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Sunday, August 19th


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If by "They", you mean Eric then yeah, Eric thinks that Jen is obsessed with him. He BALKED at the idea of inviting Jen in his bed while she was standing at his door earlier tonight. Of course, I can think of WORSE people to have in your bed than Jen and if she's willing then............. :party_smilie:

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I was just thinking while I watch them play quarters. How can Jam. complain about pranks like she did a couple days ago, but finds it okay to play quarters wouldn't that be considered childess also? Just wondering. Plus it is Sunday still there in California too, playing a drinking game on Sunday. Hmmmm :animated_scratchchin:

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Eric said it first tonight, but the group has been talking about it all week. They came to the conclusion that it's because she's used to being the center of attention with guys and that she's been jealous of anybody else in the house that's getting attention.

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You can tell Showtoo is getting bored with this group tonight they are showing more commercials than their usual every 1/2 hour. Do you think they are giving them more beer because they are getting bored with spin the Bud?

I have noticed Jam's questions are always about lies, alliances and such.

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I find it interesting that Zach wants to start targeting Daniele next week telling Eric he's a floater to either side...

So is Zach fishing for info or is he really ready to start playing? Eric seem less than receptive to the idea...

I think Zach should have waited to do this at the next HOH to see who will be in power.....if in fact he was serious about it

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A lot of the HGs are saying they got ripped into by BB about talking about their DRs.

Talking about Eric not playing for Vetos, and when he does, who is going to host it.

Dick: Maybe Julie Chen will actually have to do some work.

Amber: How nice is her job?

Dick: Being married to the head of CBS. I'm sure it's nice.

Amber: Is the head of CBS Asian?

Everyone laughing at Amber then FOTH.

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