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Who Is Going Home This Week?


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Is Kail's time finally up? Since neither won the POV, looks like some of our fun is about to end? I like them both due to entertainment, but I also don't want to see EITHER of them win the game.

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female: nick big and strong must go home

guys: we are ugly nick must go home


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nick is leaving they have decided as a group


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If we didn't have AP, Nick would go this week.

But I hope that people vote for Nick to go. He is so annoying to listen to on the feeds

f this f that, i f want f to f kiss f you, f daniele, f i f love f you. He drops the f bomb so often and he always says he doesn't need to money. Let's give him his wish and let him not get the money.

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Isn't Jen being taken off the block? Or is it Kail? I forget. Jameka is just making a dumb move using it either way.

its girl power by default


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I hope nick goes this week and Dani and Dick to follow soon. Why? Cause I'm tired of following BB8 24 hours a day, and with these three gone I cannot stand the rest of the loser players.

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Isn't Jen being taken off the block? Or is it Kail? I forget. Jameka is just making a dumb move using it either way.

its girl power by default


I'm not sure what you mean by that? Girl power by default? To me that would mean the women have the power by default, but since that's not the case I don't think, I assume it means something else...

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ummm, the latest was that jameka said it was a sign from God that jen picked her ball for jameka to participate in veto and that if she won it should would use the veto to take jen off the block.....that wont happen until tommorrow around 5pm bb time they said

so dustin held a meeting of everyone except jen/zach/nick/kail and the majority ruled that nick should be the replacement nominee

daniele doesnt like it, i can see her amber and dick possibly changing their minds and voting out kail....and if america's player has to vote out kail....hmmm

but anyway, dustin hasnt put nick up yet, and dustin is really really wishy washy flippy floppy

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I am surprised people want nick to go home and not for them to take the opportunity to make kail go home ............or do you guys already know jameka uses the pov? Maybe I'm confused.

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Eric just has to vote for who America tells him. I think eric wants Nick out so he will prolly give the "campaign to vote Kail" a luke warm effort and then let it be.

One vote cast against the group would actually cause another stir in the house, with everyone thinking it was Dan, and if Nick gets 2 votes all hell will break lose with people thinking it could have been Amber or Jen, or Dick, or... :stirthepot:... :sneaky:

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I'm not sure what you mean by that? Girl power by default? To me that would mean the women have the power by default, but since that's not the case I don't think, I assume it means something else...

they do . i dont think they plan it btw but they are picking off the guys systemically one by one


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I really can't stand Amber. She's so self-righteous that it's disgusting. She cried over Nick going home and now she's in the HOH bathroom taking credit for it. :angry:

I want Nick to stay and like Jen like could like go the f*ck home!

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I really can't stand Amber. She's so self-righteous that it's disgusting. She cried over Nick going home and now she's in the HOH bathroom taking credit for it.

I want Nick to stay and like Jen like could like go the f*ck home!

funny things is she was the one who started the rumour that nick voted for mike to stay and got the wheel spinning for his eviction


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