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Sunday, August 19th


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I think the most ironic part of it is I'd bet any amount of money most of these people who vote for Dick wouldn't enjoy hanging out with him in real life. I'd put ANYTHING on that because people who look like him with a rough attitude still have a stigma attached to them.

I didn't say all. I'm sure some of you will say how much you'd love to be in his crowd, but I know most people would not. The rocker lifestyle is still a very small subset of America.

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Xal, D/D have 57.6% of the vote and as far as i am concerned, that is more than 50%. that means the 2 Donatos equal almost 60% of the poll. So Al though not everyone like them, about 6/10 people you would ask would say they like one of them.

So 60% of the voters is ALL of America liking the two of them? Who cares about majority people, 60% of the voters like Dick/Daniele, not America. I'm in this place, and I hate 'em both, I don't want to be associated with those who like them. Especially in the manner of saying everyone in this country likes them.

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Xal, D/D have 57.6% of the vote and as far as i am concerned, that is more than 50%. that means the 2 Donatos equal almost 60% of the poll. So Although not everyone likes them, about 6/10 people you would ask would say they like one of them.

I give up. Are you calling me a freaking liar? If so, just say it.

I just told you the three people I personally know, two friends, one family member who watch BB vote for Dick or would vote for Dick as the most popular but none of them, not one, likes him as a person.

Why do you assume a vote for Dick means they like him?

What I'm trying to get through to you is that people enjoy trainwrecks on TV. Reality shows with no drama may as well not even be on TV. People enjoy watching the most brazen, out there personalities because it makes reality shows entertaining as hell.

Richard Hatch has always been one of the most popular Survivors as was Boston Rob, but while most people enjoyed watching them, they couldn't stand their attitudes.

Popularity in reality shows does not equal popularity in real life. It's NOT real life. Reality show is a misnomer.

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Sorry if I'm coming off as rude but I'm just sick and tired of people assuming most like Dick. SOME like Dick...others just vote for him because he will cause the most drama.

Insulting my intelligence just because of my username was rude and something the real Evel Dick would do. So while I could be upset with you for that I will be the bigger person and laugh knowing you are no better then the man you claim to hate.

For the record I have been out here since season 6 under the name CrappyCappy I just figured this would be a good time to change it and EvelDick was someone I liked right off the bat.

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I just told you the three people I personally know, two friends, one family member who watch BB vote for Dick or would vote for Dick as the most popular but none of them, not one, likes him as a person.

Xal, you're NOT saying that 3 people is a statistically representative sample, are you??

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Nope sorry, not angry. I only get angry when people personally attack me. Reality shows don't make me angry at all.

I can type 120 wpm and my mind works at an even faster pace. Just because I like to say a lot and can type it fast in a passionate way doesn't mean I'm angry.

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Xal, you're NOT saying that 3 people is a statistically representative sample, are you??

Nope, but are you saying that it just so happens the only 3 people on earth who vote for Dick but don't like him as a person are the three people I know?

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Insulting my intelligence just because of my username was rude and something the real Evel Dick would do. So while I could be upset with you for that I will be the bigger person and laugh knowing you are no better then the man you claim to hate.

Umm, I wasn't insulting your intelligence by remarking on your user name. I was making a point that someone with the screen name "EvilDick" could not possibly be unbiased when discussing ED.

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I would like to hang out with someone more like Dani than Dick, but i wouldn't mind it. The thing i get annoyed with is when him and Jen get into a namedropping fight.

Funny I think Dani is annoying now and Dick was right last night when he said why can't she just be happy. I would love to hang out with EvelDick and his friends but then again I am into that scene. Dani on the otherhand would get on my nerves after a while.

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Nope, but are you saying that it just so happens the only 3 people on earth who vote for Dick but don't like him as a person are the three people I know?

Sorry Xal, don't understand the question.

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Umm, I wasn't insulting your intelligence by remarking on your user name. I was making a point that someone with the screen name "EvilDick" could not possibly be unbiased when discussing ED.

Of course I could have an unbaised opinion on EvelDick. I switched usernames in the beginning of the season so if he did things I didn't like I would call him out on it. I just think there are way to many babies in that house. I hate whiners, criers and people who think they are better than others.

fizzle I put that in my sig that I used to be here as CrappyCappy but then noticed the sigs don't show up. I just figured Cappy was so 2 years ago and if was time for a change. I was going to use something to do with Janie but went with ED instead.

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Yath, this whole thing started with me taking umbrage that some people think just because someone votes for Dick means they like him. I was trying to explain that many people who vote for him don't like him but think he is the most entertaining person in the house. That's why I brought up the people I know who have said the same thing while voting for Dick.

Every movie and reality show needs conflict and "bad" guys. Even Dick himself has claimed probably 20 times on feeds that he's the bad guy this year. Without him this season would have been VERY boring. Thus, many people want him to stay so that the season doesn't become boring. Even I, of all people, said I wanted Dick to stay last week because without him the show would go down the crapper. That doesn't mean I like him. I can't stand the man. However, just because I want him there NOW doesn't mean I want him to win. I'd like him to stay until the final 4 or 3 and then go bye bye. That would be ideal for me because he'd keep the season fun but I wouldn't have to watch him win ala Maggot or Boogie.

I said i wouldn't mind haniging out with dick, I like dick and dani and want them to win, but why do you always type like you're angry or something?
All I can say to that is perception is not always reality.
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Crappysucks is on SS now and if you think I post angry, he makes me look like Mother Theresa and Gandhi.

The majority of the board were against the Nerd Herd and even Xal can agree with that.
Of course but that's like saying the majority of the board likes chocolate. I think more people like Amber and Zach than the NH, which is scary when you think about it.
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