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Thursday August 2 - Feed Discussion


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If these stupid houseguests don't smarten up within the next two weeks AND if Kail DOR's this week keeping Nick here, Danielle or Dick is going to the finals, possibly both.

These houseguests are so incredibly stupid to continue to allow Dick to run this game.

It's HIM that causes most of the drama and starts things in motion. It is HIM who stirs the hornets nest.

Most of the HGS were having lots of fun last night since HE wasn't around, including Jen. Even people like Amber, Jameka and Jessica were saying some nice things about Jen but NOTHING nice about Dick, insisting they want him out of the house...yet today that seems to have evaporated.

It is entirely possible that some of the people in the house this year are seriously crazy. I mean literally insane.

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I figure BB either talked her out of it, OR told her that the appropriate time is when she is asked to give one last statement as to why she should stay.

I think she'll choose to make a statement about 'the evil in the house' and walk out the door.

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Eric asked if the vote was still against Nick and got an affirmative from all in the kitchen. And there was a comment from someone that if there is one vote to keep him, they know where it came from. Is Eric trying to set up Daniele to take the fall for his vote?

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However, it wasn't Dick this time, it was Ambre, ahahahahahahahaha!!!

Amber was mad but she wasn't saying anything until Dick came in and stoked the coals. It's what he does. If he knows someone is already mad at someone he doesn't like, he'll dig his claws in and get the drama throwing.

Every day I see him erupting I just can't stand him more and more. He's a pig of a man the way he talks. Slamming the golf club on the table huh? Yeah throw your tantrum big tough guy. Slam that club down tough guy!

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Sorry, I dissagree about ED, I cannot stomach any of them but ED,Dani, Maybe Nick Eric and sorta Jessica. Dick is crude, and sometimes he needs to zip it and just let things play out like Amber jumpin Kails Sh*t, loved that, but Dick likes his attention, If Jameka , Dustin, Jen, or Amber won this thing I will puke!!!

I am off to work now, so I will return lter to see if any you know what hit the fan, I doubt it, this years house is booorrrrimg.!! IMHO

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I know the Producers have to be fair but if they know that America's Choice would be for her to go, wouldn't it be in their best interest not to talk her out of it?


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I was Amber Amber Amber that made Kail want to DOR

Kail got upset and said she wanted to leave after Amber freaked on her yelling and using the F word. Quite a big rant from Amber. (who thinks she is the queen of the house)

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Yes, it was Amber, but ED helped.

Actually, I'm getting really tired of Amber. My husband laughs hysterically every time CBS shows her in the DR crying her eyes out. To tell you the truth, I'm having a hard time getting behind anyone in this house...Right now, my favorite is Eric. :animated_scratchchin:

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I think it's a shame there are no stand up guys in the house this year. Dick would definitely not be the type of guy to enjoy being around someone like Dick and I bet he'd stick up for Jen. Kaysar didn't get along with Ivette because Ivette was almost a female version of Dick. Almost!

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Xal this is BIG BROTHER not a back yard BBQ. You can't expect people to act like they would in the real world.

You have too many expectations of these people.

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Just so I'm clear, Marty, what you're saying is someone who is normally a nice guy suddenly goes into the BB house and starts saying he wants to kill someone, hopes they die, calls them the C word dozens of times and goes off constantly? You're saying he's a normal person and the show is making him do it?

I don't think so.

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