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EVICTED (Sep. 16) - Frankie Grande (Week 11 - Take 2) - nominated + Team America (Juror #7)


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Overall, I thought Frankie took his eviction in stride. He did not cry and moan and accuse everyone of doing him wrong. He knew that if they got another chance to get him out, he was gone. I hated all that hugging and kissing he did, but the other folks didn't call him out, so it is not something I worried about. Game wise, he was the comp beast and he fully understood the game. I think he sealed his fate when he ran to Nicole and told her to put the other guys up. From that point on, the trust was gone. He was an excellent gamer and despite his annoying hugging and flamboyancy, I think he deserve a chance to come back for the next all-star season.  

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Guest 6Borders

So much for the claims of rigging that we heard non-stop.  I actually feel bad for how terribly he got screwed over by the Rewind and he went out with more class than I expected.  He was a great player.  Bye Frankie!!

Production can only manipulate so far but make no mistake the do it when they can (and it's been obvious over the years)!


He definitely got screwed by the rewind.  The only point I can see for that was to save Twittoria!  I do not like Frankie but he played a good game and the rewind was a slap in the face at all the things he had won, so instead of a good player battling it out in F4 that little potted plant Victoria will probably be in F2.

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Did Frankie say that he tried to save Donny but Derrick wanted Donny out?  Was that true or is Frankie blowing smoke again to sabotage Derrick?


Smoke and mirrors to sabotage AFP voting.  IMHO he wanted Donny out worse and before Derrick did!!  

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Frankie might have been spared the audience boos on eviction night, but if he does many interviews - surely someone will ask him to account for some of his inappropriate behavior in the house. He played the game well enough without all that over-the-top Frankieness.

I can't help but think that the main reason that he turned on Zack was because Zack rejected him & his sexual advances. Frankie's ego couldn't take it, so Zack had to go.

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Guest 6Borders

Julie was practically giddy.  I thought she was going to drool all over him for a minute there.  Uuuugh.

She acted like a virgin on prom night!  Most pathetic exit interview I have ever seen Julie do in 15+ seasons of BB (and she took a selfie to boot..I guess the Grande's do outclass the Moonves/Chen's).  Someone is anticipating "Grande bucks" over this one..or else someone owes someone a favor! 


We can ill afford the water here in California but please go dump another bucket of ice water on Les and Julie and 10 buckets over Frankie and his somewhat famous sis while we are at it!

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Did Frankie say that he tried to save Donny but Derrick wanted Donny out?  Was that true or is Frankie blowing smoke again to sabotage Derrick?

First Frankie and Derrick wanted Donny out, then Frankie changed his mind. Derrick continued to want him out, all the while telling Donny that he wanted him to stay but it was Frankie that wouldn't budge.  Finally just when they were about to vote, Frankie and Caleb made a last ditch effort to save Donny. They only needed Derrick's vote.  Julie told us all this happened during the commercial.  When voting started, apparently Derrick refused to save him and Donny was voted out.  

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Production can only manipulate so far but make no mistake the do it when they can (and it's been obvious over the years)!


He definitely got screwed by the rewind.  The only point I can see for that was to save Twittoria!  I do not like Frankie but he played a good game and the rewind was a slap in the face at all the things he had won, so instead of a good player battling it out in F4 that little potted plant Victoria will probably be in F2.

I can't see any reason why they would want to save Victoria, but yeah, it is a shame that instead of having 4 gamers at the end (more or less LOL), we have that twit taking up space.


This probably isn't the last we will see of dear Frankie.  :devilish:

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We got a true look at this guy's character (or lack of) tonight.


From Morty's live show recap:    "I'm the best player, I know," says Frankie. Frankie says by doing this to him, they have created the most powerful person in this game. When he steps out the door, they are connecting him with his millions of followers and they are reconnecting him with the jury. And he is the most convincing speaker in the house. They are looking at the person who will single handedly pick the winner of the game."

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I could understand Frankie making a play to try stay by saying he would be the most powerful person in the game. But what was he going to do? The odds were that he was going to have to vote for someone who was standing the room with him. Did he really think anybody would think that he could convince the jury to vote for Vic? I thought Frankie was smart enough to come up with a smarter argument than that. In the end, he looked like a real dumbass douchbag. 


I guess his million followers is going to destroy any career that any of the HG might have. There's still about 330 million more that don't care what Frankie Grande has to say.

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Guest 6Borders

Pathetic, truely pathetic!  When the jury came in for the luxury comp Fakie was so down on them, calling them such bitter people, and now this little pink back end of a donkey calls himself the most powerful person in BB16 and he, and he alone, will decide who wins BB16...unbelieveable, even for a Grodner pampered little diva


Big Brother has really and truely sunk to an all time new LOW this season casting Fakie and his diva sister, and if Grodner gives Fakie AFP there will just be no lower it can go!

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In case there was ever any doubt that Fakie has gotten preferential treatment from CBS, on their website there are two entries- "A Walk Down Frankie Lane" which is his blog from day one until his eviction, and "Revelations from Frankie's post eviction chat- check out what Frankie said about his time in the Big Brother house."


In the voting for America's favorite, probably none of the votes are going to count except the ones for Fakie.


Ugh, make me feel like puking.

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Guest 6Borders



In the voting for America's favorite, probably none of the votes are going to count except the ones for Fakie.



Yep...it's a Grodner- (via Airhead Sister) -Given!!!!

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Frankie and his toddler shorts are out of the house and I don't care who Grodner gives AFP to anymore so I'm happy that BB house is Fakie free.


Ya those shorts were hideous he wore for eviction

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Ya those shorts were hideous he wore for eviction


He was just wearing them to audition for his role as the new fitness guru since Richard Simmons is too old now. He seems like the perfect guy for the job. Richard is probably a much nicer guy but the young people today seem to like the arrogant, empty people like the Jersey Shore cast, Kardashians and the Biebers. 

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I could understand Frankie making a play to try stay by saying he would be the most powerful person in the game. But what was he going to do? The odds were that he was going to have to vote for someone who was standing the room with him. Did he really think anybody would think that he could convince the jury to vote for Vic? I thought Frankie was smart enough to come up with a smarter argument than that. In the end, he looked like a real dumbass douchbag. 


I guess his million followers is going to destroy any career that any of the HG might have. There's still about 330 million more that don't care what Frankie Grande has to say.

I can totally understand a last minute play - actually I expect it and the lack of people trying to do so this season makes me have very little respect for them as players - but WOW was that ever bad,  You should try to stroke the egos of other players, not insult them!  And he sounded so arrogant and ridiculous.


He sealed his fate with that big time.  Dummy. 

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