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Am I the only one not digging SOV


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Last season I was totally all over these guys - I cheered when Janey won HOH and threw the key at that squish-creamy-whore Jennifer.

This season however, i'm just not digging them at all. The only one out of the whole group i'd want to see win is howie. Having seen all the other seasons of BB, I just find myself wanting the other guys/gals to win. It's almost like the season sixers are the enemy - Does that make sense at all?

I'm totally digging Dr. Will again, and surprisingly liking Jase - I dont have a CLUE how that happened. He's way more mellow and he could be a very big part of this game

I just can put my finger on it, but Im just not liking the S6'rs.. Anyone else feeling the same?


PS: Best line of S7 so far goes to Will with "I've never had a retarted friend before"

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Sorry! I still love my BB6'ers! Except Howie...I'm over his whole act!! I too am liking Jase this year hopefully he keeps up this new found attitude of his...if he does then I think he would end up making it to at LEAST the final 3.

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I still really like Jannie. Jase has grown on me as well, pretty scary IMO. Dr will, I loved and then this year I'm like "god i hate you", until...the DRs. Then i remembered why I liked him. Even though I was saying for the last week, "He's playing a part", it wasn't until HE said "i'm playing a part" that I was like OOOOO, thats why I like you, lol.

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I still love Janie, and like others Jase has really grown on me this season, but I'm wondering who he's really aligning with..

Can't stand Dr.Will, but as I said on another thread, I do find myself intrigued by him because I'm not sure of his strategy.

I think that if Janie weren't there, I might like Ali, but can't stand Ali right now

loved Kaysar last season, but yes, I also find him boring, maybe he has just learned to lay low though as last season his forwardness seemed to get him in trouble.

I'm also over Howie but can still laugh at him once in a while.

as for the others...bleh

Can't stand Nik or Boogie

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Also wanted to add, maybe you are over the 6ers cause of all the hating on them...with noone to hate back KWIM? I mean last year there were REAL party lines and the FS, IMHO, were just mean, lying, bad, rutheless peeps...so there was so much more to love/feel sorry for on the sov6 side. This time around, its a whole new game, from my view, but to those sov6 haters, its not...so there are these needless arguments here and I frankly am tired of fighting and defending. Not over the 6ers, just don't feel a need to rally around them(yet). And its even annoying to me to read the people there ready to defend stuff over and over, let it go, let the post get bumped down, it almost makes me dislike the 6ers a little bit everytime...again, JMO

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I have never cared for Janelle, Howie is too juvenile for my taste and Kaysar is just boring. James is the only one I care about staying in the game out of the season 6'ers. I still love Will and find myself actually liking Marcellas, Nakomis and Jase. I really liked Erika in her season but can't stand her this year for some reason I can't put my finger on.

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I believe some of the BB6's are purposely laying low and not talking or goofing around as much because they already are a target and feel that it may come off as cocky so just want to chill and see who gravitates where, to know what they will do.....Whew.

Translation....they are quiet now but it's mostly because of the above and..............


Anyone would be dull with 10 days of NOTHING TO DO

IMO :)

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Nope, your not alone. I don't dig Janelle at all. Okay, maybe a little teeny tiny bit, but believe me its a small bit. Kaysar is being quiet, I'm not sure why yet. I know he and Janelle had a big secret convo one night under the chess table though.So, I think they are in a tight allaince, but just trying really hard to keep seperated.

James, I am split 50/50 on. Hes a great gamer at times, then very annoying at times.

Howie, well...... hes Howie what else can I say? :rolleyes:

I've always liked Jase, but I am waiting for the real Jase to come out.

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my two cents... I've always believed the feelings towards the HGs are based on how much power they have, and how they act because of it... The S6ers have 'power' this week and aren't viewed as the underdogs... your feelings about them may change if they aren't in with the new HOH and are being being targeted...

Last season, I wasn't crazy about Kaysar's week as HOH... I felt they were arrogant when they stood in the HOH room and made their plans... Kaysar naming off everyone in their alliance and declaring 'final 6'... from that point forward in the season, they were either underdogs(the other side had power as HOH), they were dumb(Howie was HOH and put up James/Sarah), or it was too late in the season and too brief(Janelle's win as HOH was a 2 day abbreviated reign).

I do agree that, based on who I liked/hated from their past season, my feelings about ALL the HGs are changing for All Stars... I'm really looking forward to how this season plays out! Just remember, it's entertainment for us :)

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I agree 100% I didn't like them much last year and this year they just bore me to tears. Will cracks me up i just can't wait to see what he will do. I think it's funny to listen to the s6ers when they talk game they start talking about one thing and they just beat a dead horse by the time they are done i don't think they know what they were talking about. And it all depends on them getting HOH. I think the others will eat them alive.

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Guest jordansmom

Just like alot of ppl i find myself really liking Jase this seasons. It was funny last year with all the hatred i the house. Give it time things might change. However i do wish Janey could play this game without Kaysar and Howie. I like her more when there not around.

PS i really hope Dr will wins Hoh i want to see if he really going to put himself on the block.

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i still love janelle....kaysar doesn't seem that into it this year...but i still like him....howie still cracks me up...and i was always iffy about james. it's strange...i'm really liking jase, too...and i hated him on his season! i don't "like" dr will...but he's really fun/evil to watch...he just spins everyone so brilliantly. i can't stand boogie!

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Didn't like the SOV that much last year, don't care for them this year too much.

Dr Will is my favorite. I just can't wait to see what will come out of his mouth next (including dogging all of us :P:huh::lol: ) Jase is also a fav of mine. Frankly I like all the non-SOV w/Erika being my least fav non-Sov because her boore-ing factor is just too high.

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I wonder if James would put up Howie if he got HoH as revenge for Howie putting up him and Sara last year. They don't really seem to have an alliance of any sort

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i'm still hoping the best for them although howie is a bit more juvenile than i remember. so out of the four if there one to go i guess it should be howie. however im really a big fan of janie,kaysar, and the veto king james. i hope they can pull it off.

and as for being picked on janie is the topic of ali and diane hating on her all the time.pure jealousy!!!!

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I'm conflicted. I hated the sov last season (except for Howie) and now I'm trying hard not to like Janey. She hasn't pulled out the claws yet and she's not acting as fake as she usually does. I think that Ali is stealing most of her limelight. I still don't want Janelle or Kaysar to win though. But yeah, to answer the question, the bb6ers are like the enemy this season, but at the same time, b/c they were the last cast, I'm kinda loyal to them. I don't know....*shakes head and sighs*

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