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Thursday August 2 - Feed Discussion


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Don't be naive. Some of you are all mad at Dick....don't you think he is ENCOURAGED and PRIMED in the DR about the ratings and polls and how the tension he brings and attitude is good for the show?? I'm SURE they are practically handing him a script.....if they told him he has to stop and calm down, he would. IMO they are probably telling him he to keep up the drama and fiestiness, it's good for the ratings, and they are probably telling him to take it as close to the "line" as he can.

Am I the only one who believes this???

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No Duck you aren't the only one who thinks that BUT I do believe Dick is probably like that in real life a lot of the time too. I think he is just one of those that has a hard time controlling his anger. I think he speaks first and thinks later - hence his gesture to dani to go to counseling after big brother is over.

I just wish I wasn't at work, so I could have seen the amber - kail fight. I would love to see those two splinter apart, as it looked to me like they were getting way to close and possibly starting to form an alliance.

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Gotcha Dale.... I do agree that ED is probably a high tempered and outspoken, extroverted person, and thus why they picked him. I don't though, believe he truly "hates" JEN.... and I could see him buying her a drink outside of the house. I think that he exaggerates his emotions and blow ups on tv, KNOWING he is on TV. But you are correct, he did enter with a level of temper, anger, and rough attitude, but it is magnified by prompts and encouragement by BB

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I think they probably tried to talk Kail into waiting until seeing the voting results to leave. That way, if she was voted out, everything would be fine. They probably hope that if she sees that Nick is voted out, that maybe she will be useful to one side or the other, and she won't have to be worried about being up on the block every week. Zach had better be praying that Kail doesn't walk out, because then he'll be on the block every week next to Jen if certain people win HOH.

I think that Dick crossed the line today with the golf club. He was swinging it around his head and that alone made me nervous. Then, when he pointed the club at Jen, and called her the C-word and his usual F--- you's, I was more worried. When he slammed it on the counter, I jumped a mile. As I said in the "Dick" thread, he is soooooo lucky it is Jen he is doing this to, as Kail or Jameka or Jess or Amber would have insisted he be evicted after that. The rule book says (Jen read it aloud) that if you are fearful of your safety, it is against the rules. I agree that the tea incident couldn't make her fear for her safety--that was only troubling to me as an escalation of Dick's move from verbal abuse to physical, as he is frustrated that he can't get a rise out of Jen. He likes to make women cry, period. When he can't, it gets him angrier and angrier, and he sometimes starts to shake a little with the anger. I've watched him do it over and over. Now, with him slamming that golf club down and everything, I think that BB is probably crapping their pants. They have to be worried that he will go over the line at some point with Jen. Dick even said one night that he had to jump through more hoops than anyone else, as he has a violent temper and has been arrested before, and CBS didn't want the liability.

I know people don't feel that Dick had anything to do with Kail wanting to leave, but I think she would rather be with her family and lose the money instead of enduring or watching Dick verbally and possibly physically abuse women in the jury house, and when Amber went off on her too, she thought she just couldn't deal with it any longer. If I were her, I would have done the same thing. Some people just can't take watching someone verbally abuse as Dick does. I don't think anyone thought when they signed up for BB that they would have to endure what Dick has put Jen and Kail through. I honestly don't.

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Well I am sure they can't tell Kail yes or no or much of anything. They probably had to make the phone calls to the people that make the decisions. They probably just told her they would get back to her ASAP.

I think the foth now is because the have to make a determination and that has not been done yet.

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I agree that Dick goes too far and I'd probably feel uncomfortable in the house if it was directed towards me but why have I seen Jen stick up for Kail but not the other way around? That is sorta sad

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I expect people not to degrade and belittle others.

Dick would try more than buying her a drink on the outside world.

You can be extroverted without being nasty, rude, obnoxious and loathing.

If you're a rotten person outside the house I can guarantee you're just as rotten inside.

Though the cameras can make one show off, I doubt they can turn a nice person into a monster.

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I think Kail doesn't stand up for Jen because Jen doesn't cry and get upset (which would probably spur Kail into action). And Kail is, I believe, genuinely afraid of Dick. She'd probably be more likely to run to the DR to ask for help instead of standing up to him. As I said, I don't even like her. I just wish she would leave as a legitimate result of the game, and not because of bullying and abuse.

Dustin is lying down, looking VERY upset. Dick, Nick, and Dani seem buoyant. I haven't seen Kail yet. Probably, the bullies and abusers will win this round. I really, really hope that Dick turns on Amber soon, and then he will pay for it, because she'll be crying bloody murder.

Edited: I see Kail, now. She's in the kitchen.

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yep...Kail's in the kitchen eating slop! ...not something someone walking out the door in a few hours is likely to do...is it?

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If Kail really wanted to go, she would tell the HG's, "Look, I want to go home. I don't want to be in sequester." Done deal. This crying bullsh*t is just another plea for attention. I don't buy it. Unless she opens the front door and walks out, I don't believe it. Unless she saves the "LET ME GO HOME" speech for the live show. Anything less and I call BS!

There said it! Now I feel better.

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As much as I dislike Kail...Dani and Nick are sooooo boring...I'll be glad to see him go.

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Well, yes, she would tell them that. Who knows that she won't? She might say that before the live vote, and BB could do nothing about it.

As I said, though, Kail already told everyone that she really wanted to go home to her family if she was going to be voted out during sequester time. Dick knew that, and he told everyone (this was about a week ago) that he would purposely make sure that Kail didn't have the votes to go home to her family, and he would see to it that she HAD to go to sequester, just to make her suffer.

That's the upstanding kinda guy Dick is.

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Dick saying he was keeping her in sequester goes back to my original theory that Dick and Kail have a deal about staying together unti lthe end. They are both PERFECT Final 2 goats. Even Jen would win against either of them.

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Dick can't keep a secret that long. He has diarrhea of the mouth, in every way.

He can't stand Kail, and he doesn't want her to be able to go home to her family. He wants to be able to have someone in sequester to take out his temper on, and since he hopes to get rid of Jen next week, that would be Kail.

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Wouldn't that be a kicker, Francis?!!!

I think she is truly concerned about spending sequester in the presence of a raging Dick.

I also think she has been the alpha-role in her family. Look at how well she gets along with Dustin - who she so disdained for his sexuality in the beginning. She has since discovered that he can be one of the girls.

She doesn't know how to meet Dick at his level - pure male-ego-driven domination. One really good shouting match and he would probably at least respect her.

Dick is no party - but he can be reasonable. Kail can't handle it - too sheltered by her past and her family.

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