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Who Is Going Home This Week?


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Evicting Nick will be like when Howie was HOH in season 6 and evicted James. You don't evict an ally when your enemies are still in the house. The alliance is called the MRS. ROBINSON alliance and instead of getting rid of MRS. ROBINSON and ending the alliance now they keep he rin the house. For the LNC's sake I hope they smarten up and keep Nick and finally get rid of Kail.

not really similiar

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Look, don't over think this. The simple fact is that love connections that are left to linger are dangerous to everyone and should be nipped in the bud as soon as possible. Why let an inevitable strong alliance just get stronger? Actually Danielle would be my choice to go since she is strongly tied to Nick and Dick. Get rid of her and you've broken 2 strong connections. But since no one has the balls to rattle Dick's cage, the next best thing is Nick.

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Well I happen to think that Kail getting in her "secret alliance" with Dustin, Amber and Jameka is a stronger alliance then Nick, Dick and Daniele.

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Why let an inevitable strong alliance just get stronger? Actually Danielle would be my choice to go since she is strongly tied to Nick and Dick.

Exactly, 2 birds with one stone...or skeleton, whatever.

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Well I happen to think that Kail getting in her "secret alliance" with Dustin, Amber and Jameka is a stronger alliance then Nick, Dick and Daniele.

Now you've just lost all reason. Any alliance between Kail, Dustin, Amber, Jameka etc. is not going to be stronger than Dick and Danielle's family bond. Are you this illogical in other aspects of your life or just in regards to Big Brother?

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Quote jersey721

Now you've just lost all reason. Any alliance between Kail, Dustin, Amber, Jameka etc. is not going to be stronger than Dick and Danielle's family bond. Are you this illogical in other aspects of your life or just in regards to Big Brother?

Thanks for the compliment. -_-

I think that as an alliance they are going farther then Dick and Daniele. :donatello:

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The other day Nick said, I think to Danielle, expect the unexpected. Then last night on the show Dick said the same thing. (I cant remember who he said it to) Do any of you think that CBS would somehow play a part in this vote because they want Nick to stay and Kail to leave. Has anything like that ever happened in past years It just seems with them both using that same phrase that something is up.

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Has anyone in the LNC asked themselves, "If Kail stays and gets HOH, who will she go after? If Nick stays and gets HOH, who will he go after?" and then decide to vote accordingly?

If I was Dick, Dani and even Eric and Jess, though to a lesser degree, I would have to expect kail to nominate me if she won HOH. However, Nick would more than likely go after jen and dustin, then jameka if one nominee gets off the block.

Just wondering.

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How does everyone think the votes are going to go? Right now, I see it shaping up to be

Eric: Kail (AP)

Jessica: Nick

Daniele: Kail

Dick: Nick, but warming to the idea of keeping him. (I could easily see him mounting a campaign to get rid of Kail)

Jameka: Nick

Amber: This one

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Eric is suppose to be working for ME!!!! COME ON ERIC...just do it! I don't see why he wouldn't. Nick wants out JEN, and Dustin, and ZACK, and then probably Jameka..... Eric would be safe for quite some time!

Eric's gonna make me mad if he keeps telling everyone they have to get Nick out..... that's not what I voted! I thought I was going to be "in the BB house" with this whole AP. I would vote to evict KAIL

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nick is leaving no doubt about it

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Guest jordansmom

Funny thing about Eric is that he is working for all of us. Which by the look of things around here latley is a very hard job.

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it makes no sense because none of the votes were even close

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am curious as to why BB has switched to the live vote format after the 1st eviction this year. In years past a live vote was a rarity but now it seems the norm. It's no biggie I am just curious why grin2.gif

i figured they wanted to give eric more time after the tuesday night vote to work it

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MBE that's it nursie. I have just never heard much talk about it so I didn't know if I missed some reason behind the switch. Or I have secretly wondered if they didn't want the evictee to get leaked out or hinted at Wed nite on Showtime.

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Do we know who America has voted for yet? I mean I know it's 99 % Kail but hell,you never know with BB with the way they switch stuff up all the time.

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i figured they wanted to give eric more time after the tuesday night vote to work it

All I have heard Eric talk about is getting Nick out of the house.

Could it be? :animated_shocking:

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Lol CBS isn't rigging the votes for christ sakes. It seems Eric isn't in the mood for campaignin as he really wants Nick to leave.

Good for Eric! He has to do what benefits him, if he wants to get to the end of the game. Keeping Nick in the house is not good for anyone, but Dick and Daniele, and they all know it.

If Eric makes campaigning/vote decisions the way "America" is voting he'll end up getting eliminated and setting Dick, Nick and Daniele up to be final three.

Eric is "America's player", he is supposed to be us in the house, we are supposed to help him win the game, by choosing the moves that are best for ERIC's game...instead he's been used to help others get ahead...(hard concept to grasp, for some, it seems :sleepy: )

Anyway, I hope Eric has the sense to pick what's best for HIS GAME in spite of "America" :) .

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