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Sunday, August 19th


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I see no difference in Amber and Jam and the Nerd Herd. Both annoy me and take things what people say way to seriously. I like fun people and they are not fun.

Xal I don't think you type angry I just think you have your opinions just like everyone else and I certainly don't hold your opinion againist you.

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Dani's whining and complaining about her hard life. She's happy that tomorrow is her birthday because "it's the one day I can make it all about me. For 364 days of the year it's not about me. But for one day it's all about me." puke

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Does anyone know when Danielle and Amber will be going on their excursion? Also, do you think the veto ceremony will be before or after that?

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Well so many people wanted this scenario to play out.. Can we say BORING!!

They really need a double eviction week, or the rating will bottom out, and live feeds will be canceling in droves..

To think Dick said " We are the best cast BB has ever had! " ROFLMAO... :food-smiley-005:

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*peeking in*

*throwing in $0.02*

I don't like being lumped in with the Donato Lovewagon either... this whole America loves D/D thing... ick. I am part of America and I don't like 'em, not a bit. I've been flip-flopping a bunch this season, trying to find ANYONE to actually like enough to support... but I think what it all comes down to is what you can stand at the end of the day. Weighing all of the dirtbag stuff that has gone on (and I think pretty much everyone in the house has been guilty of some sort of dirtbag behavior at one point or another since stepping through that door)... I would say my "faves" at the moment are Jess/Eric (because they are cute and bring some amount of light-heartedness to the situation when there's no game-type stuff going on) and Zach (because he's been pretty much the least offensive) and Jen (because I still think she is pretty darned amusing). This may or may not change, and who knows if any of them will make it through to the end, but I know FOR SURE that I don't like D/D/A/J. And that's MY personal take on it.

NOW... onto live feed discussions... I am a little confusled... I keep reading about how people keep saying Jen is being put up against Amber... isn't the plan to have her up against Jameka because she is not perceived as a threat because of the no HOH situation? That means that Jen is SURE to be voted out in a backdoor scenario... am I confused somehow about Dani's plan?

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Well Dick fans, you said if he got evicted things would be soooo boring...well, you got your wish, and things are SOOOOO boring.

Do you think if Dai didn't win veto they would have let her leave the house anyway because it was her birthday? Not to show favoritism, but just because it would be pretty awful to have your birthday and watch two others get to leave the house for some premiere.

BTW - Zach saying the prize was going to the Pirate Master finale was funny.

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I think they were going to throw the competition once Jen wasn't picked it was only when the trip was annouced did they want to win the Veto. So I don't think it has to with Dani's birthday at all. I also find it funny that Zack keeps mentioning PM since we know it's been canceled but they don't. I think they will be on the other CBS new show Power of 10. I think they will be contestants so we as BB fans will watch the new show and maybe get into it. I would it love it if they do play on the show and win alot of money.

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Good morning Eric and Jessica. Nice of you to wake up at 5 pm. Now I go to bed in about 4 hours so all I got to see today were the Sunday sun bathers.

What is with all these people staying up all night? Don't they know I have to go to work in the morning?

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Amber can't help herself!

She already swore on her daughter's life she won't put Daniele up if she wins HoH the rest of the way!

What a moron.

The peanut gallery is definitely talking girl....and it ain't nice!!

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