens I will make sure Eric does what we want to further in the game. Imagine Jess's face when Eric votes to evcit Jess? :animated_scratchchin:

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What you guys want is boredom and I'm honestly not sure why. How in the name of God is D/D/E/J just steamrolling the rest for the next four weeks entertaining?

If Eric has to vote to evict Amber it leads to more tension and more entertainment which is what I thought some of you wanted but it seems to me some of you like D/D so much that you're willing to watch boring shows for the next three to four weeks while they slowly pick off Amber, Jameka and Zach.

Yeah, THAT'S fun.

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I don't want to see Jessica hurt like Diane was... So I am not hoping for your F3, but at this point I think that Eric gets that America likes Dick and Daniele and he should follow their plan...

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I like when D&D, Jess and Eric get along. They are very entertaining. Plus I want the final 3 to be Jess, Dick and Eric with Eric winning the Veto and picking who leaves. Imagine Jess's reaction and Dick's for that matter if we have Eric vote to evict Jess with Eric not being able to explain hos AP role. I think he would lose Jess's vote and many others in the jury when Jess walks in and tells her that Eric of all people evicted her. Now that would be great TV in my eyes.

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Yana I guess we are different people then because I would love to see that happen. Sure Jess would be upset but she will get over it once the AP twist is revealed and we will show Eric that in the end he truly did work for us and not the other way around. Plus I want Dick to win the whole thing since he has kept me entertained the most even when I get up at 6am EST and everyone else is asleep.

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i voted for jameka to get nominated.... just cause i think God called her number... but i dont think he wants her out of the game yet... cause her ping pong ball is still floating around.

as for who goes on thursday, we will have to wait and see if daniele uses the POV... who knows IF she will actually use it and if she does who she will put up... this is the game of Big Brother, and strange and awesome things can happen. the only thing that would shock me now is if she put up her father. other than that, all the others are fair game.

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I really don't want her to get hurt either but man would that make for some good TV if that happened plus I am sure while she will be upset she will forgive him later after the AP twist is revealed and could be the only way to get Dick the votes he needs to win if they see Eric turned on Jess.

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