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EVICTED (Sep. 16) - Frankie Grande (Week 11 - Take 2) - nominated + Team America (Juror #7)


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So do any of you think Frankie threw the HOH comp last night? I can see why he would - all last week he was complaining about how he couldn't play in the next (very important HOH). Well now he can. 


On the other hand, he knows Caleb thought about back-dooring him last time he was HOH, so he knew last's night's rewind HOH comp was important for him to win.


I'm not sure what I think. I didn't see the end of the competition, but from what I did see, he seemed to be trying to win. 

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So do any of you think Frankie threw the HOH comp last night? I can see why he would - all last week he was complaining about how he couldn't play in the next (very important HOH). Well now he can. 


On the other hand, he knows Caleb thought about back-dooring him last time he was HOH, so he knew last's night's rewind HOH comp was important for him to win.


I'm not sure what I think. I didn't see the end of the competition, but from what I did see, he seemed to be trying to win. 

Don't believe freakie's ego would let him throw a comp at this late point in the game.. He's needs to feel in control andhave all the 'power' which is what he voiced several times last week..

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So do any of you think Frankie threw the HOH comp last night? I can see why he would - all last week he was complaining about how he couldn't play in the next (very important HOH). Well now he can. 


On the other hand, he knows Caleb thought about back-dooring him last time he was HOH, so he knew last's night's rewind HOH comp was important for him to win.


I'm not sure what I think. I didn't see the end of the competition, but from what I did see, he seemed to be trying to win. 

No, I think he's too worried about getting nominated or back doored. It didn't look like he threw it, but who knows because he is smart enough to not make anyone suspicious of him.

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Frankie has tried to be funny all season and failed miserably. Caleb is the funny one.

Maybe drama will be his forte. No way will people feel sorry for Frankie when he walks out the door.

Caleb is funny but there is a scary meanness in his personality. He has to be the best and belittle everyone to be it. Just like he took credit for Amber's game and downplays the competitions people win so that they do not feel good. I would not trust him in my life ever. He is a mental abuser.

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Guest 6Borders

I just hope Grodner is ready to kick Fakie to the curb and won't set up a veto comp for him to win (more likely Grodner will try to rig POV for Twitoria).


Frankie is one of those nasty little HG's (probably in real life too) who is fine when he's on stage and getting his way.  If he's still on the block after POV I think we will be seeing a really pissy and mean Frankie!

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