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Amber Week 3


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I'm thinking of rewarding myself with a Dove chocolate square every time Amber cries while I am transcribing. Of course, eventually I will be too large to actually move my fingers, but I'll try to type with my nose.....

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SueZ - Sunflower seeds are edible when roasted?

That reminds me of an old song:

"Sunflower seeds roasting on an open fire,

Oldguy nibbling at her toes" . . .

Then there's something about "fig leaf flutters to the ground" . . .

I forget the rest of it.

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Ginger, you're right - my long-term memory is usually better than short-term.

What were we talking about?? Oh yeah - the song.

I'll try to remember the rest of it and get back to you.

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OMG Amber is on a crying fest right now. She keeps saying she doesn't want Dick to see her because he will say she is too emotional.

They are talking some Dick hate right now. Amber is turning into Dick's worst enemy the last few days.

Everyone lets rally around Amber.

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i hate watching this stupid twofaced bitch crying, she's whining to dick that she hates for anyone to feel awkward...but so far today the ones i see being made to feel the most awkard is kail jen mike and zach and i havent seen amber giving a crap about how they feel and she's had plenty of laughs about zach's tiny penis when he streaked so she needs to shut the hell up


....doesnt she?

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In her defense, I'm sure the people in the Diary Room purposely ask her questions that they know will set her off EVERYTIME she's in there. That makes her look like a looney bin.

I don't blame her for all of the other crying in the house when it comes to her getting bullied and stuff. She's an emotional person at heart and gets too involved in everything.

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She is going to cry her way to F3. I think she gets so much sympathy from most of the HG because she cries. Crying is the only game play she has used so far.

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I was reading last nights feed logs and Amber is telling her story to everyone and turning everyone against Dick. She is a powerful person with the symphathy card she is playing. Amber even told Daniele everthing that Dick told her in convidence. Dick asked Amber to not say anything and he trusted Amber. It was 10 minutes later Amber ran to Daniele and makeing the father/daugher relationship even worse.

Just hatin Amber....

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Amber has taken the most disliked HG award in my opinion. What a two-faced, miserable person. She's not playing a game I don't think, this appears to be her real personality. Talk behind everyone's back, cry when people have a problem with you and then go ask God for forgiveness and help.

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Amber has taken the most disliked HG award in my opinion. What a two-faced, miserable person. She's not playing a game I don't think, this appears to be her real personality. Talk behind everyone's back, cry when people have a problem with you and then go ask God for forgiveness and help.

agreed. but the lame cast this year are allowing it. so she right to milk those suckers sympathy :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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if marcellus was there he'll probably give amber his veto . no doubt kaysar would give her his button. :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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Amber has taken the most disliked HG award in my opinion. What a two-faced, miserable person. She's not playing a game I don't think, this appears to be her real personality. Talk behind everyone's back, cry when people have a problem with you and then go ask God for forgiveness and help.

You are so right on Xal!

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