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Jen Week 2 (hoh)


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Yath, I did not try to diagnose her from the t.v. show, nor did my husband. I said he said she showed signs of this sort of disorder.

I've watched Jen a lot on the feeds and I feel she has very sad eyes, and she seems very insecure, and I feel her reaction to her photos shows more insecurity than vanity, and to me she seems troubled. Period. I would have left it at that if you hadn't asked why I felt that way, so I described why, and I gave a link to show a disorder that also describes people who show some of these signs.

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I completely understand, Catnip.

Just voicing a disagreement with your opinion.

I think in general anybody who willingly goes into a house for a few months, confined with strangers, and with cameras on them 24/7....is going to exhibit a lot of extreme behavior, whether they had it before or not (having said that, I'd love to go...i'd be there in a flash!!).

So I just tend not to take the show or the ppl on it too seriously.

It IS a TV show...

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i think if they didnt show any signs of problems before, they will once they get into the house. lmao

::::::thinks about rachel from BB6:::::::::::: look how she started talking to herself in the morning on the treadmill! :animated_rotfl:

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Is that what it is?? And here I thought little people were acting out scenes in my living room.... Thanks for the explanation, Yath. :animated_wave:

You were stating your opinions, yes. And you were telling me to explain and justify my opinions. And you inferred that my husband was diagnosing someone on a television show, which would be unprofessional. And, if I'm not mistaken, you are telling me this is a t.v. show that I am taking too seriously, for some reason, which I assure you I am not. I am enjoying each character for his/her entertainment value, period.

I understand what each of your posts singling me out have said, believe me. I'm just not sure why you've picked me for this honor--or is it something you do with everyone?

And in answer to Yana's previous question in this thread about flaming--Heck yeah, it's a lot worse this year, as I've noticed just about every post I make is questioned here, when I've just stated my opinion, and I'm tired of it.

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Catnip, I've read your posts and its good to see someone trying to understand the underdog.

I have called her narcissistic myself and find her behavior infuriating and childish. But this morning it struck me that she is an actor (re: the conversation with Zach about having her SAG card) and a possibly a protege of Boogie. Is it possible that she is neither damaged nor narcissistic but rather is creating a memorable character, one that will for sure be called back if the franchise lasts long enough for another All Stars?

Just a thought, because if that is the case it would explain a lot of the why behind what she does. This makes it easier for me to accept her purely for the entertainment value.

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Catnip, I am not singling you out, and there's no hidden message in what I'm saying. ("I understand what each of your posts singling me out have said, believe me").

I respond to lots of people, sometimes agree, sometimes not.

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For what it's worth, Catnip, I have maintained that I believe she's not a happy individual at all and agree with much of what you have said.

Mendes, what you say is very possible as well, and is something I had thought about a few times because unless there WAS something wrong in the head, unless she DID have a disorder, I couldn't possibly fathom anyone ever doing some of the things she has done.

So I believe it's one of the two. I don't believe she's simply being superficial.

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I would like to add that being a nanny isn't exactly the highest paying job in the world. I believe there is MUCH more to Jen than she lets on. She obviously likes kids and that's a definite plus. On top of that, I bet she's GOOD with kids. It's entirely possible that she relates better to kids and when she's around adults, especially strangers like in the BB house, she puts on this immense, over the top front so that she doesn't need to let anyone in and relate to them in an adult manner.

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She obviously likes kids and that's a definite plus. On top of that, I bet she's GOOD with kids. It's entirely possible that she relates better to kids

Sure. They're the only ones who's brains aren't as developed as hers. Unless they're the age of 3 & up. Then they have her beat.

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"She obviously likes kids and that's a definite plus." Pedophiles like kids :animated_scratchchin:
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i would like to think this is a big BB scam.. a big trick played on us. if only just to say "ha ha gotcha" putting jen in the house and all... just to cause all this comotion... is she nuts? is she really a nanny? is she really dumb? is she an actress? is she self absorbed? is she...... ?

all i know is that she could drive anyone around her batty. if they werent medicated before, they might need to be after a stay with Jen in the BB house.... :shocking:

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I believe Jen is used to being spoken to in the manner in which Dick speaks to her. C'mon, think about it, her behavior is not new and there are a lot of Dick's in the world. This is why I think she reacts the way that she does. I once knew a person very similar to Jen and she would deal with these situations the exact same way as Jen does. It's all about getting attention. Attention is attention no matter how you look at it. It's really sad when you think about it.

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This is an exact quote from Dr Will about the "ringer"...

Although I can't make a personal guarantee, I am extremely, extremely confident that I will have a RINGER ON BIG BROTHER 8!!!

The wheels are already set in motion. Some will applaud this endeavor, some will boo & hiss, many will complain and I'm sure crappy petitions will be submitted to CBS never to be read by anyone. But at the end of the day, you can't stop ChillTown, you can only hope to contain us. We work like ninjas? More details to follow on this!

Again, welcome to the site! (Just don't make it weird!)

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I also like that about her. I would have been in tears and/or yelling at Dick if he had treated me that way. She's developed a thick skin over the years, or a way of masking her true feelings. Both of which tell me that she may have had a difficult life in the past, in some way.

Yeah, but the majority of us would never have acted or reacted the way she did. I, too, think she must be a very insecure person and I too think she has a perception of herself other than what is reality. I feel sorry for her in that way.

One redeeming quality Jen has is that she doesn't seem to let others sway her as much as I thought she would. Sure, Kail is up there whispering things into her ear about Dick, Daniele and Joe and she's patronizing her. However, Jen wants to stir things up, which always makes things interesting. It does, however, sound a lot like Chilltown influences. The thing that Jen doesn't realize in trying to pull off another Chilltown is that Will and Mike have a lot of personality and a lot of charisma. She doesn't have either of those, IMO.

That's one of the reasons I like Evel Dick - he's an everyday guy and isn't afraid to tell people what he thinks. He's not one of those people that run around behind your back and whisper how awful of a person you are. There's no BS. He may be flawed (who isn't?), but overall, he seems like a good guy.

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one thing i dont do... i dont disturb a sleeping dog... or a sleeping person.. cause they both have a tendency to wake up startled and bite! its true. a person might not bite.. but their bark can be just as hard.

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