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Thursday August 2 - Feed Discussion


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Sue, I don't get it either... the indoor lockdown to set up the backyard for tonights HOH makes sense, but the HOH lockdown and long FOTH... :animated_scratchchin:

oops, feeds are just now back...

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I think it's a really smart move on Dustin and the gangs part to vote Nick out tonight. It weakens Dick and Daniele and I am so ready to see those two go. As far as Jen goes, she's by far not my most favorite person in the house but after watching the live feed of Dick's actions toward her, she's earned some of my respect. If it were me, I would have swung his wrinkly butt around by his eyebrow ring. :boxing:

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Amber is ranting about Kail. She does nothing in the house. She is pissed is that Kail said she does her fair share of dishes in the house. Kail also said when she is on slop she doesn't do any work.

She was also ranting to Jameka yesterday she did not like the "thing" Dustin has going with Kail.

Whoooo hoooo a Kail rant.

OMG now she is screaming at Kail and using the F word.

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After they get out Daniel and Dick what's everybody going to watch then?

Because I sure don't want to hear the constant annoying hmmmmm hmmmmm's and prayers from Jameka and see Amber crying every episode and watch Kail stare at everybody like they are beneath her or watch smurf and smurfette make nice with each other and Jen stare at her butt all day. You know, Zach is starting to look pretty good. tsk tsk tsk :animated_shocking:

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Kail is telling Jen she really wants to go. She says she wants to go home. She said she is going to tell Amber.

She told Jen it is because everyone in the house is with Daniele. HUH???

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dick should stop using his energy to yell at jen and start thinking...what the hell are they doing keeping kail? if they don't keep nick, dick and dani are gone...and i don't want them to be. keeping kail benefits only dustin.oh good! yes, kail, send yourself home!!!!

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now she is out of DR and ??? who knows what is going on.

when the feeds first came on when she was in the DR, the guy said something about .... " going into the DR during the Live show?" and "are you sure you want to do this?" and she said "yes, i mean, they will evict me in the next 2 weeks anyways and i dont want to go to sequester and i dont want to get cussed at every day"

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