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Saturday, July 28th *spoiler Info*


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Hmmm, dustin was just talking to Amber in the storage room. Dustin said he had gotten a great compliment today from someone. He said this person said that he had become a very powerful player in the house and had come out of nowhere. It was obvious he was talking about someone behind the scenes due to his reaction. When Amber asked who had told him that, he thought for a minute and then signed the letter A, the letter R and it looked like the letter O, but Amber said at that moment that she knew who he was referring to and so he stopped. To me it sounds like someone in the DR was giving him some positive words about how he is doing on the show. Not a good thing.

But, since Amber understood his signs, that means she knows at least a little of ASL and they can talk without actually talking, so be on the lookout for these two signing to each other throughout the season. If you need a good visual reference alphabet, I found http://www.masterstech-home.com/The_Librar...s/Alphabet.html


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I just need to post a rant.

These must be some of the stupidest, most annoying houseguests I've seen. Dustin is making more enemies by nominating Jen and Kail instead of going after his true target, Zach. Now I read on the summaries that he thinks Nick and Jen have an alliance? These people don't realize that there is NO MORE ALLIANCE. There is a pair, Jen and Kail, but that is it.

PLus, Dustin is going off on a stupid power trip SO EARLY in this week. I posted earlier in the live feed updates that Dustin said "Who the f**k does Jen think she is, It's 3 hours before HOH and she still hasn't come up to me. She is just as shallow as her thought process." OMG, are you serious? You want people to kiss your feet? It's one week dumb edit. He has this air about him in his speech that he think he is in total control. Plus, putting up Jen and Kail just makes you have more enemies. Why didn't this cross their minds?

I know no one wants to strike the huge alliance first (Adria), but this alliance of 7 is crumbling so fast.

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Dustin is making more enemies by nominating Jen and Kail instead of going after his true target, Zach

My sentiments exactly Cajun..If Zach was his real target, then he should of been nom'd with Kail. If one had come off, then put up Nick. Jen is a strong player but not one you want to PO this early.

Tsk Tsk...not one of her fans, but hope now she does come off and wins HOH next week and is smart enough to nom Dick/Dani or Dustin/Amber "friendships".

It erks how they all are in pairs, but "oh no, we are not alliagned, we think seperately". BS!!


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with the "elite 8" sticking together on their voting (even though they dis each other behind their backs) I am almost ready for the "others" (zach, jen, kail and nick) to be gone. I want to see how those elite act when they have to start turning on each other.

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with the "elite 8" sticking together on their voting (even though they dis each other behind their backs) I am almost ready for the "others" (zach, jen, kail and nick) to be gone. I want to see how those elite act when they have to start turning on each other.

i cant wait 6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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Please! . . . send Kail back to her business empire.

If Jen goes home, the show immediately loses at least half its entertainment value.

Dustin is now the most powerful player in the house.

He's very wise, smart, and a great game player. As

HoH, he commands respect and loyalty from all the

other hg's. When they approach him they must

genuflect, bow down and profess their undying love

for him.

Yeah, right.

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Last night the meeting they had is that Dustin wants Zack out and not Jen or Kail.

If Jamkea wins POV she is taking Jen off

If Dustin wins POV he is taking Kail off

Daniele and Jessica are going to keep it the same.

So a 4 in 6 chance that Dusting gets to put up Zack.

I am rooting for Daniele or Jessica to win POV! I doubt that Jessica will want to win because she will be harrassed by Kail and also Dustin because he wans Kail off.

Go Dani Go!

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She said in the group she was playing to win and not use it. (unless it was later after I went to bed at 12:30 BB time)

But my GUESS is she will not want to have it and then have everyone bugging her to use it or not.

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Dick and Jen in BY...Dick is telling Jen how she should play better

She was stupid for putting Joe up on the block for Dustin

He says that she didnt even want Joe to go and reminded her how she campaigned for ED to get evicted

Dick is glad that he isnt playing in the POV tomorrow...he congratulates Jess for being in it even though she sucks....Jess replies with I will show you tomorrow that I dont suck Dick...

Dick laughed and replied with Did you just say suck dick?

Maybe I am misunderstanding it, but it sounds like she will play to win to use it.

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I don't think she will use it. She said many times she would rather have Kail off and she doesn't think Zack is a threat. I think she was just teasing Dick.

(now Dustin and Kail may pressure her to use it but she said she wanted kail out)

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I hope so. I know Jessica does not like confrontatin and she knows that Dustin and Kail will harrass her to use it. Maybe she will win and be strong.

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