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why is everyone hating on kaysar... :huh: honestly, he came up with the most brilliant play in bb6 (getting rid of eric using the power of veto) and then after that it was just voting off whoever wasnt on your side, where was the strategy in that (and still no one was smart enough to vote out maggie). yeah, kaysar did a lot more than screw up when he trusted jenn and gave her hoh <_< but that wasnt the biggest mistake. when the sovreign 6 went after james,instead of maggie who clearly was more of a threat to them, is when it all went down hill. and they went after james after kayusar left the game both times so they werent the sharpest tools in the shed. if they had his (james') vote or brains the friendship wouldve been eliminated and bb6 would have a more well liked winner. i just think that everyone is blaming kaysar for ruining the whole game (for janelle :huh: ) but there were so many other oppurtunites for the rest of the favourites, janelle + howie, to win... and janelle, howie and rachel made some stupid moves aswell like when howie was hoh and did as he was told by the friendship. the fact that he (kaysar) was the 'leader' of the sovereign 6 makes it easier to blame him for all that went wrong but honestly others made mistakes that made it difficult if not impossible for anyone of the sovereign 6 to win... kaysar wasnt that :rolleyes: stupid and deserves a lot more allowances because he made one really stupid mistake and then all the other mistakes were made by other people who ruined their own chances of winning. if it werent for his move to save james in the 3rd week or whatever the game wouldnt have been half as interesting or good for that matter...

im voting for kaysar and other guests (janelle, howie, will, danielle) who played the game, took risks, and stirred things up strategically (not stirred things up by being skanky or laying low)... and people, danielle was the best female player who ever played big brother :D

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why is everyone hating on kaysar... honestly, he came up with the most brilliant play in bb6 (getting rid of eric using the power of veto)

Not so brilliant when it gets you voted out twice. Besides it was not his origional plan. James came up with a way to save himself and get Eric out. Then Kaysar brags to everyone about what a master mind he was. Then when he gets a second chance he brags again to Jen saying his alliance fell apart without him :lol:

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No question about it, Kaysar is once again going back into the BB house. But really, I just don't see Kaysar making it to the final 5 or 6. I think, just like the last two times, that he will be booted in the early stages of the game. Strategies aside, I don't have a problem with him. So I do hope I'm mistaken because it's painful to watch yet another episode of Kaysar's demise.

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Kaysar's Plea!

NDR Kaysar." I was the first Muslim in the big brother house.and the point I was trying to make the first time around was to take down stereotypes and.."

BB6 James."You have to pray 5 times a day right.?"

BB6 Ashlea," I have a problem remembering once."

NDR Kaysar."But the friendship they were treating me as if I was some guy who they thought they could take advantage of."

BB6 Howie."I don't think that's in the Koran anywhere but we'll go with it you know you're a dirty plauer."

NDR Kaysar."At that point it was time to really say enough."

Julie..Congratulations Kaysar you are the new HOH."

NDR Kaysar." And that's when I started to put my plan into action."

BB6 Maggie."You sealed my fate."

BB6 Kaysar."No, I sealed your partners fate."

Julie."Eric you have been evicted from the Big Brother house."

Announcer."Its America's Choice. Which evicted houseguest do you want back in the BB house?"

Julie." Kaysar is back in the game after receiving an overwhelming 82% of the vote."

NDR Kaysar." It was an amazing feeling.I'm back, I'm with my team, game on let's play! It comes down to me and Jennifer in the HOH competition."

BB6 Jennifer." I'm telling you you're safe, you won't be nominated!"

BB6 Kaysar."Swear on your life?"

Bb6 Jennifer."Swear on my life." (She winks at someone?)

NDr Kaysar."It was a gross miscalculation!"

BB6 Jennifer."I nnominate Kaysar!"

Julie."Kaysar, you have been evicted from the big brother house."

NDR Kaysar." In the end I trusted the wrong person. That costed me the game. I wanna go back in the house because I was evicted way too early and it's not gonna happen again. This time I'm here to win!"

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Unprecedented Court Decision in Los Angelos


A seven year old boy was at the center of a Los Angelos Courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over whom should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with the child custody law and regulations requiring that the family unity be maintained to the degree possible.

The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that, while visiting his aunt during the summer holidays, his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him.

After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him.

After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to Team Kaysar, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.

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TwinCity Posted Today, 07:50 PM

yes... but don't forget... he blew it and was pushed right back out... think he lost a LOT of fans when he let go of that button.

Oh I agree about letting Jen get the best of him, I'm still shaking my head in disbelief on that one. It just seems as I visit the various web sites that he has a lot of support, and I would be very surprised if he wasn't on this years show.

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he is a lock to get in but in reality he doesnt deserve to be in. he is one of the worst players in bb history along with marcellus and howie.

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Its seems as if, the people who do not like kaysar, bring up the same old arguments over and over again. Perhaps its this need to rebel. Kinda like goths.

For example, we would say he got voted back into the house by a vote of 82%. They would say he got kicked out. This argument is irrelevant, its not like he WANTED to get kicked out and prove to America that he was a bad choice. He made a mistake and was kicked out.

You guys also use this "but Kaysar got kicked out...." statment for every single argument that would prove you otherwise. Do not vote kaysar he got kicked out. I dont like kaysar cuz he got kicked out. He sucks as a player cuz he got kicked out. Think of something else other then because kaysar got kicked out.

Personally i think Howie made the dumbest move in BB hsitory by listening to the nerd herd and nominating james.

Then there are people who say kaysar is not smart. Perhaps it is you who is loose in the brain. A mistake does not have anything to do a persons intelligence. If that were the case, humanity would still be in the stone age.

Finally, i dont CARE if Kaysar was kicked out twice. What is still bugging the followers of the nerd herd is that Kaysar still remains popular despite there efforts at convincing others to there one sided argument of "...but hhe got kicked out."

So in the end he will be in the house, people learn from there mistakes. He will make far into the game, and there is nothing that you guys can do about it, but argue, "but he was kicked out!"

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OK How's this... I was a Kaysar fan until I found out the popularity has gone to his head and he thinks he is so well like that he DONT need to campaign? That he doesn't need to talk to the people that are going to vote him back in, because they are going to vote for him anyway, so why watse his time? That good enough for you? :)

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I'm back and forth on Kaysar. I agree with both of you, I don't like how the popularity has gone to his head, but I do still think he's a good guy, he's one of my picks of 12 to go in because there's 8 more behind him that I DON'T want in the house, if there were more to chose from, he might not be one of my picks, I don't know, because he's already had one more chance than everyone else.

So I don't know what I think about it.

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Still having trouble getting over it, huh sweetie? Does it keep ya awake at night? Come one, tell, us, ya know that it does....

Seems like you two have something in common. You can't seem to get over Cappy. Does it keep ya awake at night? Come on, tell us, ya know that it does.....

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I agree with Yana. I think he could have at least done a little something. Not get a huge head.

I have not voted him in - not that I disliked him last year but there are others I would rather see in the house than him

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I don't know. because I really haven't heard a lot of the 20 say anything, the few that have I've voted for because I know they WANT to be in the house. I will be more apt to vote for someone who WANTS it, because most of the time, they will try harder. Not all of the time, just most of the time.

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So some are bad for campaining too much and some for not campaining enough? I have him in my space and he HAS tried to rally votes to get in BB7.

Ya can't please all of the people all of the time. :blink:

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Kaysar, being so popular, does not need to campaign as much as some of the less popular contestants. However, he's not taking anything for granted. He has been campaigning for the past 2 months. He has been much more active on his website and also participated in chats on James' and Howie's sites among others. He also made the trip to NYC to be on the Plaza for the Early Show. If that's not campaigning, I don't know what is!.

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I like Kaysar. He's hot, he's some amazing eye candy, he has a sweet sensuous voice, and I'd put him back on my TV any day.

Just not on BB:AS. He doesn't deserve to be there. Yeah, he got kicked out TWICE back-to-back no less. Kaysar isn't an all star BB player, period. And for that matter, neither is Howie. In fact, none of the people from BB6 are except maybe Janelle. With her it's hard to tell if she was just a really good player, playing with extremely crappy players... or if the fact that she was playing with crappy players just made her a good player. Guess we'll find out in BB7. Hope Kaysar doesn't stick around to find out though, I'll be honest.

I already think this season is a waste and will ruin it for me this year, and Kaysar being considered an all star for anything more than being popular in an AC that was multi-voted in, will just ruin it for me even more.

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